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Oldtimer's Haze


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Baby OT Haze!

I used to have a woven ficus tree before my greenhouse froze this february...the idea with these is to weave them together in the same way, and then wrap the lower woven 'trunk' with breathable tree wrap, making two and three plants 'one'.


Stems Analyst
my OTH male :tiphat:
Thanks T. He's got hair on his chest! :biggrin:
And I was just going to ask Prest1 if he got any males, and what percentage. (sorry I can't give you any more rep, Prest1)
How long did it take before he started dropping pollen after flip?
I think that I read that these hazes have a high female ratio.
All the best


Thanks T. He's got hair on his chest! :biggrin:
And I was just going to ask Prest1 if he got any males, and what percentage. (sorry I can't give you any more rep, Prest1)
How long did it take before he started dropping pollen after flip?
I think that I read that these hazes have a high female ratio.
All the best

Thanks LowFalutin for your comments. I popped 5 seeds, got two females and 3 males. The fastest male is the one in the picture, it started flowering first days of march and begun dropping pollen approximately two weeks later.
best :tiphat:


From 13 Oldtimer's Haze I got 10 plants.
From 13 Purple Haze I got 7 plants.
From 10 Purple Haze x Thai I got 7 plants.

I then had to select the best 9 females, so I now have 4 Oldtimer's Haze, 4 Purple Haze and 1 Purple Haze x Thai. I can't recall specific numbers, but think I only got 2/7 females from Purple Haze x Thai. Oldtimer's Haze and Purple Haze gave a pretty equal ratio of males to females.


Stems Analyst
Thanks for your responses, mates. :thank you:
Very helpful info. I'd like to find a nice hazy trich-y male to pollenate a quick finishing Bangi Haze. Getting the pollen should take a lot less time than waiting for the ladies' buds to finish. :biggrin: ...which I probably would cull anyway in my man-hunt.

Thanks LowFalutin for your comments. I popped 5 seeds, got two females and 3 males. The fastest male is the one in the picture, it started flowering first days of march and begun dropping pollen approximately two weeks later.
best :tiphat:

From 13 Oldtimer's Haze I got 10 plants.
From 13 Purple Haze I got 7 plants.
From 10 Purple Haze x Thai I got 7 plants.

I then had to select the best 9 females, so I now have 4 Oldtimer's Haze, 4 Purple Haze and 1 Purple Haze x Thai. I can't recall specific numbers, but think I only got 2/7 females from Purple Haze x Thai. Oldtimer's Haze and Purple Haze gave a pretty equal ratio of males to females.

recent guest

So I'm sort of assuming (and please correct me!) that OTH is a relatively light feeder. I have tried some non-intensive fertilization techniques.

The first is keeping my young chickens in the pots until they are big enough to get out on their own. The feed is turned into manure and about a half cm of fresh chicken manure has built up in the pot since this picture was taken. I had a slight aphid hatch after importing several flowering vines from an online vendor, but the chicks take care of all the aphids on a plant in a matter of minutes. (11 chicks in total on a rotating schedule):

The second technique is planting nitrogen fixing legumes in the periphery of the container. These are scarlet and white runner beans, which should climb up the Hazes as they mature. I have tried this also on Panama and OG Kush. The nitrogen fixing bacteria in the roots of the beans feeds the MJ. This is an adaptation of a Milpa or Southwestern Native farming technique, planting pole beans with corn so that they climb up the corn stalks. Both plants have a symbiotic relationship and the result is greater than the sum of its parts.


Keyboard Warrior
Congo pointe noir x Ot1 Haze

Congo pointe noir x Ot1 Haze

Edit: hybrid from Tropical seeds, Jah bless the Spanish sativa collectives.
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ACE Seeds Breeder
What is an ideal light cycle for them in veg? 18/6 as normal? Or something closer to 13/11 or something? Will have a look back through this thread.

Greetings Prest1,

I havent had any inconvenient vegging this kind of tropical sativas under 18/6 cycle versus shorter photoperiods. In fact, the closer they are to 12/12 the stronger will be stretching.

I have had great results keeping haze parental plants for long term in the mother room under 18/6, using small pots and not so strong light intensity.

You are doing a great job keeping your haze female under control indoors ;) Please keep us updated!
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