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Opening a Grow shop???


To me it seems that if you want to do it, you will. If you have to ask then you don't have what it takes or you're not quite there yet.

Just remember that failing is part of succeeding.

Are you the type of person to look at the failure of your first hydro shop as a disaster, or an expensive education that will be used opening your second shop?

Fwiw, I've no entrepreneurial experience, I'm just parroting cliches that I've found to be true by observing others. :D


I got a little anecdote:

Someone opened a hydrostore.
It was going well regarding the amount of sales but the profit was rather marginal - because a LOT of his stuff was getting stolen.

So dude had two choices:
to either hire a 2nd person so when he was busy the other person could keep his/her eyes open.

Or install a tricked out security system with camera.

He opted for the 2nd choice (He was thinking: why pay someones salary? if he can do it with a one time investment!)

Even though theft went down, within 6 more months he had to close - because none of his regular customers wanted to be recorded by a security system within the store!

That just seems to be common sense. Surprised that person didn't realize it.


Thanks for the advice guys.
This would be an expansion of a current non retail biz.

I have Biz/warehouse space so initially I am thinking of a more targeted customer base than street sales, or maybe even a small time distributorship.

Just a smok'n an a think'n no doubt but if I see a profit I'll move on it.


Active member
Goodness. I don't understand a lot of the advice given in this thread. Opening up ANY business is a big risk. If you have the know and will, and resources it's possible...period. Like many said. It's about location, knowledge of having what the customers want IN stock atm, and also having enough money when you first open the business to get through the slow times. Because when you first start, most liekly, you won't be seeing any profit/maginal profits(Just like with most other storefont retail business). Not talking on opinions either. And IDK. Maybe it differs from state to state, but down here, you CAN get a loan from a bank to start up one here, and I live in one of the most "Nazi patrolled" states.

If this is someone's dream, and they can't afford the startup costs of a storefront, I'd seriously look into online retail at first. Like someone said. Way lower startup costs/money to run. Get some extreme SEO going, and work your way up.


Actually in anch. there's Far North Garden Supply ....they ARE kinda shady though, i've seen them card'n people....oh yea AK is still the promised land.


Tropical Outcast
That just seems to be common sense. Surprised that person didn't realize it.

Actually that's exactly it!

One would think someone opening a (Hydro) store has the necessary common sense to know there are quiet a few things different than they are with normal/average retail shops.

But hey lack of common sense is one of the main reasons for the downfall/fail of many of these shops.


Tropical Outcast

If this is someone's dream, and they can't afford the startup costs of a storefront, I'd seriously look into online retail at first. Like someone said. Way lower startup costs/money to run. Get some extreme SEO going, and work your way up.

None of the large distributors such as NGW, HydroFarm, Sunlight Supply etc. (and yes those cover over 90% of the market!) will give you a whole sale contract if you got an online store only.

They want a retail store addy, pics of the store and will send a rep to verify.
Once that has been taken care of & satisfied they might agree and allow (!!!) to sell their products online as well - based on their prices since they have a price binding policy.


Crotchety Cabaholic
Well, there's your problem right there.



Try this first...dl his $9 ebook first...then move to the store idea...
BensCarts.com. If you can make this work, save up a chunk and go for it...no I don't work for Ben....just a lower priced idea to see if you have what it takes...
Plain and simple. If your asking this ? on cana forum you already failed. Your not gonna get rich thats for sure. You will spend a buncha money and the return is very low and slow if anything.You have a better chance investing that money into a fast food franchise.
Don't do it. The market dosent need anothor asshole who thinks he gonna get rich from a grow shop business LOL


Well-known member
Try this first...dl his $9 ebook first...then move to the store idea...
BensCarts.com. If you can make this work, save up a chunk and go for it...no I don't work for Ben....just a lower priced idea to see if you have what it takes...

Thanks for the link... watching the dudes videos. Seems like a good way to launder weed $$$ if one we so inclined.


Active member
I recommend opening on in CA. There aren't enough here. I mean one every half mile just isn't cutting it for me.. I think one per block should be the standard. That way I can talk to as many jackasses as possible that know nothing about weed in the shortest amount of time possible..

But seriously, the market here is more than completely flooded, but I wonder if someone that actually knew anything about weed opened up a store if it would do well (as I was typing that I realized that would involve saving people a lot of money on not purchasing unnecessary nutes so it probably wouldn't work out financially).


Active member
my area has so many stores they are all run by asians that i have a feeling are the same folks running huge 50 light warehouses all over the place...