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Oregon Legalization Bill

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Maybe the rest of us (not on the west coast) won't need to look to California for leadership in the anti-prohibition movement after all. While the movement in CA is caught up with in-fighting about whether or not Prop 19 is the perfect, be-all, end-all piece of legislation (i.e., will make everyone happy), the folks in Oregon might just show the rest of the country how it's done. I'm actually starting to think that CA will NOT be the first state to abolish prohibition. GO OREGON!!!!

Oregon Representative to Introduce Marijuana Legalization Bill

Supporters of marijuana legalization in Oregon failed to get the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act(OCTA) on the ballot this year, but now another path appears to be opening. State Rep. Peter Buckley (D-Ashland) has announced he will introduce a legalization bill. He said he expected a hearing in February.

Buckley told the Portland Medical Marijuana Examinerhe was using OCTA as a starting point because it was "a good proposal." He said that with budget concerns and "the desire to make progress on this," the OCTA proposal was something for the legislature to consider.

OCTA would set up an Oregon Cannabis Commission to regulate the cultivation and sale of marijuana—but not hemp, which would be legal and unregulated. The commission would license commercial growers and processors, which would sell their product to the commission, which in turn would retail it in commission stores. Cultivation and possession for non-commercial use by adults would not be regulated.

Whether Rep. Buckley actually introduces the bill remains to be seen, and its fate in the legislature is murky. But OCTA activists aren't just sitting around waiting for the politicians to set matters right; they are already gearing up for an effort to put OCTA on the ballot in 2012.

It looks like, one way or another, Oregon is vying to be one of the first states to cross the finish line in the decades-long marathon to end pot prohibition.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
this does seem better than the cali bill so far, but I want to read the whole thing when it is done. Oregon could sure as hell use the jobs.


Oregon will have a hard enough time getting medical marijuana dispensaries let alone out right legalization. This sounds promising on the surface but it is more of a placation of the movement. In the end if the bill gets to the state senate it will likely limp along and die.


Good one Buckley! Its nice to have hope, but I think it is going to take the people to push it , because most the politicians are either bought or gutless.
Rep. Buckley is just trying to make sure he gets his spot on the OCTA. Period. Doesnt change the fact this bill stinks.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Maybe the rest of us (not on the west coast) won't need to look to California for leadership in the anti-prohibition movement after all. While the movement in CA is caught up with in-fighting about whether or not Prop 19 is the perfect, be-all, end-all piece of legislation (i.e., will make everyone happy), the folks in Oregon might just show the rest of the country how it's done. I'm actually starting to think that CA will NOT be the first state to abolish prohibition. GO OREGON!!!!

Oregon Representative to Introduce Marijuana Legalization Bill

Supporters of marijuana legalization in Oregon failed to get the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act(OCTA) on the ballot this year, but now another path appears to be opening. State Rep. Peter Buckley (D-Ashland) has announced he will introduce a legalization bill. He said he expected a hearing in February.

Buckley told the Portland Medical Marijuana Examinerhe was using OCTA as a starting point because it was "a good proposal." He said that with budget concerns and "the desire to make progress on this," the OCTA proposal was something for the legislature to consider.

OCTA would set up an Oregon Cannabis Commission to regulate the cultivation and sale of marijuana—but not hemp, which would be legal and unregulated. The commission would license commercial growers and processors, which would sell their product to the commission, which in turn would retail it in commission stores. Cultivation and possession for non-commercial use by adults would not be regulated.

Whether Rep. Buckley actually introduces the bill remains to be seen, and its fate in the legislature is murky. But OCTA activists aren't just sitting around waiting for the politicians to set matters right; they are already gearing up for an effort to put OCTA on the ballot in 2012.

It looks like, one way or another, Oregon is vying to be one of the first states to cross the finish line in the decades-long marathon to end pot prohibition.


Thats a pretty hazy description, but if true, I love it.

So basically producers sell to the government and the government distributes? But the average person can grow/smoke whatever they want, no restrictions? If I have that correct... god I wish Prop 19 was like that.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Thats a pretty hazy description, but if true, I love it.

So basically producers sell to the government and the government distributes? But the average person can grow/smoke whatever they want, no restrictions? If I have that correct... god I wish Prop 19 was like that.

so the commision chooses who can grow and they can only sell it to the commission which then can charge whatever they like for it??? and people said 19 was too government interference.... at least 19 leaves it to the people to cultivate and sell to whomever they like. ill take 19 over a government controlled distribution center ANY day....


I don't see how any man can tell another man he can't grow a plant that God created . I don't care if you can make heroin out of the plant. Some of the ornamental plants in my yard will kill you if smoked or eaten. That being said I will accept any bill that gets closer to total legalization . What if we would have rejected OMMP because it wasn't perfect?
so the commision chooses who can grow and they can only sell it to the commission which then can charge whatever they like for it??? and people said 19 was too government interference.... at least 19 leaves it to the people to cultivate and sell to whomever they like. ill take 19 over a government controlled distribution center ANY day....

I dont recall what the other Oregon initiative was but it was a far cry better than OCTA.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
so the commision chooses who can grow and they can only sell it to the commission which then can charge whatever they like for it??? and people said 19 was too government interference.... at least 19 leaves it to the people to cultivate and sell to whomever they like. ill take 19 over a government controlled distribution center ANY day....

What are you smoking? Bammer mexican weed?

Prop 19 does not leave it to the people to cultivate and sell. The government still chooses who gets to cultivate and sell. Prop 19 restricts you more.

But I'm really not up for debate on something that we know nothing about. This law hasn't even been drafted yet, it is a very hazy description.
very hazy description? No disrespect man but did you read it through a cloud of smoke? OCTA spells it out fairly well. I dont see the Oregon legislative clowns making it any better.

I dont know the in's and out of prop 19. But I dont see Richard Lee backing a bill that lets the State of California set the price of the crop to the farmer. They may be taxing it, controlling who grows, and sells. But I am not hearing anything about price fixing.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I'll say the same thing I say about Prop 19: Who cares?!?!?!? LEGAL IS LEGAL. Stop arresting people first. Worry about the details later. If I had the opportunity, I'd vote for a bill that required it to be grown only by little old Ukrainian ladies in their grandchildren's gardens next to the squash. Once it's legal and people stop getting arrested for it, the rest will work itself out. Ever hear that saying, "choose your battles wisely."


Freedom Fighter
I'll say the same thing I say about Prop 19: Who cares?!?!?!? LEGAL IS LEGAL. Stop arresting people first. Worry about the details later. If I had the opportunity, I'd vote for a bill that required it to be grown only by little old Ukrainian ladies in their grandchildren's gardens next to the squash. Once it's legal and people stop getting arrested for it, the rest will work itself out. Ever hear that saying, "choose your battles wisely."

Yes...let's get SOMETHING on the books!!
Go Oregon!! My brother lives there...he will love this!!