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omg a first grow of the dreaded marihuana plant

Veeeeeeeery Nice looking lady there. :D Gooood job. Now go eat a brownie :D
Brownies have to wait for another few weeks yet but thanks! I appreciate this comment because can barely tell this is some green object from plant kingdom and appears alive. But health, growth rate are a great mystery yet.

Well that is not absolutely true. I think she (think positive!) is growing fast although is underwatered here because I somehow got it into my head that I was overwatering. Have sitting alongside box a cup full of same soil, for comparison of dried-out weight but still. Eventually I will find correct amount to give.

Since that photo she is already looking bit better. And aside from 2in or so stalk there is not much stretch. Seems that small difference in distance from light has large impact. Placing cup on 4in rise seems to have almost halted vertical growth and that energy is transferred to horizontal spread and new leaf development.

Now I have soaking in water three more seeds of the Mandala Speed Queen strain. Please somebody help me decide on germinating them in paper towels, or direct in soil?


Active member
Hey n(etc.)

Looking very nice indeed - Funny you're saying that you're underwatering, my 1st. thought, judging from the plumpness of the leaves, is that she might be a tad to damp. (not good when it comes to these girls).

Question - do you have holes in the bottom of the beercup for drainage? (the correct answer here is "yes").

Your writing is fun to read - I'm gonna lurk this thread for sure - good luck to you!!!
Too damp you say... all right. Leaves do seem plump and rich so I will water less next time. They seemed to sag somewhat and this I took for sign of dryness along with perhaps that uneven edge on two biggest leaves. While I do not know what to make of that it has not spread to other leaves and so I am not about to panic right yet.

Bottom of cup is perforated yes, four slits made along edge. I check there for signs of root showing. When it does, planning transplant. Showing some undoubtedly impressive restraint I have not actually watered until water was pouring out of there, except once to soak soil well before throwing seeds in.

Thanks for your input!
Brownies have to wait for another few weeks yet but thanks! I appreciate this comment because can barely tell this is some green object from plant kingdom and appears alive. But health, growth rate are a great mystery yet.

Well that is not absolutely true. I think she (think positive!) is growing fast although is underwatered here because I somehow got it into my head that I was overwatering. Have sitting alongside box a cup full of same soil, for comparison of dried-out weight but still. Eventually I will find correct amount to give.

Since that photo she is already looking bit better. And aside from 2in or so stalk there is not much stretch. Seems that small difference in distance from light has large impact. Placing cup on 4in rise seems to have almost halted vertical growth and that energy is transferred to horizontal spread and new leaf development.

Now I have soaking in water three more seeds of the Mandala Speed Queen strain. Please somebody help me decide on germinating them in paper towels, or direct in soil?

Last things first, I'm a fan of paper towels + plastic bag. That way you can check the progress every few days, and you'll know when and if they sprout. That took a lot of the guesswork out of it for me, personally.

I found the watering during the seedling stage to be pretty jiffy too, but after some experimentation, I found a happy medium. That was a lot of joints ago though, and I didn't take any notes or anything, but I think watering every other day or so worked out for me.
BTW: My paper towel method:

Soak seeds in cup of tap water for 24 hrs. Try to get seeds to sink during that time by tapping them occasionally. Sinking is a good sign, still floating after 24hrs, not so much.

Mist paper towel with water from a spray can. Get towel moist, not soaked. Put some beans on it, fold it over until it fits in a small plastic bag. Mark bag, place in a drawer between two towels or something. Dark and warm is ideal.

Check on status carefully after 48 hours.

I like to have the root be 1/2" or so before planting.
Last things first, I'm a fan of paper towels + plastic bag. That way you can check the progress every few days, and you'll know when and if they sprout. That took a lot of the guesswork out of it for me, personally.
That was my plan, and next time also I will use this method. Right now -

Unsure when to transfer to soil after seed has cracked I did it immediately. Then took second look and planted second seed, on upper right in image because it was in same state.

Then the third for good measure.

And now waiting.

I like to have the root be 1/2" or so before planting.
Ahhh alright. Noted, thanks, next time I will give the root a bit of time.


Active member
Now I have soaking in water three more seeds of the Mandala Speed Queen strain. Please somebody help me decide on germinating them in paper towels, or direct in soil?

Let them soak for 24hrs and then pop them directly into your soil, pointed tip down. :D

Should see a plant coming up within 24-48 hours ;D
Let them soak for 24hrs and then pop them directly into your soil, pointed tip down. :D

Should see a plant coming up within 24-48 hours ;D
Actually this is what happened. :)
Checking now and then I saw all three appeared within 2hrs of each other about 45hrs after planting.

Tiny delicate plants! and I wonder if I planted too shallow at perhaps 5mm down. One is showing only as curve of green stalk so probably confused which way is up.

And two week old plant making me wonder when I will need to transplant. She will not be separated from the second batch. While I am still uncertain how long to maintain vegetative phase flowering switch will be determined by the second batch plants coming up only today. However long that takes I doubt two additional weeks of veg growth will harm this one.
Just an update.
3-day-old plants:

and a 3-week-old plant showing some strange discoloration:

Should I be worried about this? Have not seen anything like it, leaf edge curling and discolored, in cannabis infirmary section of site.
An update.
Started feeding largest plant. By advice from CannabisSativa have switched also to distilled water instead of that passed through Brita filter. This may help damage to two leaves shown here. While it is not spreading to other leaves it is getting steadily worse. Feeding will correct this if it is a deficiency and I am considering replanting early next week.

Nutrients I have are the Fox Farm trio pack. Today watering was with Big Bloom at full strength as it is rather weak. After seeing what happens on Monday will flush if necessary and start watering with Grow Big at quarter strength.

Three younger plants. One of which is showing browning on the youngest leaves but that could be nothing yet. These three get only water thus far.

The largest has gotten big enough that it is difficult to judge by eye alone how much she has grown each day. Rather than vertical growth now seems to be horizontal and the plant is getting quite bushy with tiny leaves growing in the shade of others. This makes me consider getting an HPS lamp in place and quickly to supplement fluorescents.


They are going to love the Big Bloom at full strength...hopefully you will see some nice results in about 3 - 4 days. You are going to have really bushy plants within the next few weeks.
Thanks everyone for the comments.

Melkor420, kindly do tell what I am doing wrong? Learning about growing this plant is one reason I posted thread. I admit freely I am on unfamiliar territory here and once I know something of what I am doing some of this mythical 'talent' will show.

Anyway I was going to update three days ago but fell sick as a dog. Still am quite ill but now may be expected to survive.

Second batch:

And here are two pictures of sick No.4 of first batch.

Deficiency of some sort I think, perhaps nitrogen? Because second-batch plants are showing signs of it as well. This began with leaf seeming to grow too much edge for its surface area and there forming a wavelike shape. On crest of that wave is where browning started. What is curious to me is that no other leaves are affected except the round tiny ones that were first to show from seed shell. These ill leaves are the second ones.

Watering is now with distilled water, Big Bloom at fullstrength for second-batch and Grow Big started today at 1/4th strength for this sickly plant. Whose smell is getting noticeable immediately on opening the cabinet. While not unpleasant particularly it could be bad if getting very strong, and is something like sage mixed with bay leaves.

Wish I could take soil tester readings but the thing is crap. It would require me pour in water enough to turn whole cup into a runny bog and I am not willing to do that while plants are still in tiny cups.
Waiting for No.4 to show roots through drainage holes before replanting was a big mistake. Plant was probably ready two weeks ago; I think this because all three of second-batch plants are showing 1-3mm of root tips through drainage holes in bottom of cups.

Replanting into 1-gallon flowerpots this afternoon if I find time. Else tomorrow.

After yesterday watering with 1/4th strength Grow Big No.4 plant is not showing improvement at all. Rather the opposite.

Here is gratuitous image of entire family.
