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OPTeration Canna Coco + "The Recipe"


Hi all,

I'm trying out the coco way this go around using Rezdogs' 6/9 "The Recipe" using General Hydroponics Flora Series.


5 Tsi Fly (Mosca Seeds - c99 x C4)
5 Chunk D (Cannacopia Seeds - ECSD x Deep Chunk)
1 Original Haze x Skunk 1 (Sam the Skunkman)

Out of the 11, they all sprouted and were put into Rapid Rooter starter plugs.

Being the first time I've used them I did screw up a little with prolly cost be 3 seedlings, but we'll see, they still have hope. I don't think I kept them moist enough for one, and after expecting a couple that still haven't came up, It looks like I planted them upside down. But, we'll see, they still have a chance.

All the seedlings basically look the same for the most part. The Tsi Fly's all look generally the same, besides one had a split in both it's Cateloyds, so might be a mutant.

The Chunk D's all seem to have Fat leaves so far but one. Must be the Deep Chunk phenos, followed by the ECSD pheno. I really hope to have at least a female of both phenos!

The Original haze seedling was put in with my flowering girls already. From the reports starting 12/12 from seeds is not a bad option indoors, and seeing that this is just a experiment, I figure why not.

The following pics are just a quick look at the seedlings. The single picture is the Haze seedling...I expect her to explode quickly from the reports I've read.

I just ordered some of Chimeras "Sweetest Sativa" and should get them in the mail very soon.

Depending on if the 3 seedlings that havent gottent a start yet come up or not, I may germ a couple of the SS's or possibly some Lapis Mountain Indicas to ensure I have enough females for my Tent when it's time to flower.

A new Veg/mother chamber is in construction phase and should be done in a few days. I will be Vegging these seedlings using compact floro's and the above recipe.

By the time my gals in the flowering tent are ready for chop, I hope to transfer these plants into the tent which holds a 400 watt HPS, and if all goes as planned, only veg for a couple days then immediately flower.

I plan to set up a semi perpertual harvest using this technique. We'll see.

I will update with more pics in next couple weeks, nothing goes on much until your close to flower anyways.

Until then, Cheers!



I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
Best of luck OPT!

I've been eying up that Tsi Fly on SB, hope it performs well for you.


Thanks caljim!

I've always heard about c99 and really wanted to try a cross that had some of it in it. The Tsi fly caught my eye because it was crossed with C4 from Chimera seeds and is supposed to be a very good yielder. Not to mention I hear very good things about Mosca Seeds.

The same kinda goes for the Chunk D. I love Sour Diesal but don't have the cash flow at the moment to get the expensive seeds from Rezdog himself. Hopefully I can get a Sour D pheno from the ones I started.

The Haze on the other hand was germinated just for shits and giggles really. I put her (i hope) into flower already because of the huge flowering time I've read these had.

I'm really excited too see how the Coco growing is going to be.

I think this go around I will be using the supercropping technique coupled with topping once because it worked so well on my Pure Power Plant.

As you can see in this pic, the Supercropping was awesome and made awesome multiple tops.



Quick update without pics....

Turns out all of them look like they are going to make it. The ones that did get off to a slow start I had to crack there seeds off for them. I let them got a few days because it looked like they would be ok, then they just got stunted.

I had to give a lot of pressure to get those shells off em, but after a couple days they seem like they should make it, that would make 11 for 11!!!

The ones that came up fine from the get go are really growing fast.

It's amazing just how more distinctive Deep chunk leaves are from all the other stuff I have grown in the past. SUPER FAT leaves..if you want a visual determination of a indica plant, just look at a deep chunk hybrid, seems like they all have this trait, some more so then others.

No one seedling is outperforming the other ....yet. I consider this a good thing.

No stunted seedlings this time makes me so happy, and is just the start of another reason why I already love coco.

I went ahead and just put the Skunkmans Haze x skunk 1 right into flower from when it popped. I figured why the hell not, it'll take a long time to flower anyways.

I should be receiving my Sweetest Sativa seeds in the coming days and I think I'mma go ahead and pop 3 of them or so.

As lucky as i get with the male/female ratio, I wanna be sure I get enough females again this time, and that blueberry x sweet skunk is just way to damn delcious sounding not to.

I'll go ahead and get a few pics up in the next couple days and show ya'll how they doing!

Till then,



Upped the nutrient dosages from half strength up to 4/8.... I plan to be full strength in the next few days.

All growth is consistant, and it looks like 2 outta the 3 slower plants will make it.

Here's a photos....

Group Shot :

Close up of Tsi Fly:

And one of the chunk D:




I've been watering my plants with the 6/9 recipe cut in half at a PH ranging from 5.5-5.9... my Chunk D's are growing just fine but the Tsi fly seem a little under nourished, a bit more yellow over the dark green of the Chunk D's.

I've since upped my nute mix to about 4/7 ...and have been watering them everyday gently but, I seem to have some calcium issues in the Tsi Fly and I'm not sure why.

Does anybody maybe think that I need to got straight to 6/9 or maybe my coco is staying to wet which is locking out the Cal?

I've researched about this and people seem to always say lower the PH, but it's always in the range of 5.5-5.8ish or so, so why would it be getting locked out...maybe I just don't have enough?

In the group pic above you can notice the more yellow seedlings, these are the same 2 that are showing the problems, maybe they just need more nutes? (click on the picture and it gives a pretty clear bigger image)

Any Ideas would be appreciated,



Quick update:

Well all the seedlings are taking off despite the so called Calcium issues I'm having.

It doesn't look like they have skipped a beat to be honest, but it still drives me insane to see the problems on some of the leaves.

I've heard from some friends around here on ICmag that sometimes this happens at the beginning of a coco grow but they quickly grow out of it, maybe that is the case for me.

Anywho, I ordered a meter to check the PPM's of whats in my water. It's possible that my problems are because of my tap water that read 8.3 PH, it may have excess cal in it, so i'll know more in a few days.

Maybe i will need to get some Flora Micro hardwater version instead of the normal....if so, no big deal, it's cheap enough!

Try to get pics up in the next couple days.



Active member
hey there.. i got this thread subscribed, so I hope you keep updating!

did you figure out whats wrong?? im sorta having the same problem at the moment. but im really hesitant to add cal-mag.. im just gonna let em go a few more days and see how they turn out.


Thanks for stopping by benzo!

Ya I think it was a combination of too low a fert dosage with a tad of calcium def.

2 days ago I upped the nute strength I gave them all to somewhere around 4/8 with the micro and bloom.... I then added 1/4 teaspoon of cal-mag to each gallon of water.

After checking them today they have grown a shit ton in 2 days. There biggest growth spurt yet, and it appears that the problems have not spread.

They have grown into there keg cups nicely and I believe the roots are taking full advantage of there expansion.

I can only expect that the roots will continue to flourish and will soon need to transplant to my next container.

I've been keeping my PH of my nute mix anywhere between 5.5-5.9, so far so good It seems.

I cannot express enough how much I like Canna Coco so far. The coco holds a good amount of moisture but still you can tell there is lots of oxygen available.

On an additional note, I put 3 seeds of the Sweetest Sativa into a paper towel, into a zip lock baggie, and wrapped in a towel (my normal method), it's been a good 26 hours and still no tails, but I have faith.

I started these to hopefully ensure I will have enough females, I can't always get so lucky like I have in the past! And hell, if I have too many females I can always use the ole process of elimination and possibly see if I can't get a lady to grow outdoors....SOMEWHERE! :)

I'll try to get pics up tomorrow, or soon none the less. The first few weeks are generally pretty boring, but I would like to show everyone there grown spurts!



I didn't get a chance to take pics today, but they are growing fast as hell!

2/3 seeds of Sweetest Sativa I germed popped. I went ahead and planted them all, I have faith in the 3rd seed.

I got my PPM meter today and checked my water, it's reading at over 400+ PPM's from the tap.

I went ahead and ordered the Flora micro for hardwater for future use.

My other plants still aren't harvested so hell, maybe I will be able to only veg a very short time then immediatlely switch to flower.




Hey guys,

Been super busy lately so I haven't had time to take pics or update much, but all I can say is... I LOVE COCO.

The growth is insane so far, I just finally transplanted half of them into bigger containers, the rest are still in keg cups, but will be fine until tomorrow.

I have 2 confirmed females, both Tsi Fly, so I went ahead and put them both in 2 gallon containers. I plan on only vegging for a couple weeks then get to flowering, it's actually slower then I expected, but o well.

The rest of the older seedlings (the Tsi Flys' and Chunk D's) are chugging right along as well, I'm sure I'll see preflower soon. I'm not really sure if I will find a Sour Diesal pheno, as they all sound like what deep chunk looks like, but we'll see!

The 3 Sweetest Sativas' are still super small since they were sittin in shade the whole time in the veg box. They are alone now, and should take off soon.

I do have some type of potassium lookin problem on 2 of the Tsi Flys, but might be a disease, who knows. I've somewhat quarantining them until I figure out if I want them still. I have a feeling they are both males anyways.

I supercropped all of them yesterday, and already they are standing almost back up, so I might tie them down and do a little LST.

I want more of a even canopy this go around so, we'll see. This Metal Halide conversion bulb that I've been using in the past 2 days once I put my seedlings into the tent have been pretty sweet. I can see why people like these, and after reading about the enhanced blue, might try it out in the future. The white light they make is a nice change for now. I think I might just leave it on them for the first 1.5 to 2 weeks of flowering to help with the stretch, then finish out with the HPS.

I'll try to get some pics up soon, I really wanna show off my Skunk 1 x Haze, those haze plants are just cool looking with there skinny leaves.

Till then, smoke one...cuz I know you got one.



Active member
super cropping is the s@#t! the branches i did super crop of my flowering plants already are way bigger then the ones i did not touch.

I will always super crop and lst to get an even canopy now. seems like the way to go (besides adding a scrog )

looking forward to the pics opt!


Thanks benzo... I'll try to get some pics up later this week.

I've been hella busy the past few weeks, not to mention there isn't a whole lot of action until flowering anyways! :)

I switched them to 12/12 today.

I have 3 confirmed females for sure, and they are all Tsi Fly.

My Haze x Skunk ended up being a male, as well as all the Chunk D's I started besides this one I'm hoping is a girl! Super good growth on both strains...they are just LOVING coco. It's fucking amazing the difference I see using coco.

I have 1 Tsi Fly I transplanted into a 2 gallon grow bag and I pray it's a female, it's acting somewhat like a female does...short and bushy, we'll see.

The 3 Sweetest Sativas' (Blueberry x Sweet Skunk) are doing well and starting to get into full gear veg state finally. They were'nt big enough to flower yet so I moved them back into my floro chamber only this time with the same 18/6 light cycle the tent had.

I will veg them completely with floros until I wanna flower, we'll see how that goes in a couple weeks!

So far everything seems to be going close to perfect. The Plants are responding nicely to the supercropping. I haven't touched them in the LST yet, i'll do that more as they stretch. I do have the 1 lone Chunk D left, and that one I topped instead of super cropping. So far she's staying nice and bushy like a indica dominant usually does.

Like I said above, try to get some pics in the next few days, the fan leaves on a couple are FUCKING HUGE.



Hello all,

We are currently at day 6 of 12/12, and the gals are looking beautiful!

I have 5 females (4 Tsi Fly, 1 Chunk D)

In the picture below you can see the Chunk D at the back right, the rest are Tsi Flys. The one in the middle was a slower of the bunch, and didn't get transplanted at the same time, that's why she is smaller. Most of them are in 1.5 gallon - 2.5 gallon pots, give or take some. The one in the middle is in a 2 gallon grow bag I got after i already transplanted the rest.

Here's some profile pics of the plants.

First off the Tsi Flys:

Here is a couple of the Chunk D:

Here are the 3 Sweetest Sativas I have in my floro tub, along with the root ball of one of the males I found:

As you can see in the pics above, the super cropping that was done created that big bend in the Tsi Fly. I then Tied down some branches on the Tsi Flys, besides one.

The Chunk D on the other hand got topped because i snapped the stem. That resulted in a split main shoot. I then tied down the 4 main stalks it had and she's starting to bush out. Sorry for the inverted pics, I couldn't figure out how to change them. It's fan leaves has what looks to be a bluish tint to them. I wonder if this is a deep chunk trait, that may appear purple under another light.

I estimate I am about halfway through the stretch, then the buds will start to form. I'm going to let them do mostly what they want from now on, I think the canopy is about right, we'll see!

I can already tell I'm going to have to stake some plants, the Tsi Flys have tons of bud sites, and I'll find it amazing if they will thicken up enough to hold the weight!

I've been feeding with the 6/9 with GH flora series, using the Hardwater micro, and the bloom. I also add just 1/4 teaspoon calmag to every gallon of water.

I usually feed them for 2 straight days, then 1 off, repeat. I feel that his saves me some nutrients, and they don't seem to slow down with this.

I'll be getting ready to slam them with the KoolBloom powder in another week or so. That same day I think I will change back to my 400 HPS for the rest of the flowering period.

I really like the different effect they seem to have under the Metal Halide, it's just a nice change. I was going to get the enhanced blue one from hortilux and use it for the full flowering period after reading the latest article from The Rev in skunk magazine. He swears by the enhanced blue for flowering. So, instead, i got a MH conversion bulb to use for veg and the first couple weeks of flower. That way they will stay a tad shorter then normal, and more even with the LSTing!

My current PPM's are around 950-1010 each watering. They are showing no signs of nute burn, I'm still debating if I want to up the dosage or just let em ride.

Hope ya'll like!



Looking good! Those Deep Chunk leaves are massive. Seeds are so cool because they have different phenotypes. Such a crazy plant, i myself stick to clones. :) Great job though! Ill definitely be checking back in. Feel free to stop by my grow, its in dire need of love. haha. Have a great day!


Fed the girls today, they were in dire need. But, I do think that letting them dry out did help.

I've read countless times of people saying feeding everyday is the best. Maybe that is true, but for the time being I'm going with the every other day feed program, at least for now.

They all show up so much in 24 hours it is rediculous. I will be slamming them with kool bloom for the first time in a few days, that's when I will change back to the HPS for the duration of the flowering stage.

The LSTing worked wonders, and I think I have about the right canopy I'd like unless something drastic happens. I untied a good portion of there branches. I want to see how they react for the next few days.

I'll get some more pictures up then.



Active member
looking forward to the new pics!

& about your side ways pics...
i dunno if it works on your computer, but for me, i right click on the picture then click rotate clockwise, or rotate counterclockwise wise. and it will fix the pic for you. easiest way to do it.


Gave the girls there first shot of kool bloom powder today.

I feel kind of nervious about it, and I'm very anxious to see them tomorrow.

Normally my tap water PPM's are around 350-400 so I use the Flora Micro for hardwater.

Well after I mix all my nutes with the 6/9 and little cal/mag I usually run right around 950-1000 ppms with PH ranging from 5.5 to 5.9.

Well with the kool bloom added it it jumped all the way to like 1370 ppms!

I'm afraid that is too much for them but I guess I will see how they look tomorrow!

As far as the plants themselves go, they look fantastic. Very random small cases of cal or mag or something, but not slowing them down at all.

I think the stretch is almost done. It seems like they really like the HPS that i switched over from the MH and in 24 hours they went from having a few hairs per node, to nice little clusters already!

I also did some minor pruning today. Like some of the lower shoots that won't ever catch the canopy.

I went ahead and got some stakes because I'm fairly confident they will need support.

I got a stand alone closet like thing that I'm converting to my seedling/mother chamber in case I find that special gal!

The 3 blueberry skunks i have going really need a transplant, so i'll be doing that shortly. I'll be adding some more CFL's for the veg/mother chamber so they can keep going.

Pictures next time folks!



Active member
is this the first of second application of kool bloom?

i did the first one already, and they loved it!

im doing the second app of it in 30 mins to be exact :)



This is the first dosage. I'm currently at day 14 of 12/12.

I've been feeding them about everyother day for quite some time now, I trust the Recipe though, so far it's been nothing but golden for me.


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