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Ontario seedshops?


I hope i'm not being too offtopic here.

I've got a friend in NYC that's wants to start growing. She's (rightfully) super paranoid and has alot on the line as far as security risks go, so she feels more comfortable borderhopping than risking postal (she got no safe-addy).

So, in short: anybody know where to buy seeds in Ontario? (or elsewhere on the upper east coast?). Any other suggestions for a friend in need?


Active member
I would suggest trying to find a fellow grower that you talk to on a personal level and grab a clone or 2 off them, or you could go to seedbay.com or if all else fails just hop on a plane and head for amsterdam. untill then good luck


OverGrow Refugee
hempdepot.ca is based in ontario and sacred seed in toronto...i myself use seedbay but if you need to go somewhere sacred seed in downtown toronto is ok but prices are a bit high cause the guy that runs it has to go to amsterdam to get his seeds



If you have to go about it this way hidden jungle is good I like the dude there even though he's somewhat overpriced not the worst though. I don't know what i would do probably look into a safe addy until i found one. Seedbay and Seedboutique are superior to any ontarian seedbanks I've ever seen and not by a little bit either leaps and bounds ahead.

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