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Organic bud booster???



Hey guys trying to go completly organic this grow and was wondering what u guys are using for swelling up ur ladies during bloom....Don't have the space for brewing any teas...looking for something thats premade and I can use withought effecting the micro herd in my soil....

Currently using Earth Juice bloom, Earth Juice Catalyst and some molasses in promix...

Any help would be greatly appreciated guys....Thanx.... :rasta:


Bump Cmon fellas......27 views....lets hear ur responses lol
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No damn given.
ICMag Donor
The great thing about organics is the fact that you can feed your plants all the way up to harvest. Buds put on a lot of weight the last two weeks of flowering. The genetics of the plant will determine their traits.


Thanks Grumpy......lol.....my first time going organics and was wondering if there was anything xtra I could give them to swell them up I know genetics plays a big role just thought I could give them a natural boost......tons of synthetic stuff out there but nothing really for organic....Would u suggest I keep them with current regimen for the whole bloom period...? Thanks again mang...
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**AWD** Aficianado
2 words: compost tea

Organics usually involve a rich soil mix with most of the nutes already present`around the rootzne.
The microbes in the soil are what make these elements available to the plant.
Using a microbe rich tea will boost their numbers thus increase soil health thereby increasing plant health and size.

I use organic teas for the last 3rd of flowering, I can SEE the difference the next day.
Using teas while making more of the existing nutrients available also allows you to cut down on nutes and get the plant ready to finish.


Suby said:
2 words: compost tea

Organics usually involve a rich soil mix with most of the nutes already present`around the rootzne.
The microbes in the soil are what make these elements available to the plant.
Using a microbe rich tea will boost their numbers thus increase soil health thereby increasing plant health and size.

I use organic teas for the last 3rd of flowering, I can SEE the difference the next day.
Using teas while making more of the existing nutrients available also allows you to cut down on nutes and get the plant ready to finish.

Thanks Suby I know and have seen u contribute very much in the organics section to help other peeps make there transformation to organics from synthetic....Compost teas sounds great but unfortunately I dont have the time or space to brew up my own teas wish I could.....sucks... :badday:


Non Conformist
Hi Uber, good ta see ya!

Hi Uber, good ta see ya!

There are products like Top Max and B'cuzz bloom boosters. There mostly made of seaweed and some fulvic an humic acids. I dunno tho, fer 20$ a bottle I don't think they're worth it. I've used both before and I think I do just as good when I feed alil more heavy all along with the bloom nutes.... Besides, the mollasses will help ya boost carbs, and that will help blow em up. Gettin a strain dailed ta know how far you -can- push the nutes is half the battle. That's one thing I like about useing bottled organic nutes, if ya over do it, you can flush it back out easily. Jus like chem nutes. SO!... Pump up the volume!, pump up the volume!, pump up the volume!....grow,grow,grow!!! LOL!... My new meds are kickin in, I feel good for a change! lol Anyhoo, good luck and take care... BC


B.C. said:
There are products like Top Max and B'cuzz bloom boosters. There mostly made of seaweed and some fulvic an humic acids. I dunno tho, fer 20$ a bottle I don't think they're worth it. I've used both before and I think I do just as good when I feed alil more heavy all along with the bloom nutes.... Besides, the mollasses will help ya boost carbs, and that will help blow em up. Gettin a strain dailed ta know how far you -can- push the nutes is half the battle. That's one thing I like about useing bottled organic nutes, if ya over do it, you can flush it back out easily. Jus like chem nutes. SO!... Pump up the volume!, pump up the volume!, pump up the volume!....grow,grow,grow!!! LOL!... My new meds are kickin in, I feel good for a change! lol Anyhoo, good luck and take care... BC

Thanks bro is great to see u 2 man...lol..pump it up it shall be..besides topmax is like 35 bucks by me.too pricey...thanks to all for helping a brother out peace and jahbless
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Teas made with compost and a tad bit of dry guano are the best way to go for bud swelling action - the liquid Budswel is too concentrated and I've noticed leaves an unpleasant taste in the burned product - with the dry stuff that's aerated, you get a more mild result that simply augments the soil and the microlife in the end of budding stage - don't forget the molasses though...


**AWD** Aficianado
If you have room to grow you have room to brew a tea :cool:.
Take a 2L soda bottle and fill it 2/3 full with water, adjust your ingredient to 1/2 gallon and drop an airstone in there.
A tsp of flowering guano will also help, you can just topdress the soil though.
Cheap too, well alot less than 35$.
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Suby said:
If you have room to grow you have room to brew a tea :cool:.
Take a 2L soda bottle and fill it 2/3 full with water, adjust your ingredient to 1/2 gallon and drop an airstone in there.
A tsp of flowering guano will also help, you can just topdress the soil though.
Cheap too, well alot less than 35$.

Not making this easy are u suby.lol....well air pump I have dual outlet along with 4in airstones but I haven't seen any guanos with high k values just high p values...which bat poop has high k ??? jamaican,mexican or indonesian..


**AWD** Aficianado
I am a persistent bastard to say the least :)

Do this fill a 2L bottled with water 2/3 full

add 1tsp of molasses or REAL maple syrup, add 2TBS of earth worm casting or compost, add 2tsp of liquid kelp.

that's pretty much it, you can add liquid karma or an humic/fulvic acid to this in small amounts.

Aerate the mix for 48 hours at room temperature!

Your brewing now baby!

Cheap and effective, you add other thing to your tea to perfect it but these are the essentials IMO.


u the man suby...k+..keeping this for reference..oh mofo yeah...lol.


Was wondering when anyone would mention guano.

Only found some myself recently - 1 month into flower.

I gave the dames some:
at first it was asif the got a slight lime hue to them, then the pistins,and now, 3 days later I can see frost and definite swelling going on.

The ones not needing water, has not had any guano yet, and they are still looking a bit stringy (mostly sativas).


**AWD** Aficianado
What you feed your plants most definately affects flowering traits, once you shit your feeding towards a flowering mix you'll notice the plants taking their cue from it.
That's why I like making a flowering soil mix with less N and more P in it.


hey suby question how long after bubbling the tea is it effective for? is there a shelf life on the homemade teas? thanks


**AWD** Aficianado
It should be used immediately, keep bubbling it for a few days and it will be fine but if it's not bubbled it will turn anaerobic which i no good.
Make just what you need IMO.


After a while(varies) the tea smells right, its usually right when it starts foaming.

You will get a feel for the smell.

As soon as the smell changes, I toss it, or well I pour it out.

I have had it last 2 days all the way up to a week or more if its cool enough, the thing about tea is, the warmer it is the faster it is ready but the faster it ruins too.
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