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Onyx & Auto Assassin Outdoors.

sorry about the pic texas but she is a beauty :)
No apology needed. She indeed is a beautiful plant and I am glad I got a chance to see it. Thank You. It was just overworkin my ole computer. My fault really, I need to keep up with the times I reckon.
. :dance013:


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Looking nice tex...How tall are they now?
I will take a tape measure out there today and give you that update. One is about a foot tall. Some are only 2 inches tall. The ones that are flowering are about 6 to 8 inches tall. I have found two boys. They are 3½ weeks old right now.

I have some things I am going to change for the next auto grow using the seeds I get from this grow. I am going to buy some sort of potting soil or a soil-less media for the next grow. I think my yard earth and compost are to tight for the roots in Autos. Their little lives are so brief that they could benifit from a looser soil. At least that is my opinion. Also, I will not be doing Autos in the months July & August again. Its just to hot for them. These will be Spring and Fall grows from now on with Autos.

Going good so far.


Marijuana Enthusiast
Not all onyx plants take 12 weeks like skotty said, i belive mine will be done at 10 weeks, im gonna use a microscope to make sure, im prretty sure he topped his plants which added to the extra weeks, Lookin at my onyx compared to his it seems mine is a couple to a few weeks ahead of his, not really sure why, everyone else i know that has grown onyx has taken them 70-75 days.. Cant wait to see your full male to female ratio on the onyx!


yeah onyx plants take 12 weeks seed to harvest grown in hydro aswell and they yield well over an oz if grown properly :)



Crap a brick, that's impressive!

I pulled an assassin just over a week ago, at 11 weeks old - 44" tall, guerilla grown in an abandoned greenhouse. I say abandoned - some of my neighbours decided to take an interest in its use for tomatoes, so had to do an emergency evac. Hanging out to dry as I write, nearly ready for a smoke test.
Good Thread...

Would you say that auto assassin and onyx are easy to grow outdoors and would you recommend them ?

I would recommend it but I would plan it out a little better than I did this time. I am growing in the dead of heat for some silly reason. From now on I will do autos in the Spring and Fall. Also, I will probably use a lighter soil for my next outside grow. I think if the roots have an easier time then the auto will probably grow better in its brief life time. I dont know if thats true yet but I will be able to tell you after my next grow.


New member

What other auto strains have you grown? and what was your best auto strain.

I'm looking at the moment for a good auto strain.
Check out my thread/post.

Cheers :plant grow:


Not all onyx plants take 12 weeks like skotty said, i belive mine will be done at 10 weeks, im gonna use a microscope to make sure, im prretty sure he topped his plants which added to the extra weeks, Lookin at my onyx compared to his it seems mine is a couple to a few weeks ahead of his, not really sure why, everyone else i know that has grown onyx has taken them 70-75 days.. Cant wait to see your full male to female ratio on the onyx!

a plant will be ready when ever it is ready,

i was growing under cfl light so this may of extended the grow time for me, however most people who have had big yield off these rude gals have stated its taken 12 weeks, id just use it as a guideline and pull the plant down when ever you feel the time is right for your own personal smoking preference :)

i would say there looking good texas but you aint put any pics up :(
any chance of a peek??

Tex i was in the same boat as u..still kinda am..it was 101 here yesterday..But then rain...I only go to my auto's 1-2 times a week after they have taken root..They did suffer from the 30 days of 90+ temps...But the DR x BS took it alot better then pure MD Blue Streak

Man u should use fafard's 3b potting mix..Its very loose mix and cheap..its what i use outside in my plots..both AF and NON
Tex i was in the same boat as u..still kinda am..it was 101 here yesterday..But then rain...I only go to my auto's 1-2 times a week after they have taken root..They did suffer from the 30 days of 90+ temps...But the DR x BS took it alot better then pure MD Blue Streak

Man u should use fafard's 3b potting mix..Its very loose mix and cheap..its what i use outside in my plots..both AF and NON

I had not heard of fafards. I will have to go look it up. I am starting to check out different potting mixes. Man, that Pro Mix is high dollar. May be worth it though. I will look at fafards. Is that the right spelling?

Edited to add
: I did look at it. Is that 2.8 cubic feet? How many 5 gallon buckets will one fill?
Its a very loose mix..I use it inside and out..Use in plots outside..1 bag for every 2x2 plot, 2 bags 4 a 4x4' and so on...

When starting seeds use fafard 2b seed mix...



New member
My brother don't give up on growing outdoors in the Texas summer. I am not a experienced weed grower, however, I grew up on a farm and was a member of 4h all through my school years. Furthermore, I have an acre in the suburbia and have been growing outdoors in containers for over 15 years. It is not easy, a short drive around the neighborhood and one notices that there are no hanging baskets or plants in containers at all.
First, peat moss based growing medium will not work, while it is the best for weed, not the best for Texas plants. It drys out quick and is impossible to re hydrate evenly in this heat. I use a sandy loom base with peat moss mixed in. One of the local municipalities sells a sandy loom base with aged mulch mixed in, one city even mixes in their solid waste (great stuff for Texas). I took it a step further and mixed in fox farm ocean forest for my girls. It works great.
Second, watering is tricky, adding water until it runs out the bottom will not work. Depending on the size of the plant, use a styrofoam cup, milk container or a 5 gal. bucket, poke a very small hole at the bottom and place it next to the plant, add the water, this allows the moisture to stay in the plant and re hydrate evenly, also a great way to meter in nutes by the ounce.
Third, even though the plant can take extreme heat, the roots can not, try to insulate the container by placing straw or?, around the outside of the container. I have a unique situatition in that my weed plants are in the sun while the containers are in the shade.
I plan on having 4 grows per container next year. Need to find the right strains, Snowryder has been doing good. I got lucky there with my varity pack. I have some seedlings I started in this heat wave, they seem ok, will know more next week.

rocket high

Active member
a ha found ya Tex i missed this grow for a while now i'll sub it ..mines at at the finnish now with good results ;), it'll be good to see how you get on with the searing texas heat the opposite of what i was working with :)

Good luck tex

rocket high

Active member
hi tex
Here's a pic of my fast bud on the day of the chop down, iam well impressed with my error strewn outdoor grow ,its passed all my expectations ;), now it's just the big devil to go so im looking forward to that ...

it'll feel good when you chop them down and get your first smoke tex .......keep your head up :tiphat: