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Open G-ECU (grow electronic control unit)


New member
Hello Een

I was searching online for some automated greenhouse control software and stumbled on this thread.

I am amazed at how much work went into this. Its a shame that this never got finished.

As with many of these projects sometimes for various life reasons we run out of time.

Have you considered "open sourcing" this prior to completion?

From a business perspective I cant really see there would be much money in either selling PCBs OR Selling the software but..

it would be a great shame to do all this work and just let it die. This could be one of those projects you could abandon but.. launch it out there and see what happens?

This strikes me as a project that just needs a lot of input from many people and it will just grow organically.

For me I am not a coder but I can build circuits.

The more I think about this the number of variations you could build would be awesome.

I would definitely be happy to throw a few circuits or ideas together to bump this up a notch.

My requirement is I have access to a decent sized greenhouse approx 1/2 mile from my house. This is great but I dont want to be there everyday. Hence my need to go down the full / computerised automation route.

I have looked at various configs on youtube etc using thermostats, humidstats, solar window openers etc but to be honest this seems like a total mess. There is no centralised control.

This to me would seem like the perfect roll for an old $20 computer with an RS232 / USB / Parallel Output.

I may have jumped into this forum and thread and there may well be another project of this nature already cranking? there may be something else out there of an open source nature that will hit the spot.

Any heads up massively appreciated ;)

Dunno where you are een, there could be many reasons for this, new chick, paid off, fed up with it, someone upset you whatever but despite all of this nice one on the project so far you clearly have some energy and seem to be one of those who will step out of the box.

hope your still out there :)

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