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Oregon MMJ program takes a step backwards

As someone posted above Oregon is an At Will Employment State, which means If I am a manager or owner of a company, I can fire you JUST TO FIRE YOU!! because it is my company! see how that works! if you started a business and hired someone who turned out to be a burnout junkie would you now want some legal protection to protect your business's livelihood, profitability, and good name?

If you answer no you would not, then go find the biggest junkie heroin addict you can find and give him your debit card, that is essentially the same thing as having him employed under you.

And no person should be allowed to be inebriated on the job Pharmaceuticals or Marijuana, alcohol or crack it does not matter they are ALL THE SAME IN THE WORKPLACE. If you had for instance a bunch of stoners working in construction, then construction accidents and deaths WOULD increase, and what if those doctors in the ER were stoned too? the care the injured workers receive WOULD be sub-par, I am not saying that everything would be blanketed with negatives, I am saying there are no positives to getting baked at work, I love weed, but to say I need it "medically" is a joke, and 90% of you are a joke as well, you have NO UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITION that could not be taken care of or just dealt with a little old fashioned "fuck it" which means you get headaches all the time? fuck it get over it, tough shit people in africa die of thirst and starvation.


First off I don't think I would be one to comment on degrading of service because of cannabis use and if you would, then I genuinely feel like you shouldn't be considering using or growing it. It's not about someone using it on the job and using a worst case scenario as an excuse to justify what these people are doing doesn't wash.


I'm not going to say I agree with this, but I mean...

1. Businesses don't want to fire people; it's not a financially smart thing to have to hire someone new
2. Businesses still need to watch out for the feds. They're pretty much pressured to do this.
3. The government can't tell businesses why they can or cannot fire someone as long as it's not breach of contract or anything (in this context; I know I'm oversimplifying). If people sign contracts saying they won't take drugs and they do, they can be fired.

The problem is that marijuana is a sched 1 drug. All of the victories at the state level are minute compared to the effects of rescheduling marijuana. Once this happens, all the dominoes will fall in place.


Here's some big news for some of you - the world is not fair.

This is supporting the employers around the state. Think about those employers who deal with the federal government - you can't take money from the feds and blow off federal law. Small business is a different story - they'll use this as a ploy to avoid unemployment. If the federal law was gone then this would be open to reversal.

I know this puts some folks between a rock and a hard place, but what else could the state courts do?


New member
First I wanna say this ruling is bullshit and discriminatory.
Second, if your employer is going to fire you for smoking pot, you don't belong working for the ignorant bastards in the first place. Find a job that fits you perfectly, or you will be unhappy.

Some of the commenters on the original article had a simple solution: Get a prescription for Marinol and never fill it. If you test positive for THC, show them your prescription for an FDA-approved drug. Tests can't distinguish between synthetic and natural THC. If the feds want to play games having one form of a drug classified as a schedule 3 substance, but that very same drug in another form a schedule 1 substance, let them sort it out. Sounds like this is a non-issue.

^^This actually isn't fool proof, as there are measures out there that can distinguish between synthetic and real THC.

This is taken from California NORML's website, http://www.canorml.org/healthfacts/testing.tips.html

"One possible excuse for a positive marijuana test that sometimes works is a prescription for Marinol®, the FDA-approved synthetic marijuana pill that is currently available as a schedule 3 prescription drug. Marinol used to be indistinguishable from marijuana on both immunoassay and GCMS tests, creating a valid medical excuse for a false THC positive. However, some labs have begun to adopt a new technology that can distinguish Marinol from marijuana. Obnoxious as it may be for employers to fault employees for using marijuana instead of Marinol, use of Marinol can no longer be recommended as a technique for evading unfair drug tests."
As someone posted above Oregon is an At Will Employment State, which means If I am a manager or owner of a company, I can fire you JUST TO FIRE YOU!! because it is my company! see how that works! if you started a business and hired someone who turned out to be a burnout junkie would you now want some legal protection to protect your business's livelihood, profitability, and good name?

If you answer no you would not, then go find the biggest junkie heroin addict you can find and give him your debit card, that is essentially the same thing as having him employed under you.

And no person should be allowed to be inebriated on the job Pharmaceuticals or Marijuana, alcohol or crack it does not matter they are ALL THE SAME IN THE WORKPLACE. If you had for instance a bunch of stoners working in construction, then construction accidents and deaths WOULD increase, and what if those doctors in the ER were stoned too? the care the injured workers receive WOULD be sub-par, I am not saying that everything would be blanketed with negatives, I am saying there are no positives to getting baked at work, I love weed, but to say I need it "medically" is a joke, and 90% of you are a joke as well, you have NO UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITION that could not be taken care of or just dealt with a little old fashioned "fuck it" which means you get headaches all the time? fuck it get over it, tough shit people in africa die of thirst and starvation.


And we have the ignorant post of the day, congrats.:wave::jump:
welcome to CA 15 years ago.

It's been a constant cycle of 2 steps forward 1 step back and sometimes 2-3 steps back.

But going to the pot expo in SF yesterday made me see how far we really have come.


I know this puts some folks between a rock and a hard place, but what else could the state courts do?

Well for one they could honor the law of the land, the constitution, and uphold the state law as per the 10th amendment.
As for employers they do have the right to restrict behavior WHILE AT WORK but they do not own all of your time they just rent pieces so by attempting to regulate personal behavior outside the workplace they are infringing on ones civil rights. So yeah, until an employer is willing to buy up ALL my time they can only dictate my behavior during the time they have paid for. And finally until they have the same attitude about prescription meds in the workplace the hypocrisy of "employers" IMO negates any validity to the "danger in the workplace" arguement.
As I have said before having a card in Oregon is not any real protection, is no guarantee that the LEO you face will honor it and will put a poison dart on your permanent record for employment as there are companies which post the info of applicants who fail urinalysis to the web.
Really though that is the least of the things happening here. wait until someone has the balls to do a cancer survey in logging country....


Active member
I think getting stoned at work can effect a person. I don't get stoned at work and I remember a time when I decided to get stoned at lunch one day and I sucked for the rest of the day. The problem with mj is it stays in a persons system for so long that there is no way of telling from a positive test rather they were actually stoned at work or not.


Active member
As much as I hate it, I'm going to have to agree with GreenThumb. 99% of all so called medical users are healthy people who just want to get high. This whole medical thing is a joke. We should push for legalization, period. Lets see what Cali does in November. If voters approve and 50 million people start using openly let them try to stop it.


As much as I hate it, I'm going to have to agree with GreenThumb. 99% of all so called medical users are healthy people who just want to get high. This whole medical thing is a joke. We should push for legalization, period. Lets see what Cali does in November. If voters approve and 50 million people start using openly let them try to stop it.

More like 99% of the people YOU know perhaps. I do not know any and have only come across that type of thing rarely.
As for medical being a joke...I would love for you to spend a day in this carcass and say that again.Yeah legalize it but do not think that medical use is all a sham, it is a lifeline for some


What he said. plus "If you had for instance a bunch of stoners working in construction, then construction accidents and deaths WOULD increase, and what if those doctors in the ER were stoned too?"

Well I used to have a landlord who sold coke. No less than an oz at a time. His biggest customers were construction foreman. As for the ER doctors, I'd prefer them to the tweeker night nurse that I used to work under when I was a CNA. If some one is too impaired to be at work, a reasonably intellegent person should be able to tell. There are lots of things which can fuck with a person's work performance besides mind altering substances. Why don't we start giving people galvonic response tests to see if they might be too preoccupied with debt or domestic issues to think 100% clearly. Besides at every job I've ever had I have been a top employee. I'm also usually one of the only people at work who is in a genuinely good mood in the morning.