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Oregon - OMMP


Is anyone here up in Oregon? I'm currently in the process of getting my paperwork together for my OMMP application.

Has anyone gone through this process before?

How long does it take to get "legal" after mailing in everything? Is the mail that you receive from the govt discreet? Ex. Do your OMMP-related papers show up in a huge conspicuous box with cannabis/marijuana/some govt agency name printed in bold and all-caps on it? Is there any other type of intrusion like this that might happen to you that you wouldn't know about without having applied? I'd prefer to keep things as discreet as possible, because my mailbox contents often get mixed up with my neighbor's (same mail box unit), and I don't think I like the implications of them knowing that I'm in such a program...

Thanks for any help


ICMag Donor
Hopefully more folks will chime in, here’s a start.:woohoo:

My Father (age 75) ‘went legal’ about two or three years ago in Oregon. His problem was with getting a Doctor’s recommendation; Doctor kept making him come back, $200 then two more visits at $100.

Sending the paperwork through, seemed to go smooth & discrete. He now grows for six State registered grow cards. Each one took forms being mailed each way. His only complaint is that if a ‘Card Owner’ dosen't renew or pulls their card, you only have a couple of weeks to replace with new card or pull your extra!:noway:

My understanding is numbers are the ‘Key’ in Oregon; you can do your out door, then move indoor, just keep your numbers per card correct.:1help:


you're legal as soon as you file your paperwork and pay the fee. It comes in an envelope from the state but nothing obvious about mmj on the outside of the envelope.

Bob Jones

Like robbiedublu said, if you have a signed doc's recommendation and you send that along with the state form and your money you're protected as soon as you mail it. Keep copies, not bad to send it certified just in case, then you have proof of mailing.

They're really running slow, my renewal was sent in April and just got it back in August, but was still covered in the interim.

Quite a few local docs are friendly to signing if you have a good relationship with them but they don't want people coming to them just for recommendations. If you have an established doctor-client relationship and that's just part of it many will sign for you. My family doc recommended that I get a card, but he made me promise not to tell people because he didn't want a line of folks just looking for cards. There are clinics around the state where you can go with your med records and money and you'll almost certainly get a recommendation so long as you meet the criteria, which are pretty vague.

The stuff from the state is in an 8 x 11 white envelope that just says DHS on the outside, they're really pretty fanatical about protecting your privacy.s


thanks guys I feel a lot better about going through with this now. I will probably stop by the THCF office one of these days - I think they have docs on site that will get you going if you have all of the necessary documents with you


I was extremely happy to receive my medical records today via fax. I looked through everything and it is without a doubt everything I would need to qualify for the OMMP. But after looking through the THCF website, I found out that they do not accept records more than three years old. I checked the dates in my records and they are FOUR years old! Needless to say, I'm feeling very, very disheartened right now. I have seen a few chiropractors more recently and I did get an Xray done recently but those reports are probably not as extensive as the 4 year old reports. Hopefully they will do.


Please, I need help!

Please, I need help!

So I pretty much just got rejected from the OMMP ...

I was told that my 4 year old records wouldn't fly, even if I did have current records that referenced them, and that I needed to be under CURRENT supervision by a qualified medical professional!

The THCF website says:

Our physicians require that each patient have current medical records that document the existence of one of the conditions for which medical marijuana is authorized under their state law. You must either obtain your medical records yourself (which may involve a fee) and bring them in to us, or you may authorize that your medical records be faxed or mailed to one of our offices. Please BE SURE to clarify with the doctor's office that you only need 2-3 visits of chart notes pertaining to your qualifying condition, NOT your entire medical record. Have them include any relevant x-ray or MRI reports (not actual film), and also YOUR name and phone number.
Well I have current medical records that technically document the existence of a qualifying condition. The only thing is, it's chart notes from an Xray they took a few months ago when I had just recovered from a stunt where my back flared up and I couldn't move for days without pain, so its not much but it does say "fractured disc" in there.

My 4 year old records, which the guy I talked to said were completely irrelevant, document my back condition in great detail. In those records, an MD writes that "Patient will be independent with home exercise program".

This is what I have been following all along! The guy I talked to on the phone told me that I need to be currently under a doctors supervision??? Is that true?

Was I lied to?

I was afraid this would happen because my recent records are just so unimpressive

Can somebody help me? Is there anything I can do? Do I have to go to a doctor for chronic pain treatment? I really don't want to do that because I'm afraid the doctor will just prescribe me pain medicine that i don't want to take, and charge me out the ass for it! Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the OMMP? Since I have an MD on record telling me that I should be doing home therapy, does that count for anything?

I really do have constant lower back pain. I really have been treating myself for the last 4 years. I've improved to the point where I appear healthy but still, I always have to be super careful and delicate with any physical activity I do, otherwise my back can get really bad and I end up in bed for days. There must be some way I can get in to the OMMP.


I Would visit a doctor. Some doctors will sign a card for you. Then you don't to mess with THCF. I know some one with arthritis and after she told the doc that pot helps , the doc said "I will sign for you to get a medical card if you want one"


Just go to a doc a couple of times over a 3-4 month period and tell him about your back pain and that you toke to help the pain. Just have him document what you're saying in your med record. It doesn't matter if he agrees with use of mj for pain or not, just have him document your complaints. After a couple of visits you're set. I would not recommend a pain clinic, because they're basically fascists when it comes to mmj and pain meds.


Well some of these suggestions are spot on, however......don't give up, get a hold of me PM and I'll set you up with 2 different other sites, one which I currently work at and am an officer of the South Oregon Chapter...

Lets see if we can't get you squared away!! ;)


That sounds great sportster, thank you for your help. I can't PM you until I have been registered for 1 week and have 50 posts total though, so I will just wait a few days and up my number of posts, and then contact you on the 25th.

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