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On a holiday in Palm beach, Florida


Active member
Hello Florida stoners!

I'm travelling to West palm beach Florida right before x-mas, and was hoping to get some tips on where to find some good weed there. I'll be staying in the city of Lake worth for a month, and then head back to Finland.

So if you know some good places to check out let me know. Also how much does good bud usually cost?

Best of luck on your holiday..Just be carefull when trying to score..Florida has a Visitors slogan...Come on Vacation...Leave on probation...Come back in violation...Most the good stuff ,I'm sure you will hear the term Krippy, goes around 300 an O, 100 a quarter....


Active member
unless you know someone or get lucky and meet someone cool quick, your only hope is www.webehigh.com and that site usually doesnt really help. it's just really not like that down in the south. :wave:



The webehigh page on palm beach, like stated it's got no good info.

MY personal experience living in FL is you have to know some one and even if you know 5 guys who deal you can still spend days chasing down weed of any quality. Krippy is not worth the price at 50$ an 1/8. But you may get lucky and find some fire. I've heard quality is better in south FL.

Still don't count on finding any herb unless you find some young kids with a keg party.


Benny's Ice House,corner of Military and Boynton....bands every Friday and if ya aint a cop,youll find some dank!!Thats my good deed for the year! :wave:


I live in Royal Palm Beach.. about 20-25 minutes from Lake Worth (got family friends in that area though)..

I'm not sure about the weed out there, but check out this guide I did for R.P.B. last year, in case you were to ever wonder your way over here.


If you need help with anything, get at me through PM..


Active member
Big thanks to everyone for helping out!

My flights are now booked, so watch out Lake Worth here's one crazy finn who is coming to town, heh. It's really nice to get a break from this darkness and all the long faces I see when walking the streets of my home town.

Yes CannaBullies, I think I'm gonna be very carefull and not even try to score from anyone who's a "totally stranger" to me. Better safe then sorry, right?

Red145: I'll be definetly checkin out this Benny's Ice House. I'm into music myself, so live bands and (hopefully) some good smoke, what else do you need. Thanks for the tip :yes:

MOSH: I'm going to rent a car for sure, so a little distance is no prob. I checked out this info about R.P.B, and it sounds good! Definitely a place where to cruise as soon as I land :smile: Thanks again!


Good luck and remember in Florida they will have 15 cops do a sting operation just to catch you with $5 of pot and take you to jail. Be smart and you should be safe.


Active member
yea, it sure does.. :smile: here I am on the other side of the world, and already know where to go to meet some ganja friendly people in Florida. :joint:


Well-known member
one stop

one stop

to CLematis st. in WPB and you'll find something.. ton of bars and clubs. you'll find someone smoking that can hook you up. I warn you though.. the weed is usually mediocre at best.. unless you find a fellow IC'er willing to help you. the black is a common strain down there. whoever said south fl. is totally right. if you cruise down to south beach and cruise collins or washington where all the clubs are. you will be hit up instantly for your wares down there.


New member
I live in Palm Beach and the weed sucks here. I have to drive to Orlando (about 2 hours away) to buy from a trusted dealer with good product. There, I pay $50 for 4 grams of fire - alittle over an 1/8. At any time he'll have about a pound on him so I can pick from the best colas too. Sometimes he gets this red/brown colored stuff from Cuba that is amazing. It's very light, not very dense, and a bit dry and a very prominent red tint it. I have no idea what it's called, but if you see anything like that, pick it up (that's usually 30/60 stuff though).

If you have anymore questions about the area, let me know. This is my first post - it was about time I stopped lurking and actually added something to this site!

Edit: One thing, my dealer is a good, old friend of mine so my prices might be alittle lower than regular prices. He sells his fire usually for 30/60 and that red Cuban stuff is typically 40/80 stuff. He just gives me 4 grams of whatever I want for $50 or 10 grams for $100 if I'm not going to be back to Orlando anytime soon (I don't smoke that much).
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Like egg yolk said unless you know some one with really good connections in florida you'll be lucky to end up with decent brick weed.


Active member
Wuhuu! Today it was confirmed that an old friend of mine will join me for this trip! He's a old school toker too, so this thread is going to be very helpful for us. All thanks to you guys!

We have another friend who's living in Santa Barbara, California. He's originally from Finland too, but has been living in the U.S. for over six years now. I'm trying to contact him, if he would like to come and fry some of that pale nordic skin under the Florida sun :biglaugh: All three of us are originally from the same town and neighbourhood here in Finland, so this would be a great reunion. And if you're wondering he's a chronic smoker too, heh.. At least he was when he still lived here in Finland, but somehow I think movin to California has not slowed him down one bit :smile:

Now this quality stuff.. Where is all that brick/seeded/low quality weed coming from? Cause I would imagine that with a climate like it is in Florida people would grow some potent sinsemilla outside in their gardens. I mean we have great summers in here too, but for cannabis plants it's sunny 24h all day. So you can forget about flowering in the nature. And when the dark nights finally come, it's allready so close to winter that the low temps will kill your darlings.

EggYolk&toohighmf: Thanks for your input! The prices in there seem to be quite the same as here in Finland. Normally good bud goes for 10 euros a gram. That's something like 13$. But usually you can compare it to Amsterdam coffeeshop stuff, no prob. No seeds, trimmed good, good strains and raised with love and care :smile:

I've been growing my own weed for the past five years now, so luckily all that money is saved.. ..only so I can spend it to buy some quality weed in Florida, heh..
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