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OMG SUPER SKUNK ME!!!!!!Another BS lies about pot, this one takes the cake in awhile!


Dr. Doolittle

This article is nuts; I did not even bother to read it all, because when you start to read it you will realize someone had a motive in writing this article and it sounds to me goverment officals is the one who paid for this test; anyone can find out where the money comes from and find out who is behind it! follow the money!!!!!

/me lifts leg on the feds

Superskunk me: What happened when one woman smoked dope daily for a month for a BBC documentary
By NATASHA COURTENAY-SMITH - More by this author » Last updated at 08:22am on 26th March 2008

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Just a few puffs on a rolled-up cigarette containing "skunk" - a strong form of cannabis - was all it took to strip Nicky Taylor of all her capabilities and to induce a terrifying combination of paranoia, fear and anxiety.

As the drug took effect, she was rendered incapable of doing anything save look anxiously around her and try to calm her trembling hands.

But Nicky is not just another of the millions of Britons who smoke cannabis regularly. She chose to experiment with the drug as part of a BBC documentary in which she investigated just how damaging smoking different forms of the drug can be - with herself as a guinea pig.

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cannabis nicky taylor

Stoned: After smoking a skunk joint Nicky Taylor felt everyone hated her

"I felt absolutely terrified," recalls Nicky, a divorced mother-of-three, thinking back to her first experience just over a month ago.

"Paranoia set in, and I felt as if I was having a panic attack. At one point, I was simply too frightened to get out of my chair.

"I had a feeling the drug had unlocked some sort of paranoia in my head that would never go away again - I suddenly felt everyone hated me. Without doubt, that was one of the worst moments of my life."

It has been well over 20 years since Nicky first smoked cannabis, which she tried as a student.

But for this investigation she has spent the past month in Amsterdam, where she smoked around a joint of cannabis - which two years ago was downgraded from a class B to a class C drug in Britain - every day.

Controversially, she also allowed herself to be injected with pure THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the active ingredient in cannabis.

Her aim was to discover the true effect cannabis had on her mind and body - and conversely on the millions of Britons who now smoke it regularly.

While some will question Nicky's wisdom in committing herself to such an experiment when she is a mother of three young children, there is little doubt that her experiences are both enlightening and cautionary to anyone who might think cannabis is harmless.

At one point during her investigation, scientific tests proved that, thanks to the drug, she had developed a level of psychosis well above that seen in individuals with schizophrenia.

It is estimated that 15 million people in the UK have tried cannabis, and up to 5 million smoke it on a regular basis.

In the UK, cannabis use has increased 1,000 per cent since the Seventies, and according to a recent Unicef report, the UK has the third highest rate of young people smoking cannabis in the Western world.

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Amsterdam red light

The bright lights of Amsterdam: Nicky Taylor worked in a coffee shop in the city where cannabis is legal

Yet there is now considerable medical evidence that cannabis causes psychosis. It has also been linked to schizophrenia, and is believed to be behind a string of violent murders.

Even mild short-term use can result in depression and sleep disturbances.

"As a mother, I wanted to find out what is in store for my children if they ever try cannabis," says Nicky, who lives in Kidderminster with her children Freya, nine, Millie, eight, and Harry, six.

"Also, there is no doubt that cannabis has got stronger - over the past few years, home-grown cannabis has been genetically altered so that it contains 10 to 15 per cent THC, whereas naturally-grown cannabis contains only 3 to 5 per cent.

"I wanted to know whether there is any truth to the claim made by dope smokers that you can smoke cannabis and carry on with life as normal. And I wanted to find out if the drug really does drive you into madness."

To conduct her investigation, Nicky spent a month in Amsterdam, working part-time at a coffee shop that sells the drug.

Although she would not be allowed to smoke during her shift, she lit up every day after work.

"The first time I smoked cannabis in Amsterdam it contained one of the strongest forms of 'skunk' on sale, and the result was absolutely horrendous," says Nicky.

"At that moment, I felt like pulling the plug on the investigation, packing my bags and heading home to my children, who'd stayed in the UK with my mother. I ended up having a row with my cameraman, too, because I was so irrational and paranoid.

"It all felt a world away from the feeling of harmless giddiness I'd remembered having from smoking it a little as a student. It hit me that I could be risking my sanity - and it didn't feel worth it."

However, waking the next morning, Nicky's paranoia had dissipated and she decided to carry on. That is not to say she didn't feel any physical and mental after-effects of the drug.

"Although the paranoia had gone, I was left dazed and my mind seemed to be operating much more slowly than it usually does," says Nicky. "I had no motivation and just wanted to go back to bed. I had no idea how anyone could get stoned at night and then function properly the next day."

Over the following week, Nicky smoked different varieties of cannabis on a daily basis. While she did not encounter the same level of paranoia again, her ability to work was nonetheless compromised by the drug's effects.

"At one point, I went to interview the man who runs Amsterdam's hemp museum after smoking cannabis," says Nicky. "I wanted to appear professional - as any reporter from the BBC would. But this proved to be next to impossible. I was giggly and could hardly keep my mind on what he was saying.

"Embarrassingly, my attention suddenly wandered to a pile of guinea pig bedding which was sitting in the corner of his office, clearly intended for someone's pet.

"I rushed over to it and kept picking it up. I felt as if I'd just discovered the Holy Grail, but the poor man clearly thought I was incredibly odd. He was obviously uncomfortable in my presence, and I was clearly unable to be professional while on the drug."

To find out how much her concentration had been compromised, Nicky set herself the task of assembling a flat pack cabinet, first free from and then under the influence of cannabis.

Without having smoked the drug, she found the job straightforward. While stoned however, it was a different matter.

"I took only two puffs of cannabis, but was totally hopeless when it came to assembling the cabinet," she says. I felt so spaced out that I ended up passing out on the sofa with the cabinet still in bits around me. The drug totally destroyed my ability to think."

Over the course of the four-week investigation, this "mental oblivion", as Nicky describes it, was to become a familiar feeling.

On a daily basis, depending on the strength of cannabis she had smoked, she either spiralled into depression and paranoia or simply passed out and had to go to bed.

"I noticed very quickly that the stronger the variety of cannabis, the more paranoia and depression I experienced," she says.

"Some nights, particularly after smoking 'skunk', which is high in THC, I couldn't sleep at all and would be pacing my room, becoming more and more paranoid and thinking everyone I'd met at the cafe, as well as the BBC crew, was talking about me.

"But even the weaker varieties rendered me completely useless. I'd often go to bed at 8pm and be totally crashed out until morning. I felt constantly groggy and unmotivated, I couldn't wake up in the mornings and I'd find myself longing to go back to bed all day.

"My motivation was reduced to zero and I felt totally slowed down.

"I'm a very active person, with a mind that normally works at a million miles an hour. I thrive on multi-tasking and getting through my daily 'To do' lists. Yet, with cannabis in my life, I reached the end of every day feeling frustrated that I'd achieved so little.

"By the end of a month of smoking cannabis every day, I felt as if my mind had been turned into treacle and nothing made much sense to me any more.

"Even basic things like trying to send emails or talk to people on the phone became a real effort of will and brain power. There is no way I could carry on with the life I lead now, looking after my children, at the same time as smoking cannabis, even if it was just occasionally."

If Nicky's mind seemed to be getting smaller, her waistline was expanding. Over the course of her investigation, she gained half a stone, due to the drug's tendency to bring on cravings for junk food.

"Cannabis triggers a chemical surge in the brain which stimulates the appetite, and in particular makes you crave sweet and salty snacks while you are stoned," says Nicky.

"I could easily get through a couple of packets of biscuits and a huge bag of crisps, and the result was I quickly gained weight.

"I usually go running every day, but the effect of the drug on my lungs meant this was no longer possible either, because cannabis compromises lung function three times as much as ordinary cigarettes.

"And I not only felt groggy - I looked groggy, too. I woke up every morning with puffy eyes and sallow skin. It was as though the drug had destroyed my ability to refresh my body as well as my mind."

Once back in the UK, Nicky visited the Institute of Psychiatry, where, for the final stage of her investigation, she took part in a unique experiment.

Scientists there are interested in the effect of the ratio between the drug's two main components - THC and cannabanoid - and the levels of psychosis induced in the user, and are undertaking trials in which volunteers are injected with both pure THC and THC mixed with cannabanoid.

Nicky agreed to do this, too, and following each injection, she underwent a series of psychological tests designed to assess her state of mind.

Even though injecting the drug means it reaches the bloodstream more quickly than if it's smoked, the results were shocking.

"With the mixture of THC and cannabanoid - which is roughly equivalent to the sort of 'grass' people smoked in the Sixties, I felt very giggly and silly," says Nicky.

"I felt groggy afterwards and wouldn't want to feel that way all the time, but there wasn't anything too troubling about the experience.

"The psychological tests indicated that while I was flippant and had lost any sense of care and responsibility, I had not become psychotic."

However, Nicky's experience with pure THC - more akin to the strong "skunk" favoured by cannabis users today - was far more sinister.

Within minutes of receiving the injection, she was overcome by morbid thoughts.

"I was suddenly gripped by the idea that the scientists conducting the experiment were characters from a horror film who were somehow out to get me," she says.

"I later found myself fantasising about jumping out of a window and crawling away somewhere that I would never be found. I was increasingly agitated and convinced they were trying to trick me in everything they said to me."

Most alarmingly, she also took a test, in the form of a series of questions about her state of mind, in which a score of four points and above indicates significant psychosis of the level seen in people with schizophrenia - she scored 14.

"I couldn't believe it when I saw my result - it was terrifying to think I was experiencing greater psychosis than someone with schizophrenia," says Nicky.

"It proved without doubt that the drug was playing havoc with my mind, and inducing a psychotic state that I would never have reached without it.

"I was reassured that once the effect of the drug had worn off after a few hours, I would return to normal, but it might be a different case for individuals with a family history of mental illness."

With her investigation now behind her, Nicky is adamant that she will never touch cannabis again. Thankfully, she appears not to have experienced any long-term effects from using the drug.

"I do feel extremely worried for my children's future and will certainly do all I can to ensure that they stay away from the drug," says Nicky.

"Until now, I hadn't really considered cannabis had that much more effect than a bottle of wine might do, but now I know that's far from the truth.

"The drug took me to some dark and frightening places, to which I hope I never return."

• Nicky's investigation: Should I Smoke Dope? can be seen in full on BBC3 tonight at 10pm.

Don Cotyle

Shooting up MJ...WTF? What a bunch of bullsh!t propaganda..all of it. They have really stooped to new lows. The bad part is the old fossils in goverent will actually belive this nonscence!!!


i read up to the point where you typed "scroll down for more"...

more bullshit propaganda from big government...
The dailymail is bullshit.
So is overdosing on weed.
Fuck, so is everything you hear about weed that didn't come from a stoners mouth (and a lot of things that do... Duuudeee.. .this is like...... kush hydro man...)

I hate propaganda.
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Active member
This is just the U.K. government, once again, using a media outlet to do their dirty work for them. The drums have been banging for a while now in the U.K. with regard to upping pot's drug classification back to "B" (currently "C" after being downgraded a few years ago). I think most regard the move back to "B" as already having been decided a while ago, but the government needs to try and make a case for it and has been using the old "reefer madness" angle for a while.

I don't know anything about the reporter, but I do know she is a hack -- only a hack would aproach the subject in this way.


The Daily Mail is well known in this country for being a hate-filled right wing propaganda machine - "Immigrants raped my child and then claimed benefits (welfare for the yanks)" type headlines all the time.

The only thing true in that paper is the date.


Active member
One of the things about the recent strategy of "killer skunk" is that they always talk about how weed has gotten stronger, but they never talk about the amount that's consumed. If you have good quality tokes, you don't smoke as much. They always assume there's some fixed dose like popping a pill or something.


The Tri Guy
We all know that if you suffer from mental illness before smoking cannabis, you may suffer mental illness after smoking cannabis, and I feel that this woman fits that category.


Active member
I'm shocked, I thaught that in 2008 in the UK, the cannabis laws would be more loose. It's europe for pete's sake.

is the cannabis laws in the UK really that harsh?

bly me guvna!


med_breeder said:
bly me guvna!


Almost correct bruv!

But yeah, we seem to be going backwards in regards to the cannabis debate here. In a lot of ways the UK is not as progressive as other European countries, its a damn shame, I cant wait to emigrate.


This makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. The Daily Mail have been publishing some real rubbish, especially about weed.

"over the past few years, home-grown cannabis has been genetically altered so that it contains 10 to 15 per cent THC, whereas naturally-grown cannabis contains only 3 to 5 per cent."

I never thought I'd say this to anyone, but she has been smoking entirely too much weed.


Active member
this may be nonsense,
but does the average British person really believe the hype?

I can speak for Americans, unfortunately too many americans believe the anti-marijuana propaganda. I wish you brits could see the stupid anti-marijuana ads that they air in the USA.


Active member
WOW,but i doubt the averge person will buy into this bullshit,since most people have had there own expernce with bud by now,


Active member
Thanks DoubleJ for posting that vid.

I had no idea.
From all the episodes of "Peepshow" that I watched,
I thaught there was a "Super Hans" on every block.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
this is the fucking bitch that is a govt narc, seen this article a few weeks ago. She could shoot herself up with bleach for all I care, I hope she rots in hell for all the bad press she's giving cannabis.

If it's so goddamned bad how come all of us aren't friggin' twitches like
this bitch is??????? And besides cannabis is NOT for everyone, some folks
just can't handle it and she's one of them

I happen to know that many people can't handle their alcohol, tens of 1000s
of people that have beat their children, wives, husbands, and parents while
drinking alcohol. So WTF gives? Police statistics show that 2/3rds of ALL
domestic violence is fueled by BOOZE! 3/4 of ALL campus date rapes occur
while the female is DRUNK!

I particularly noticed that she doesn't mention the fact that the customers
at the coffee shop she worked at were normal, intelligent people w/ ZERO
psychological issues, she DIDN'T witness any murders or crimes although
she was exposed to the Amsterdam experience most of us would like to
have ourselves.

I've been toking for 38+ years. Four years ago I decided to jog off some weight, I was 260 pounds, I stuck to a good diet & jogged 4 miles five times a week, I lost on average 1 pound each day and lost 66 pounds in just a bit over 2 months. Last year I had to partake in some aptitude testing for job retraining, the guy giving me the test was amazed at the speed and accuracy of my test scoring, SEVERAL times he remarked "Nobody has ever gotten this far", "Nobody has scored so high", "Nobody has ever completed this portion." These tests were in 6 different parts each timed & scored separately, when I was done he said to me, "Gee, I hate testing someone smarter than me" and he said he meant it whole heartedly. So IMO that sorta blows her shit out of the friggin' water....... eat shit and die Nicky.

I can only hope Nicky Taylor DOES jump out a window & the rest of those
UK doctors & scientists right behind her.
:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
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