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On epigenetic heredity


I am very interested in any different DNA markers your lab has found for Cannabis be they linked with Males, Females, Intersexed.
So to be clear your lab found the markers?
They were not already found by other researchers elsewhere? Are you familiar with all of the work done in this area with Cannabis? The Italians, Germans, Chinese, Hungarians have published in this field, DNA sex markers for Cannabis.
What was special that you found in Cannabis, even just scientific?



I could not find your posts in the RKS thread can you post me a link? I checked all of your posts and none were in the RKS thread.
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Sam_Skunkman said:
I could not find your posts in the RKS thread can you post me a link? I checked all of your posts and none were in the RKS thread.

I'm sorry, you are right. It was ine one of the other science threads. I think you have seen all that material now, given your questions on the threads.

I apologize for the confusion. Ok, back to the bench!

Doc Snock



the first person to report on epigenesis was Paul Kammerer in the 1910s and 20s. In classical darwinism several individuals within one population compete with each other. Epigenesis means that several genes within one individual compete with each other.



New member
Did anyone see "Ghost Gene" on PBS last night? It was all about epigenetics.. My jaw was on the floor the entire show. It was concluded that males who live through a famine (for one instance) in their 20's will pass on epigenetic climate information to their grandchildren! This is a huge discovery and very applicable to our little hobby.

Unfortunately acquired diseases can be passed on as well. Rats injected with a toxin caused all kinds of seemingly unrelated diseases two generations later. So, if you grandfather was poisoned before you father was conceived, you have a greater chance of developing a diabetes for instance.

There is so much we don't yet know about DNA. Let's get experimenting!


hey, I just saw that Nova show myself. WOW! COOOOLIO! Not only the methylation stuff is important but also SiRNA and microRNA which science is just starting to understand. When I was in college 20 years ago the central dogma was one gene =one protein. Now it is one gene = many proteins thru methylation and RNA stuff. I imagine there will also be other newer discoveries as well. Wild that as much as we know we still do not know alot. Sort of humbling.

For plants, inducing cool epigenetic mutations in an annual plant is the goal. For humans, solving epigenetic mutations is the goal.

I guess the drrico left and has not returned to this thread. It was great reading his stuff. I think that this field has alot of unscientific thought in it. Which is sort of ok in general, it is sort of a political movement, but I like having a knowledgeable MoBio person around who knows their stuff.

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