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Online hydro store scamming me what to do?



I had bough 21 90w LED ufos from www.thegreenleaf.biz. At the time they had an ebay store and that is where I bough most of the lights but the ebay store has since closed. Anyways I recently tested 6 of the LEDs against a 600w HPS and the HPS blew the LEDS away so I contacted the green leaf and let them know that their LEDs were broke. When I bought the LEDs I was told each 90w LED would be a replacement for a 250-400w HID light which they wernt. So anyways I email them over 8 weeks ago that my lights arnt working and we work out a deal where I will send the lights back and if they are found to be faulty they will give me store credit for the lights and also reimburse me the shipping costs to send the lights back to them however when I went to verify all this info with the store they stopped responding to my emails. A weeks later I finally get everything verified and I get an email outlining the terms of our agreement before I finally send the lights to back to them. It costs me $330 to ship 21 lights back to them with $3000 worth of insurance on the package. I didnt want the package to arrive damaged and have the store tell me im SOL so I made sure to add extra insurance. They get the lights on a Tuesday and tell me that they will be done inspecting all of the lights by that Friday at which time they will tell me how much store credit I will receive for the lights. On Friday I call the store and no one answers the phone. I call a few more times through out the day and even leave a message but no one calls back or answers the phone. I finally get an email from them saying we got your lights and we will be done inspecting them on Monday. When I send an email back asking why I was told the inspection would be finished Friday and then now Monday I got no response from the store.

Monday Rolls around and I call the store and speak with one of the owners Dwayne him and his wife Jessica own the store or thats what ive been able to gather in talking with them and looking at their website. Dwayne says he will give me $1600 credit for the lights even though I paid over $2400 for them apparently this was a pro rated refund based on how long I had the light although the lights were likely broke when I first got them. I didnt feel like arguing with the guy so I said fine but I also want my shipping refunded so the refund was to be around $1900. I said I would just take the $1900 in store credit and I place and order with the store that same day (this was on a Monday) That Friday I call to ask for a tracking number for my order but what do ya know no one answers the phone. So i send them some emails and I get a response saying your order wont ship until the following Monday when I ask why they simply dont respond again. The following Monday I email the store asking for a tracking number and I get a response saying I will get it by the end of the day but guess what no one emails me a tracking number. I call and call and call sending emails as well for the rest of the week until I get an email from the store on Friday (this would be last Friday) Saying that they are out of the office but some stuff has been sent my way and they are waiting to receive some things from their supplier. So this week I call to get my tracking number and no one answers the phone again so I call a few times in a row and someone ends up hanging up on my calls so I know they are in the store. I send them emails but I get no replies. Finally I send them an email saying they either refund my money for the items they havnt sent and give me my tracking number for the items they have sent or ill begin filing the necessary papers for a small claims case against them. That is when I get an email back from them finally. The email says that they have a negative balance in their bank account due to a charge back and can not pay for the items I requested. They said that they could send the times that they have in stock but the rest would have to wait until the LED manufacturer refunds them for the LEDs. But they assured me they would send what they did have in stock and even send it 2 day shipping so I would have some stuff by the 3rd of this month. Then I had an idea. I figured maybe they dont have the exact brand of ballast/reflectors I am asking for in stock so ill call them and just substitute some items that I had wanted for ones they have in stock. When I call this time someone answers I think it was Jessica. I ask what items they had in stock from my order and what items they didnt have well it turns out they dont have anything I asked for so when they told me they would ship some items today that was another lie they cant send me stuff they dont have. So I ask them what 600w Ballasts they have in stock and it turns out they dont have any 600w ballasts in stock it really seems like this "Hydro store" is a phony. They list tons of items on their website and even boast that they have a larger warehouse and more items in stock when really it sounds like they are running this operation out of their house. They never sent any of the "Items" they said they had in stock and thats when I contacted the BBB. After the BBB contacted the store I got an email fromt he store with some sob story about how the LED manufacturer is screwing them over and not honoring their returns and that the hydro store dosnt have the money to cover my refund but at this point im not buying a word that they say. They have lied to me so many times in the past few months its ridiculous.

The BBB is trying to help me resolve this issue but there really isnt anything the BBB can do besides give this business a poor rating on their website. I also called the Sabattus police department to file a report but all I got out of that phone call was the number to their local court house. From my understanding small claims court wont actually do anything for me if the store still refuses to pay. Does anyone know of any other option I might try to get my money back?


All items were paid for using paypal and only 14 of the LEDs were bought off of their website the rest were bought from their ebay store. Ive notified paypal as well however paypal says there is nothing they can do for me as the transactions were done almost a year ago.


I also called the Sabattus police department to file a report but all I got out of that phone call was the number to their local court house. From my understanding small claims court wont actually do anything for me if the store still refuses to pay.
Wow, you called the police to report that your grow lights didn't work as advertised? You sir, obviously possess giant balls.

Anyway I think you are in a bad spot. I'm actually pretty surprised they agreed to do anything for you if you had the product for ~1 year already. It sound like they're really dragging their feet on the stuff you are suppose to be getting. No surprise that a 90w LED can't replace a 400w HPS though.


Active member
tell them to send you the leds back..than try to move them on ebay.

sounds like you're screwed though. i'd show up at the store in person.


Ya dude, google map that address from their website and it's an old country road and a couple of houses and a trailer. Here is a picture for you.


  • Project02.jpg
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You shoulda bought one to test first. i got a few cases of magical hair growth tonic for sale if you're interested, guaranteed to make you grow hair, run faster, jump higher, and add a few inches to your tallywhacker.


You shoulda bought one to test first. i got a few cases of magical hair growth tonic for sale if you're interested, guaranteed to make you grow hair, run faster, jump higher, and add a few inches to your tallywhacker.

PM me price quote..!!! lol


Wow, you called the police to report that your grow lights didn't work as advertised? You sir, obviously possess giant balls.

Anyway I think you are in a bad spot. I'm actually pretty surprised they agreed to do anything for you if you had the product for ~1 year already. It sound like they're really dragging their feet on the stuff you are suppose to be getting. No surprise that a 90w LED can't replace a 400w HPS though.

The Leds came with a 2 year warranty I woulndt have bought 21 of them if they didnt have the 2 year warranty. It wasnt until I put 6 of these ufos over 1 plant and a 600w hps over another to test the difference that I finally said ok these LEDs are BS.

Time to show up at their store in person.
If they really even have a store.

If they were a local store I would have already payed them a visit however we are on opposite ends of the country so im saving the visit for if I have to take them to small claims court.

tell them to send you the leds back..than try to move them on ebay.

sounds like you're screwed though. i'd show up at the store in person.

Unfortunately they sent the LEDs back to the manufacturer in China so theres no hope of me trying to sell them as 45w Ufos on ebay or anything like that.


You shoulda bought one to test first. i got a few cases of magical hair growth tonic for sale if you're interested, guaranteed to make you grow hair, run faster, jump higher, and add a few inches to your tallywhacker.

I didnt buy all 21 at the same time. I bought 2 of them to test at first. I was pleased with the test results. When I first started growing I was using a 6oow HPS in a closet grow and was getting a little over 1oz per plant. When I tried the LEDs I got the same results using 2 90 led fixtures. Im not sure if the power supplies were blown to begin with or if they blew out later but almost a year later I put my HPS back into my grow op and tested it against the LEDs again (6 90w ufos vs 1 600w hps) and this time the plant under the LEDs was no where near as big as the one under the HPS and they were both clones from the same plant so genetic differences werent a factor.


Definately don't take it to court, you'd look like a damn fool and I doubt the court would be too interested in getting your money back for you. You had those things for a year, they are yours. I bought 2 $1400 300 watt led grow panel pros a couple years back, what a waste of money and time, some things ya gotta chalk as a loss and move on mang. Best of luck


You had their merchandise for over a year and you expect a refund? I would not refund a dime of your money if it were me. And you called the cops too boot, what an "insert negative comment here"! Also, my eyes hurt after reading all of that. Paragraphs are your friend.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
First off, who the hell in their right mind thinks a 90 watt anything can compare to a 400 watt HPS?

That's clearly the first issue.

So maybe the lights weren't defective or broken, maybe they just can't compare in lumens and output.

Secondarily, and I know this was probably purchased through some other mechanism.....but if you had purchased with a credit card or through Ebay, there is recourse. If I had purchased these lights on my CC, I could simply call them up and tell them I'm experiencing an issue with the merchant. They would then just reverse the charges and deal with the merchant directly.

Normally people don't buy growing stuff on their CC, but in this case if you're talking about small claims court and calling the fuzz....seems like a rather small issue in comparison.

The real deal: I know people have issues with Hydro-gal and the lights she was pushing on this site......I bought a bunch of her 62 watters.....which were supposed to provide about 150 watts HPS performance. I can confirm they do exactly that. I wouldn't go switching my entire setup to L.E.D., but I would absolutely consider doing all vegative growth under L.E.D.s, and I definitely supplant my existing HPS lighting for flowering with L.E.D.. It's increased my yields and clearly has made more resinous and dense buds since I've started using them. Not sure about those U.F.O. things....I've always heard they suck.

Anyways, L.E.D.s in general don't put off an appreciable amount of heat, they can be mounted differently than a standard HPS....and they'll last alot longer than the HPS bulbs. The downside.....they are costly......and are not a total replacement for HPS or MH. If you'd like to do that, you'd have to use a significantly larger array of L.E.D. to work properly.

Bottom line: L.E.D. is good, it's still evolving.......and you really need to research what you're purchasing in advance so you know you're not getting screwed.

Hydro Gal gets a bad rap here for pretty much the same reason this thread exists. Apparently some folk were chapped about their order or whatever, started getting mouthy and before you know it....she was calling the flatfoots on them. Not cool on either side of the fence, and definitely put the kibosh on her being a vendor here.

My personal experience with her was vastly different. In fact, she inadvertently sent me a much bigger L.E.D. than I ordered. I was shocked when it came without warning in the mail. I had it for months before she said a thing to me about it.......then she made an inquiry one day. I could have played dumb and gotten like a $1000 light for free......but that's not my schtick. It wasn't mine and I don't play that game. I shipped it right back to her upon her request......no problems.
Imagine if I decided to be a prick and tell her to stick it in her kiester.......I'd have probably been the next person on her hit list to call the pigs about.

So that's more than likely the last Mr. Rogers lesson I have for ya': don't be too vocal with those suppliers of suspicious equipment and supplies.....they've got you by the nutsack and could twist it in a very inappropriate way at their whim.

Best to deal with the credit card/ebay people. Play nice, be reasonable with your timetables and expectations. It's not right that folks are jerking you around with money, but at the same time I think you made an uniformed purchase and a return that was unnecessary with a bit of research and foresight.

Good luck with your situation, play it cool.


So ICmag consensus is if you buy something with a 2 year warranty and it breaks within the first year you shouldnt get your money back.


I think the consensus is dont spend your money on cheap china made crap. There are so many threads on here that talk about how bad these cheap ufos are. The ufos are the reason that leds are getting a bad name becuase there cheap. So people buy the cheap ones and when they dont work they tell everyone that led lights suck.

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