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OPOP ( one plant one pound ) 2006


Get two birds stoned at once
I want to join the club after 07, we'll see how much I have learned soon I guess!

Also I found a freash probably 1-2 year old microburst site in the middle of the woods, good soil and GREAT light and security so I should have a monster or two there. The forest is regrowing but so far the trees are only 8" tall and grow slowly, its kinda cool to walk through all the old trees were just riped in half by the microburst or exploded when one hit another yet the new generation now has light and is covering the ground in the opening like some wierd green fuzzy mat. Its the only clearing around that was not manmade so its a good thing I found it.
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sow the seeds (nice handle) ... good choice if you go w/c99 f2 ... you say from genetically identical single clone? or multiple female clones of different moms? if it's only one, then has the clone been tested? ... make sure that clone is exactly what you want before you dedicate your grow with her ... yes c99 in adverse conditions can get pm, also purple rust , also grey mold ... you can take preventative steps while the crop is in early veg to deal with that ... no problem achieveing OPOP yield with c99 ... no problems at all ... peace ... nexus


Nexus - those are some pretty sweet plants you grew :yes: and Dr. Know seems to know...very nice :yummy:.

DarkGreen - First...people I know of that grow big do so on private property keeping plant counts 'legal'. There is no need for transportation but you can use an empty refrigerator box if need be but this will probably be pretty conspicuous going into the woods :biglaugh:. My friend was vegging 24/0 and some would go into flower and never look back. Some would start flowering but revert quickly and the long flowering strains like his NL x Haze would just keep on vegging. Some of his starts would go out at over 6' tall but were almost immediately trained. One year he had to put stuff out early due to a leaf fungus issue and almost every thing went deep into flower. It took a few weeks to trim all the flower mass off before the plants reverted and the flower portion died off. We made LOTS of bubble hash...heh heh.

One question, about how big of holes are you digging to get plants that size. Im guessing the bigger the better right?
Yup...the bigger the better. The plant will use all the available space you provide it. Wider and slightly shallow is better than very narrow and deep. You can also use 'mounds' above ground. Try and use about 1 yard per mound for best results. Two 'smaller' plants fit nicely in an oval shaped mound.

One key I learned was training, training, training. Butte posted some nice pics showing his use of bamboo poles for support. All my friends plants that were vegged through the Winter were topped. He would take the best 5 branches and remove everything else and let them grow out then take the best 5 branches of each branch and remove everything else. He was constantly training the plant sideways. The total canopy coverage is just amazing. One technique he used was to grab the heavy branch, one hand on each of consecutive internodes and twist in opposite directions until you hear and feel the branch 'pop' then move up to the next set of internodes and twist in opposite directions. The branch becomes very pliable. We were regularly working with branches 3/4+". Another technique was very early on to take a branch and bend it back over the plant so it was actually growing in the opposite direction of how it was coming off the trunk. This helps later on as the plants puts on some serious weight as breakage is minimized. All undergrowth was removed...the plants looked like 'skeletons' below and resembled a well trained fruit tree.

As for strain selection I'd be careful about growing large budded plants like Big Bud or Critical Mass as late in the season when the Summer weather pattern starts to break up and some rain comes or cooler night temps with morning condensation occurs mold can be an issue. Super tight budded plants can also be a problem. A big part of strain selection depends on where you're growing. The larger yielding plants are usually sativa dominant which finish later in the season. American Dream is a big yielding gangly plant. White Rhino is a good one. Maybe take a look at something like TNR from KC Brains.

Anyway...hope there's something of use in here for somebody...


keeko said:
hey everyone, great looking plants....i hope to yeild a opop this season. One question, about how big of holes are you digging to get plants that size. Im guessing the bigger the better right?

I dug two holes and nick-named them the "horse grave" and the "whale grave"

We used about 10 cubic yards of soil to fill both_highst


I havn't hit over 7 zips from an outdoor crop, and I am digging holes big enough for 15 gallons of amended soil.. I usually buy high quality dirt, and perltie, and amend it all with dry ferts. But then again, these guys with big yeilds are backyard growers... NOT guerilla growers... generally speaking.

I had to carry water on my back, about once every 7-10 days. I am sure this technique hurts yeild.


If my grow was guerilla style, NO WAY would it be so easy to do.

I got mad props to everyone thats pulls off OPOP in the woods somewhere. A one lb. pound plant out there is truely a testement to hard work and proper planning and some big ass balls.peace_highst


Active member
Neptune said:
I havn't hit over 7 zips from an outdoor crop, and I am digging holes big enough for 15 gallons of amended soil.. I usually buy high quality dirt, and perltie, and amend it all with dry ferts. But then again, these guys with big yeilds are backyard growers... NOT guerilla growers... generally speaking.

I had to carry water on my back, about once every 7-10 days. I am sure this technique hurts yeild.
could be your strain.... and alot of these people veg indoors for a few months so the plant is already massive when they put it out there for a full season.


oh ... my aching back ... seems like the summer is mostly about moving water from point A to point B :yoinks:



Joint Date: Today.
hahahaha YEP!

agreed with who said those Monster plants were backyard grows and NOT guerrilla grows,
of course its not the same thing.. 'bout 3 times harder doing in the woods. What about the ones like me who have to sneake on the ground into the DEEP violent vegetation with ticks and mosquitos to reach the secret garden...:respect:



i like you wamen...lets smoke one day ...we do this because we :canabis: ~peace~nexus~


Neptune said:
I havn't hit over 7 zips from an outdoor crop, and I am digging holes big enough for 15 gallons of amended soil.. I usually buy high quality dirt, and perltie, and amend it all with dry ferts. But then again, these guys with big yeilds are backyard growers... NOT guerilla growers... generally speaking.

I had to carry water on my back, about once every 7-10 days. I am sure this technique hurts yeild.
Dude...you gotta get up to at least 30 gallons of soil per plant if you wanna try for OPOP. Big dawg plants require regular attention so for the most part yeah...these are usually not done in guerilla grows.

sow the seeds

nexus said:
sow the seeds (nice handle) ... good choice if you go w/c99 f2 ... you say from genetically identical single clone? or multiple female clones of different moms? if it's only one, then has the clone been tested? ... make sure that clone is exactly what you want before you dedicate your grow with her ... yes c99 in adverse conditions can get pm, also purple rust , also grey mold ... you can take preventative steps while the crop is in early veg to deal with that ... no problem achieveing OPOP yield with c99 ... no problems at all ... peace ... nexus

Hey nexus thank for the response man! It'll probably be clones from a few different moms just to see which do best. Unfortunatley thats the best I can do now so it won't be a clone thats been tested outside yet.

My grow season can get wet/cold at the end (usually starting about mid-late sept, but can go to mid oct at the lastest) but I plan to use the asprin water trick to avoid any mold or pm. Also plan to top her...is this what you mean by preventative steps in veg?

One more question for ya too...when did yo harvest your cindy. I'm lovin your pics!


8oz start

8oz start

i've just read the whole 12 pages F**K ME! i've nevr seen anything like it, big, beautiful and amazing. well i think i should get 1/2 pound start for being vexed with uk weather lol :pointlaug

i put 6 chrystal out last year but never got to harvest me, i'm guna b using the same spot and asumed them 6 wud be dead and gone, is it likely they'll regrow this year, i'll b really pleased if they do.

i envy all of u for yr weather, skill and experiance, i mite not get close to joining the opop club but i'm guna love watching.

i've got durban poison, early girl and early skunk for this year.

i'm intending to get som seeds from dam in march, has anyone got any ideas for the uk climate?

respect to all :respect:


getting OPOP isnt always that great, I def. see a small decrease in quality when they get that big. My monster plants never have as dense of buds as my smaller plants and a little less stoney. I just think its hard for the plant to produce as uniformly as the smaller ones. Some strains are better or worse for this. Just some of my observations. I think a nice middle ground of yield with still maintaining quality is key. peace_highst


Get two birds stoned at once
Lofty I think the UK is a good place to grow, seeds are legal there and your warmed by the gulf stream! I want to see how your durban goes, perhapse I should take clones of the one I have before it sexes for possible summer planting.. Those sound like strains I would pick lol, they sound good for the UK to me all early. Which seed company (if at all) is the durban you have from?


Get two birds stoned at once
And I have a perdiction to make, I think I can improve my main sister sites so much next summer that I will be able to produce at least one OPOP in the summer of 08. I'm just shooting for a deecent and not mutant planting this year (unlike last).


DJ_highst_ said:
getting OPOP isnt always that great, I def. see a small decrease in quality when they get that big. My monster plants never have as dense of buds as my smaller plants and a little less stoney. I just think its hard for the plant to produce as uniformly as the smaller ones. Some strains are better or worse for this. Just some of my observations. I think a nice middle ground of yield with still maintaining quality is key. peace_highst
Welllll...i kind of agree and disagree. Plants can do some funny things when getting huge but I think strain selection is a key. Not only strain selection but individual plant selection. It takes a few years of testing to weed through plants to select viable moms to maintain. You can't keep growing from seed or unknown clones every year and expect to finish up with quality bud all the time. If you're maintaining a stable of quality genetics year round then size doesn't seem to matter much in regards to negatively affecting quality. I'd say going organic is important also. I don't see how someone could expect to pump the soil with a shitload of synthetics and expect the plants to do well in the long run...especially when it comes to flush time trying to get all those salts out. You need a healthy population of worms and soil bugs and synthetics are counterproductive. I used to think tight buds were where it was at but a slightly looser structure is better IMO. I laughed when first meeting my bro and checking out his 'ware's but after looking at things under a scope and grinding some flowers up the material was gummy. Not that total resin content is where it's at either but I bet the THC content by weight as a percentage was way up there. Aging is another thing to look at. The stuff we were smoking seemed to get better with age. It was curing like fine wine. I miss the farm :frown:.


i got 2 lots from nirvana and 1 lot from sensi, i thing the dp was sensi. the uk is soooo dif weather every year, never know wat to expect, last summer was really good, who knows wat this summer is guna b like but got to do it.

no disrespect in this comment but not everybody knows this, if u have slugs, wrap copper wire around the base of the stem. i hope i've not insulted anyone who already knows this. :respect: