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Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2010


Active member
T[FONT=verdana,arial]he [/FONT][FONT=verdana,arial]Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp (CRRH)[/FONT], is promoting a new Oregon initiative to regulate and tax cannabis for medical, recreational and industrial uses including the growing of hemp for paper, fabric, protein and oil.

This act will do the following:

  • Protect children! This is the real “Protect Our Children” initiative. The Cannabis Tax Act (CTA) will take the lucrative marijuana market out of the blackmarket where children and substance abusers often control it today, and place it in adult only stores, where the age limit of 21 and older is strictly enforced.
  • Help farmers! We will license farmers to cultivate cannabis for both medicinal and adult private use. Farmers will be able to grow industrial hemp without a license, for paper, fabric, protein and oil.
  • Allow doctors to prescribe untaxed cannabis through pharmacies, so patients won’t have to grow their own or buy medicine illegally.
  • Raise millions of dollars in new public revenue, lowering the tax burden on all and saving you money. Take the profit out of crime.
  • Restore industrial hemp, the most productive agricultural source of fiber protein and oil. Hemp seed oil is diesel fuel. The first cordage, cloth and paper were invented from hemp fiber.
  • Wipe out the black-market. The CTA allows police and the courts to concentrate on real criminals that hurt others, not arrest, prosecute and jail harmless, productive adult cannabis users. Stop our government from tearing families apart. Let’s show real family values and end cannabis prohibition.
More info: http://www.cannabistaxact.org/

Clackamas Coot

Active member
The devil is in the details on this law. It's not universally supported among OMMP's members, myself included.

It's the 'who' as far as 'regulating cannabis' for medical uses. There are other problems with this initiative as far as who is and who is not behind this and who stands to benefit financially.




Active member
The devil is in the details on this law. It's not universally supported among OMMP's members, myself included.

It's the 'who' as far as 'regulating cannabis' for medical uses. There are other problems with this initiative as far as who is and who is not behind this and who stands to benefit financially.


Well, tell us. That's what this site is for. :)

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Currently the biggest fish in the pond are Paul Stanford and his group and his side-kick, Madeline Martinez over at ORNORML which is NOT the NORML for Oregon but rather just another chapter. A chapter's history you may want to investigate and their relationship with the national NORML organization over the past few years.

VoterPower is also backing this which is no surprise either. They'll benefit from a California-style dispensary system as well.

I'll pass. As the initiative is currently written, the OMMP grower is the loser.




Hey CC,
As an oregon med grower myself, i'm interested in what your specific objections to the measure are? I just skimmed it, and it seems as if it allows pretty much unlimited personal growing with no permit needed. What am I missing?


Yeah CC .. Your input is widely read my friend.. I'm curious too.


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^seriously I need to know this info, I'm gonna go google around see what I can find.

This sounds great to me. All I wanna do is safely grow my medical plant, and not ever have to buy nug or hash. I want it to be legal for me to trade an ounce of my shit for an ounce of someone else's shit that is not a med user, and not have to worry about getting in trouble for distribution.

Also I have said before I think it is a race between a few states, Oregon being one of them. To me I think an Oregon measure has a much bigger chance of passing than a cali one. The state just seems to be less crazy and more logical. To me there seems to be much less political fuss, and battling over the med laws. I could be wrong, cali could just be getting all the attention.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I went to there web site an copied this paragraph that I thought was Important. They need people to sign a petition.

We have recently revised and refiled the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2010 (OCTA) petition and are in the process of gathering 1000 sponsorship signatures. After this first step, we will be given an official ballot title from the state. After polling, we will begin circulating our petition across Oregon. We will need 100,000 valid signatures by July, 2, 2010 to qualify for the November 2010 election. In order to be successful, this mission will require key assistance from volunteers across Oregon.


Hey CC,

Are you saying MAMA is against this and VoterPower for it? Please explain more, as some of us aren't as familiar with the politics involved...Thank you!


What about the wide gap of tens of thousands of OMMP patients more then registered growers. A good grower is almost impossible to find in Oregon for some people and not everyone has a room to grow or a back yard for outdoor let alone all the start up cost of an indoor grow and the skill needed to get quality meds.

It's fine to say you don't like the law when you have a card and a few thousand watts of buds on tap at all times.


(3) The cultivation and possession of cannabis for personal, noncommercial use by an adult shall not require a license.

That's all I really care about. There are no limits on plant numbers or weight that I can see in the measure, as long as it's for personal use. We can have a referendum on whether or not people like Paul Stanford and Madeline Martinez some other time.


Yo! CC Dude!

We B waitin' friend!

Seriously it's all good!

Cannabis was made the scape goat for federal jobs IMO.. It;s a Dead horse IMO..

That doesn't let my friend CC off the hook! LOL

Get with it CC ..


Sounds good to me. Not having to pay a doctor 200 dollars for approval every year and give the state 100 bucks a year and not having my name on a registry list in some state office. It could be bad for all the people making money off of helping people get a card.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
(3)We can have a referendum on whether or not people like Paul Stanford and Madeline Martinez some other time.
I understand and appreciate that paradigm but I know this political deal pretty well here in Oregon.

Both of these individuals are pariahs in the MMJ scene here in Oregon.

But let's set that aside for sake of the specific discussion. What the law would provide is a class of 'licensed growers' (whatever that may mean) and the main goal is to create a dispensary system like that in California.

What will be the actual 'tax' by the state of Oregon for 'legal medical marijuana'? Who will benefit from the proposed tax? Paul Stanford? ORNORML? OGF? (laughable). VoterPower?

How well have these organizations done so far on helping medical users? Not exactly a banner day, eh?

My proposal is to change the 'grower' or 'provider' laws because as they are currently written and implemented is a joke. I wouldn't grow for anyone unless there was a gun to my head. Period.

I'll sign their deal to get it on the ballot and then campaign and vote against this proposal, i.e. I believe that anything is worthy of consideration by the voters in Oregon. I campaigned for the MMJ law in 1998 without any reservations.

I cannot and will not support this bill. Get it on the ballot and let the voters in Oregon decide. That's what's fair.

Best wishes to those who want the insanity of California's 'compassionate dispensaries' implemented in this state.

I'll pass.




the act isnt set in stone, they have already made revisions.

perhaps you can suggest some revisions to them, so that the bill will fit what you think is reasonable.

it looks to me as though they are leaving the current med scene alone, with the exception that the cannabis used will ahve to go through the occc before it hits store shelves.


My proposal is to change the 'grower' or 'provider' laws because as they are currently written and implemented is a joke. I wouldn't grow for anyone unless there was a gun to my head. Period.


my point exactly I don't think i'm going out on a limb to say CC can grow some good meds. How many physically disabled people are there with medical cards in Oregon who can't grow? ALOT! No one wants to grow for them because you have to basically grow pounds of pot for free. I know alot of medical growers including in Oregon and I've heard of patients practically harassing their growers wanting to inspect plants every other day trying to micro manage the grow, "do this" "I heard this..."
Then when harvest time comes the patients are on your ass, accusing you of holding buds back.

I had a friend who grew for someone(and other patients) who said they only needed about a gram a day to deal with chronic pain from a broken neck. He got a good crop and gave his patient about 200 grams of about 6 different strains. The patient even said it was too strong!! Then the patient started making comments about my friend holding back meds, even though he wasn't and the patient had more meds then he could use in a year that were "too strong". Then the next cycle starts to flower and the patient brings some new clones he wants grown. Two weeks after he drops off the clones he mentions they came from a spider mite infested garden but it's ok because "they were sprayed" with something. Two weeks later the garden is infested with mites, a few more weeks and mold sets in. So the garden is harvested early to save what can be saved. Alot of moldy buds get trashed and the patient had the balls to accuse my friend of lying about all the moldy buds and keeping them for himself. Needless to say he dropped the patient and told me he would never grow for someone again.

For the 350+ grams he grew and provided for his patient he received only $20 which doesn't even cover a third the budget for dirt!


my point exactly I don't think i'm going out on a limb to say CC can grow some good meds. How many physically disabled people are there with medical cards in Oregon who can't grow? ALOT! No one wants to grow for them because you have to basically grow pounds of pot for free. I know alot of medical growers including in Oregon and I've heard of patients practically harassing their growers wanting to inspect plants every other day trying to micro manage the grow, "do this" "I heard this..."
Then when harvest time comes the patients are on your ass, accusing you of holding buds back.

I had a friend who grew for someone(and other patients) who said they only needed about a gram a day to deal with chronic pain from a broken neck. He got a good crop and gave his patient about 200 grams of about 6 different strains. The patient even said it was too strong!! Then the patient started making comments about my friend holding back meds, even though he wasn't and the patient had more meds then he could use in a year that were "too strong". Then the next cycle starts to flower and the patient brings some new clones he wants grown. Two weeks after he drops off the clones he mentions they came from a spider mite infested garden but it's ok because "they were sprayed" with something. Two weeks later the garden is infested with mites, a few more weeks and mold sets in. So the garden is harvested early to save what can be saved. Alot of moldy buds get trashed and the patient had the balls to accuse my friend of lying about all the moldy buds and keeping them for himself. Needless to say he dropped the patient and told me he would never grow for someone again.

For the 350+ grams he grew and provided for his patient he received only $20 which doesn't even cover a third the budget for dirt!

You're allowed to cover your "expenses". My "expenses" are 1) my time including time i spend thinking about and planning and building my grow 2) the room I use in my house to grow - what it would cost to go out and rent that space 3) nutes, equipment ,seeds, electricity,bulbs, etc. Anything I spend money on thats grow related. All works out to about $3200 -4000/lb, depending on how long it flowers.
The person I grow for has never been inside my house and never will be. If he doesn't like it i'll grow for someone else.


(9) A patient or the designated primary caregiver of the patient may reimburse the grower for the costs of supplies and utilities associated with production of marijuana for patient. No other costs associated with the production of marijuana for the patient, including the cost of labor, may be reimbursed.

From OMMP Patient Information from Oregon State Police (pdf)

Q. Who does medical marijuana belong to?
A. Medical marijuana is the property of the patient, not the caregiver or the grower. The caregiver or
grower must give the medical marijuana to the patient any time it is requested. The patient may reimburse
the grower for costs of supplies and utilities associated with the production of medical marijuana, but it is
not required. Growers are prohibited from requiring a patient to pay for the marijuana.

Q. Can medical marijuana be purchased or sold?
A. The purchasing or selling of medical marijuana is unlawful at all times; there are no exceptions.

You just admited to breaking the Law known as the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act.
You are only allowed to ask for money spent on things for the grow that you have proof of price, Like a receipt. The law also states that all plant matter belongs to the patient and can be demanded by the patient at any time and you MUST give it to them. It doesn't say you are allowed to hold it if no payment is given either.

On top of all this you are required by law to break even and not make a single penny of profit. If you do not do this you are in violation of the law and can be brought up on federal charges and not allowed to even mention the words OMMP/Medical marijuana/ or anything! Once you violate any rule of the act or have your paperwork out of date in anyway you are stripped of the right to use a medical defence in court.

If you make a single penny in profit you are in violation of the law and you are also evading taxes, which they will fuck you for. The Oregon growers I know can only legally charge $30-$100 an ounce. People who charge street price(like you) are considered predatory in the community which includes alot of sick and dying people who's only income is social security which doesn't even cover a roof over their head. All the while they can't move because they are fighting cancer.

Just a heads up because if the police or DA or anyone ever checks you out you are considered by law no different then someone growing cannabis for sale on the street. You should read the law at least once and know something about anything before you think you are safe and a "legal medical grower" because you are not.


(9) A patient or the designated primary caregiver of the patient may reimburse the grower for the costs of supplies and utilities associated with production of marijuana for patient. No other costs associated with the production of marijuana for the patient, including the cost of labor, may be reimbursed.

From OMMP Patient Information from Oregon State Police (pdf)

Q. Who does medical marijuana belong to?
A. Medical marijuana is the property of the patient, not the caregiver or the grower. The caregiver or
grower must give the medical marijuana to the patient any time it is requested. The patient may reimburse
the grower for costs of supplies and utilities associated with the production of medical marijuana, but it is
not required. Growers are prohibited from requiring a patient to pay for the marijuana.

Q. Can medical marijuana be purchased or sold?
A. The purchasing or selling of medical marijuana is unlawful at all times; there are no exceptions.

You just admited to breaking the Law known as the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act.
You are only allowed to ask for money spent on things for the grow that you have proof of price, Like a receipt. The law also states that all plant matter belongs to the patient and can be demanded by the patient at any time and you MUST give it to them. It doesn't say you are allowed to hold it if no payment is given either.

On top of all this you are required by law to break even and not make a single penny of profit. If you do not do this you are in violation of the law and can be brought up on federal charges and not allowed to even mention the words OMMP/Medical marijuana/ or anything! Once you violate any rule of the act or have your paperwork out of date in anyway you are stripped of the right to use a medical defence in court.

If you make a single penny in profit you are in violation of the law and you are also evading taxes, which they will fuck you for. The Oregon growers I know can only legally charge $30-$100 an ounce. People who charge street price(like you) are considered predatory in the community which includes alot of sick and dying people who's only income is social security which doesn't even cover a roof over their head. All the while they can't move because they are fighting cancer.

Just a heads up because if the police or DA or anyone ever checks you out you are considered by law no different then someone growing cannabis for sale on the street. You should read the law at least once and know something about anything before you think you are safe and a "legal medical grower" because you are not.

You need to read my response again. I explained what my expenses are. Not profits, EXPENSES. My attorney agrees with my interpretation of expenses. You can just go with what the Oregon State Police tell you.
The person I grow for can have the plants whenever he would like ( in which cas4e our relationship is DONE) but nothing says i have to let him inspect my grow whenever he wants. Your interpretation is just the reason it's so difficult for pts to find growers and back to the original topic of the thread, why the current law must be changed.

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