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OMG SUPER SKUNK ME!!!!!!Another BS lies about pot, this one takes the cake in awhile!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Below is a picture of Nicky toking up
along with the caption from the article.


Stoned: After smoking a skunk joint Nicky Taylor felt everyone hated her.

Truer words have NEVER been spoken,
especially in regards to her reporting tactics.


Active member

what the hell's up with U.K and "skunk" do they use it as slang or do they just assume skunk is the only weed out there


Skunk has become a generic term for indoor commercially grown bud, and in the media its come to mean 'Evil-psycho genetically modified killer weed'


Active member
I moved to the UK from Canada, and it took me ages to figure out that "skunk" = bud. I thought my brother-in-law was talking about the strain, but he meant buds in general.

I'm not sure about all areas of the UK, but he told me that in the north you could get "bush" which, as I understand it, is just leaf/twigs. I raised an eyebrow and told him that that's not real weed and if anyone tried to sell a bag of shake as pot to me back home I would have laughed at him. So, I suppose if you have shake being sold as pot proper and also bud going around from time to time, then you need a term for buds -- I assume that's where the term "skunk" comes in.

I also think that if you are comparing THC content between shake and buds proper, then "huge increases in THC content" will be easier to prove/validate. i.e. if 20 years ago more shake was being sold and present day more buds are being sold, then of course there will be a big jump in THC content comparing what's on the street at those two times.

In short, the U.K. is finally seeing some quality product going around more regularly/widely (except near me! -- and except when it's got glass in it), so the media have latched onto this -- but in comparison to some other regions of the world, the U.K. is just getting up to speed, so to speak.
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obviously none of u people have saw the documentary ,,it was very good and not like the paper is reporting ,,

jammy bitch got to try pure thc and cbd and boy did she enjoy the cbd ,,she also showed drink driving was worse than weed driving ,endorsed granny pat and her efforts then made more people aware of the glass weed ,,

the negative parts were silly kids being interviewed ,who obviously had no idea about cannabis ,

imo she did more good for the cause of legalisation than bad ,,


Active member
Was she smoking low-grade cannabis sprayed with pesticide?

It seems like she forced herself to abuse cannabis......totally crazy behaviour....is it any wonder it turned out bad for her, if she is indeed telling the whole truth about her experience??

You mess with Shiva, you get the side of destruction....

If she were to honestly approach Shiva, and needed cannabis for a physical ailment, she would get the side of creation and would have had a positive experience.....

It takes an incredibly small dose of cannabis to produce a therapeutic effect, so i think it is safe to say her body and mind were not prepared to smoke such a large amount of cannabis......

"You're gonna reap just what you sow...." -LR and Shiva:

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


HempHut said:
I also think that if you are comparing THC content between shake and buds proper, then "huge increases in THC content" will be easier to prove/validate. i.e. if 20 years ago more shake was being sold and present day more buds are being sold, then of course there will be a big jump in THC content comparing what's on the street at those two times.

From talking to the older smokers I know (I'm still a yout at 20), this isnt true at all. Back then, high quality imported hash (with a much higher THC %) was much more prevalent, it's almost impossible to find nowadays. Jamaican and Thai import was the most common herbal cannabis available then, and compared to the terrible commercial/sprayed bud nowadays, the imported shit would get you a LOT higher ('Thai' is becoming more and more common, and is what some people refer to as 'bush'). As far as I'm aware, we only got good quality domestic weed with the introduction of indoor growing equipment and such given that the climate here isnt suitable for outdoor growing.

I'm not entirely sure where the climate of propaganda and scaremongering with scant regard for science or objectivity (the ridiculous and incorrect comparisons of THC% for example) of the last few years has come from, but certainly it has been accompanied by police crackdowns on grow ops, leading to more people reverting back to imported, compressed weed or the nasty shit grown by large criminal organisations, sprayed with all types of fuckry for profit, that always seems to be about. In a word, the government and medias anti-cannabis campaign has led to more dangerous product being put out on the street.

Hopefully some of the older/more experienced UK heads will be able to fill you in better...


Active member
DoubleJ said:
From talking to the older smokers I know (I'm still a yout at 20), this isnt true at all. Back then, high quality imported hash (with a much higher THC %) was much more prevalent, it's almost impossible to find nowadays. Jamaican and Thai import was the most common herbal cannabis available then, and compared to the terrible commercial/sprayed bud nowadays, the imported shit would get you a LOT higher ('Thai' is becoming more and more common, and is what some people refer to as 'bush'). As far as I'm aware, we only got good quality domestic weed with the introduction of indoor growing equipment and such given that the climate here isnt suitable for outdoor growing.

I'm not entirely sure where the climate of propaganda and scaremongering with scant regard for science or objectivity (the ridiculous and incorrect comparisons of THC% for example) of the last few years has come from, but certainly it has been accompanied by police crackdowns on grow ops, leading to more people reverting back to imported, compressed weed or the nasty shit grown by large criminal organisations, sprayed with all types of fuckry for profit, that always seems to be about. In a word, the government and medias anti-cannabis campaign has led to more dangerous product being put out on the street.

Hopefully some of the older/more experienced UK heads will be able to fill you in better...


I think it varies by region, too. I know my brother-in-law, who is a couple of years younger than me (he's 40), described the market he grew up with in the NE as basically consisting of "rocky" (hash: moroccan, hard, soap bar, etc.) and bush (sticks and leaf). He said he would very rarely get something like Afghan (gold seal, etc.) and almost never saw bud of any kind. I know since I've been here it's always been the hard moroccan and twice I've seen bud -- it was grit weed. He said product tends to move from the South to the North, so by the time it hits the North all the good stuff has been snapped up leaving what's leftover -- the crappy stuff. The grit weed showing up tends to show that as true, since bud never appeared before until word got out about the grit -- seems the southern buyers started to pass on it, so it ended up in the North.

Now, I'm sure no matter where you are, if you have the right connections you can get quality.

Yeah, I think there are external pressures being applied in some respects. The whole "reefer madness" angle smacks of desperation and a "quick fix" type of tactic in an attempt to put the Genie back in the bottle. Although, it could just be something as simple as the government wanting to appeal more to the right wing floating voter base with an eye to elections. Pot has been a favourite political football in most cultures -- it gets boring.

Oh as an aside, another odd terminology difference that had me confused: "blow" = pot. Hehe, that had me confused to no end.
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Key phrase:

"Thankfully, she appears not to have experienced any long-term effects from using the drug."

Anyway what is up with injecting THC, not really a fair representation of cannabis seeing as no one injects it. Dailymail has had this kind of bullshit anti-weed stuff for awhile.......
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My little pony.. my little pony
hazyfontazy said:
obviously none of u people have saw the documentary ,,it was very good and not like the paper is reporting ,,

jammy bitch got to try pure thc and cbd and boy did she enjoy the cbd ,,she also showed drink driving was worse than weed driving ,endorsed granny pat and her efforts then made more people aware of the glass weed ,,

the negative parts were silly kids being interviewed ,who obviously had no idea about cannabis ,

imo she did more good for the cause of legalisation than bad ,,

Ok, so I finally watched this yesterday and found that the website article has a much different edited tone to it compared to the actual BBC documentary.

Heres my take on the documentary itself. It seems to be the out takes of what we would expect of a newbie lightweight cannabis smoker. Funny for the most part. Its only when she departs from her first hand experiences and tries to shed 'science' on the subject does the documentary start to go astray.

The UK and New Zealand have been putting out lots negative cannabis studies for a couple years now that have been getting lots of press but dont seem to be based in any kind of reality when looking at the pot smoking population. Such as saying that pot smoking increases your chances of psychosis or cannabis has X times the cancer causing agents as cigarettes, etc.

The documentary seems to focus a lot on these negative reports and while they do dispell some of the rediculous notions behind some of the reports they dont seem to be taking any good kind of stance for the smoking of marijuana. I dont think they mentioned anything about the medical benefits or the help weed brings to cancer patients and chronic pain sufferers.

There was no mention of all the work the Israeli researchers [ Mechoulam ] are doing that shows all the theraputic properties of cannabis and THC.

Not sure where it got the name 'superskunk me' but I found it as a torrent under the documentaries name " Should I smoke dope? "

Heres a link if you want to DL it from torrent.



Active member
Verite said:
Ok, so I finally watched this yesterday and found that the website article has a much different edited tone to it compared to the actual BBC documentary.

Heres my take on the documentary itself. It seems to be the out takes of what we would expect of a newbie lightweight cannabis smoker. Funny for the most part. Its only when she departs from her first hand experiences and tries to shed 'science' on the subject does the documentary start to go astray.

The UK and New Zealand have been putting out lots negative cannabis studies for a couple years now that have been getting lots of press but dont seem to be based in any kind of reality when looking at the pot smoking population. Such as saying that pot smoking increases your chances of psychosis or cannabis has X times the cancer causing agents as cigarettes, etc.

The documentary seems to focus a lot on these negative reports and while they do dispell some of the rediculous notions behind some of the reports they dont seem to be taking any good kind of stance for the smoking of marijuana. I dont think they mentioned anything about the medical benefits or the help weed brings to cancer patients and chronic pain sufferers.

There was no mention of all the work the Israeli researchers [ Mechoulam ] are doing that shows all the theraputic properties of cannabis and THC.

Not sure where it got the name 'superskunk me' but I found it as a torrent under the documentaries name " Should I smoke dope? "

Heres a link if you want to DL it from torrent.


Yep, I watched this yesterday as well and that's about the same conclusion I came to.

There really are two topics here -- the Daily Mail newspaper article that quoted most stuff from the show out of context in order to be sensationalist and the actual show itself.

The documentary is hardly what I would call balanced, though. Her first time toking in 20 years and she's told right before she's given the joint to take two hits, put it out and wait 10 minutes or so. What does she do? Smokes over half the joint -- and then has a panick attack. This is the first reaction to pot that the viewer sees. I don't see how 1) she could have "forgot" as she claims and 2) how no one in crew didn't remind her of the instructions she was just given. It's like they wanted to show a negative reaction to start the show off.

The injection experiments were just as bad. 1) because no one injects THC THC/CBD, 2) because increasing THC values in pot do not equal ingesting pure THC 3)because they evaluated a stoned person's mental state for correlation to a psychotic state. I don't think anyone would deny that pot alters your mental state. Any substance that alters a person's mental state is likely to produce some symptoms of a "mental illness" because that's what mental illness is -- a deviation from a norm. Just because a consciousness that has been altered via a drug displays symptoms of a mental deviation does not mean that the drug will cause that consciousness to remain in that state after the drug has worn off.

The whole fact that they are even looking at this (psychosis) is based on the poorest of evidence (post hoc ergo propter hoc -- correlation is not equivalent to causation). But scientists will investigate things if there's money there -- you offer up funding/grants to study a particular subject and the scientists will follow.

Also, the whole lung disease piece was a joke. The doctor showed one x-ray from a supposed toker who has holes in his lungs. There was no mention of how he smoked, what he smoked or how much he smoked -- for all we know it was the grit weed that did that to him. When she asked the doctor, "this is caused by pot?" his answer was, "I can't see how it could be anything else". If that's his answer, then he wasn't looking very closely. It could very well be accurate, but there's nowhere near proper evidence from what we were given to draw an accurate conclusion.

And the kids they interviewed -- I'd like to be kind here, but they were morons. If you roll up with a camera crew to a local hang out for kids, well, gee, I wonder if they would say just about any load of B.S. in order to be on T.V. It was just an attempt to pull out the old, "won't someone think of the children" hysteria.

Bah, I could go on, but that's enough.

So, yes, the show isn't nearly as bad as the newspaper article, but I wouldn't call it unbiased. The reporter's approach to the subject is still very questionable -- in short, she didn't treat the subject or the substance with the due care they deserve.
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Active member
I just finished watching it.Some kind soul has finally posted on youtube.
I think that the Documentary was slanted in an anti-pot stance, but more fair than I had expected.
is Paranoia a form of psychosis?
with my love of pure satties, I get extreme bouts of Paranoia. At first it was scary (so much so that I quit for 2 years it got so bad),but now I embrace the paranoia.

the stuff I'm currently puffing is bag weed, but I am not able to take 25 tokes off of it. She is a tobacco smoker, maybe that is why she puffed so hard on day one.




I haven't smoked in decades .. the lady says just take two hits, so I'll take 25 or so.

day two

I'll go easier today .. and just smoke some hash!!!
