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One of your fallen friends


To Have More ... Desire Less
if the " snitch"... can be shown as untrustworthy..., IE:liar, junkie, thief, petifile....
then this would discredit he's story.... making he's testimony.... unreliable to most on a juror....maybe a schmear campaign to bring down the other guy.....


Andinismo Hierbatero
you can fuck the snitch's credibility real good and easy, all you need is a good story and someone willing to testify that story.

it'd be ethical and moral, since afterall, there's an innocent man on the line who has done nothing but grow a beneficial plant .


Chat Mod
My best thoughts and vibrations to you, your mother and family and of course to VON. Anything I can do to help please let me know. Hopefully the lawyer is right and can get him probation. I am utterly stunned to hear this.

peace -FB


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

another possible defense is to claim the snitch was a partner in the grow, a chance to cut the possession & 172 plant count in half. anything you throw into the prosecutors face as a possible defense to weaken their position (like a dirty snitch) will have them considering accepting a lesser plea.

if he needs to take care of his mother and he is in bad health himself,why in the hell would he have all those plants..a guy with his knowledge could grow all he needed to smoke,sell or whatever with 10 or 20 plants...i'm very very sorry that he's locked up and wish him the best but i just dont understand this..
Von will have whats left of his gear up for auction to cover some of the legal costs. The NORML lawyer knoes nothing about a cannabis defense. So, we will keep looking.:-(


Active member
How can he be a NORML lawyer and know nothing about cannabis defense? Hope you guys can find a Johnnie Cochran to smash this bullshit. Let us know when his stuff is up, i'll definitely grab a pack or six :biggrin: I don't know him personally, but everything he's posted leads me to believe your brother's good people.


Moon-grass farmer
Von will have whats left of his gear up for auction to cover some of the legal costs. The NORML lawyer knoes nothing about a cannabis defense. So, we will keep looking.:-(

The irony here...

I hope you guys find the Johnny Cochran of cannabis... (edit: someone beat me to it ;))

When I was 19-20 years old I did a year in prison for cannabis related nonsense - when I first was arrested and interrogated they tried to scare me into "forwarding my case to the feds" and tried scaring me into thinking I was looking at 10-12 years... after I told them to fuck themselves and after my young piss 'n vinegar attitude wore off, as I was sitting in a holding cell waiting to be bailed out, I can just remember the wave of darkness that shot over me for a moment, until I saw my family waiting for me at the door.

So I can't imagine your brother's feelings at the moment... but I hope he is staying strong and keeping his head above the water... the worst thing they can do to you is lock you in a cage - but they can never steal your soul...

Never spoke to your brother, but he seems a good man, and as a fellow brother in this fight, I wish him nothing but the best and to hold on to the positive vibes.

I hope for nothing but good news from here on out :ying:
In the state he is in it is bad with cannabis. But he does look on the bright side....he will get to work at a chicken fsctory making mninmum wage


I hope that's supposed to be some sorta joke.......

probably the depressing reality. even with probation you normally can't leave so no growing in better climes till probation is done, if that is all and no jail time is involved. so yeah i understand his fear for the future. very hard to get a well paying job with a fresh conviction on your resume.


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In the state he is in it is bad with cannabis. But he does look on the bright side....he will get to work at a chicken fsctory making mninmum wage [/FONT]

Did he know what we're the risks involved in growing the stuff ?
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Active member
Vons a good dude, he kept it real, was/is a great teacher and a fellow warrior for the cause...

This news put a shadow over my whole day, I hope the best for him and his family.

If a fund dose get set up I would be honored to donate, to help some one who has help many grow better medicine would be a privilege.

As some one has said before this news makes me want to be more active in the ending of Cannabis probation.

and remember folks "loose lips sinks ships"....

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stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
I felt numb after hearing about this,
So sorry this is happening to your good brother Jedi,
please give my love to Von.

Thank you for keeping us informed JMV.
Thanks again gang for the well wishes.........as time goes by the realization sinks that we are in for a long and expensive battle for our free right to treat our aliments as we choose and for the freedom to grow a plant god gave us just for that purpose. For years Von spent every waking moment studying organic growing and all that goes with it. Now he will learn to fight for his freedom and the freedom for all in this part of the country. Maybe we can drag this out long enough for the feds to decriminalize.. let us pray for that day............humans getting this kind of treatment for growing a plant is in itself a crime against all humanity.



Well-known member
One time ,awhile back Von was talking about worm bins and I sent him a rep message thanking him for mentoring.
He P.M.'d me and mentioned if I had ANY questions to sent him a message.He explained how even though he mentored a ton of people,He'd make time to help me.
Now I kinda take life on my own terms and know my garden faily well so I didn't take time from the man as I feel I can do my thing but that was very cool of him to extend his hand to me that way.Vonfrome is a class act.
Jedi, hook your brother up as best as you can.Call on me if I can help in any way.
I'll be praying for Vonfromes safety meanwhile