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Opt1c goes organic



opt1c, you should have a great time playing in organics. being a chem guy, i wonder if you'll notice the difference in flavors.


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ICMag Donor
optic rockin the organics !!

optic rockin the organics !!

alright im lovin' it already !!been researching organics and would love a seat in your class/show optic???? lets git ta some lernin ya'll :laughing:


Active member
definetly tuning in, you've always killed it with your rdwc grows!
and I can confirm what Verdant is saying, I'm growing outdoors this year, with roots organic soil with added coco, and I seem to be getting nitrogen over fert. so it would make sense that coco makes N more availible


I'm not sure why LC's recipe is listed as "fox farm ocean forest OR light warrior" because that doesn't make much sense. Ocean forest and light warrior are completely opposite of each other.

I've wondered this many times too. Ammending FFOF is too fix it since it sucks out of the bag (compared to any LC's mix)just use Sunshine4..

Light Warrior, man this stuff..is..how should I say..Like buying Dasani water when your tap-water is glacial run-off. Or going to McDonald's when you've got ribs marinating in the fridge, or anything where you choose ease, and not-thinking over some mental effort, and physical labor. If you read anything Clackamas Coot says about FFOF or light warrior it will enlighten and ammuse you.. Light warrior is F#^@^ing perlite and peat moss...with maybe some pinches of EWC..Such a rip-off I can't even begin to fathom why people buy it..I I don't buy the 'hey it works look at my plants that didn't die and made nugs' :wallbash:


Active member
well i chose the light warrior over the other soil mixes that were there because it did NOT have coco in it and it did not come pre-charged with any dry ferts; the place i was at didn't have pure peat moss and was out of the sunshine mix and didn't even carry any pro-mix

i only got a couple bags of it; this organic stuff is for fun... i will say that amended with extra earth worm casings and even more perlite changes the texture of the light warrior; holds water a lot longer than the unamended light warrior which i'd used in the past to start seedlings.

My bags were mostly humus; not as much perlite as i remember in the bags i'd bought previously

Plants are doing fine; made 2.5gals of the veg tea and applied it to the transplants as they're way past the seedling stage. I'll snap some pics when i get a chance.



Alchemical Botanist
Good luck with the organics opt1c. I'm am sure you will be quite happy with the results once you got it down. :)

As far as yields go i can regularly get 1g/W and up in all organic soil. Maybe not the most, but pretty decent for hybrids that lean more towards the sativa end of the spectrum. I don't know what most people are getting, but i am satisfied with results in that range. That and i have it from various independent sources that the flavors are very very tasty and super smooth. :D


The Mad Monk
Opt1c, good luck with the organic run. Hope it works out for ya & you enjoy the end result. IMO, it has the easiest learning curve to grow dank buds out of all grow approaches. And dialing it in just makes it better & better.

With your hydro background, I'll be interested to hear your take on things after some smoking goes down.

I don't mean to pile on about the LW but IME although it did work for me fine the time I used it, I quickly learned dollar for dollar it was inefficient, at best. ;) 1 cu ft of LW or 3 cu ft of some Sunshine mix or buying peat, ewc, perlite etc; and making batches and batches of your own. YMMV.

Good luck w/the grow!


well i chose the light warrior over the other soil mixes that were there because it did NOT have coco in it and it did not come pre-charged with any dry ferts; the place i was at didn't have pure peat moss and was out of the sunshine mix and didn't even carry any pro-mix


Hey no worries man I understand this is for fun. A lot of growers ( hydro and soil) aren't willing to try other ways. I just love the ease of soil. I have clones in a wick-type pure perlite thing and it's currently working like a charm.

hash head

ur pot of dirt should already be teaming with life. Thing is i grow pretty much all organic, and I only use 1 thing.. foxfarm.. and r/o... and about 100ppm of salts in ratios that the plants want... which is 1/3 the ppm of salt in my tap.. so the tad bit of minerals I use won't build up or cause negative affects, because i truly only give the plant what it needs..

my plants reward my like this year end to year end.. instead of adding tea, i would just xplant into another container with more foxfarm.. It is hard for a plant to use up all the nutes in the foxfarm, the food in there last a whole gro, not no 3 weeks.. simpler than pie

i got proof too..

but hey, if you like doing alot of work for an ungarunteed rward, its your show... your plants don't eat money, they eat dirt

i hope this helped some1 thats not a fucking douchebag,

FFOF does have good nutrients and such but adding ewc tea is different than having castings in the soil, with a tea you let the material sit in water much longer than youd want your plant sitting in water, during this time the beneficial soil bacterias will multiply and create a potent live tea to culture your soil with...

yes your plants dont loook extremely stressed for nutes, but thats likely due to their small size... they look healthy and HUNGRY.. those nugs could be much thicker, there could by much more leaves and branches, and the one pic you posted of a final trimmed nug, while its decent, was nothing in comparison to other pics here of frosty, chunky, dense nugs that people post here of soil grows that use more than just FFOF and water......

like I'd love to smoke your stuff with you and share mine but not if you think you have the best nugs ever when they clearly coulda used a little more work.

Though if your grow is simple cheap and easy and it keeps you happy there is no need to change it.

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