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Oldtimers Haze Vert Scrog


Hey there. Well, just wanted to share my newest adventure in growing. I aqquired some OTH 13f x 6m seeds just about a year ago...gave 4 to a buddy to pop, sexed out, 3 females and 1 stout male. These were given back to me as the original moms and I was gonna take cuts to flower because I thought they were too big...but I didnt have the heart to cull them...

So here we are a few weeks down the road...recouped a bit...Didnt know how the hell I was gonna flower these...I decided to go with the vert scrog action with a barebulb in the center...

starting off with a 600 for the first few weeks and then moving on to the 1k...

We'll see how out of control it gets haha....Hoping things go well...







Ras Pablo

Well-known member
Wow!! Excellent project you've got there bro!:headbange:headbange

I get a place here, hope they will develop without problems, they look wonderful!


Should be fun no doubt!

Sativa Grows- A little bit of both actually dude. Gonna build an isolation chamber for the male so he can produce the pollen I intend on painting on the few branches of each of these hazes and a few other cuts....but Im stoked on the ganja to come as well.

I'll update in a few weeks.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hey there. Well, just wanted to share my newest adventure in growing. I aqquired some OTH 13f x 6m seeds just about a year ago...gave 4 to a buddy to pop, sexed out, 3 females and 1 stout male. These were given back to me as the original moms and I was gonna take cuts to flower because I thought they were too big...but I didnt have the heart to cull them...

So here we are a few weeks down the road...recouped a bit...Didnt know how the hell I was gonna flower these...I decided to go with the vert scrog action with a barebulb in the center...

starting off with a 600 for the first few weeks and then moving on to the 1k...

We'll see how out of control it gets haha....Hoping things go well...



Welcome Blowstrees!

You have a great courage to start a tropical indoor adventure, their structure now is very desirable for vertical scrogging.

I'd recommend you to decrease photoperiod slowly but constantly and even use a little of new era flowering stimulator (CBG's Delta 9, Canna Bio Boost etc ..) to force them more to flower. They need very intense lights indoors and have good resistance against high indoor temps.

Let us know if you have any doubt or problem. Best wishes!


excellent stuff will be watching eagerly. i'm about to do a sativa scrog and am interested in seeing how they will fill out here.


Welcome Blowstrees!

You have a great courage to start a tropical indoor adventure, their structure now is very desirable for vertical scrogging.

I'd recommend you to decrease photoperiod slowly but constantly and even use a little of new era flowering stimulator (CBG's Delta 9, Canna Bio Boost etc ..) to force them more to flower. They need very intense lights indoors and have good resistance against high indoor temps.

Let us know if you have any doubt or problem. Best wishes!

Dubi- Just the man I was looking for on the input end. Thank you sir for your well wishes on this adventure. I have great respect for your preservation efforts of the hazes and your general mental positions in the seed game.

So these hazes are being grown in 3 gallon pots with a 6 part promix, 2 parts earthworm castings, and 1 part lobster shellfish compost mix. My plan was to stick with soley water minus maybe a once every two week watering with mollasses to feed the beni's in the soil. You suggested using a flower stimulator...would making a compost tea with high phos bat guano be sufficient enough? Any input on feeding schedule/ light schedule would be excellent.

They were under 24 hours of light after i got them back....then switched to 18/6. Since yesterday I threw them into flower with 11/13 trying to throw them into flower.

Thanks again.



Also, A question I have for lighting.... I was planning on using a 1k to flower these out between the 3 walls vertically. each wall is 6feet tall and 4.5 feet wide. So each side is 27 sq ft x 3 for each wall is 81 sq ft to light. With the 1k, its like 12 wpsf...which is pityful haha...so is my math thinking correctly and im going to need a shitload more light for these hazes to finish up correctly?...or with the vert bulb does that change how the light intensity is measured??Will the 1k be enough?? The whole tent itself these are being flowered in is 4.5ft x 4.5ft x 7.0 ft.

What does everyone think?


ACE Seeds Breeder
Dubi- Just the man I was looking for on the input end. Thank you sir for your well wishes on this adventure. I have great respect for your preservation efforts of the hazes and your general mental positions in the seed game.

So these hazes are being grown in 3 gallon pots with a 6 part promix, 2 parts earthworm castings, and 1 part lobster shellfish compost mix. My plan was to stick with soley water minus maybe a once every two week watering with mollasses to feed the beni's in the soil. You suggested using a flower stimulator...would making a compost tea with high phos bat guano be sufficient enough? Any input on feeding schedule/ light schedule would be excellent.

They were under 24 hours of light after i got them back....then switched to 18/6. Since yesterday I threw them into flower with 11/13 trying to throw them into flower.

Thanks again.


It's always a pleasure to help. If they come from 24/0, 18/6 then i'd recommend you start for a few days/weeks at 12/12.

They flower correctly between the 12/12 and the 10/14 range, if you decrease to soon then you'll have little time range to stimulate them.

A flowering fertilizer and flowering stimulator are different things. Fertilizer is the classic NPK with micro nutrientes, bio or not. Stimulators could also have low doses of NPK and micros but their effectiveness is more based on natural hormones and other natural compounds which are essential for plant process.

There are growers that use both kind of products at flowering time, the fertilizer as base food(frequent ) and the stimulator (less frequent) to increase plant metabolism.

Honestly, we havent flowered them indoors with 1K lamps, we did a pure haze indoor years ago but 600w/m2, it was for a seed grow and yield was low but they matured correctly. Hopefuly you'll get nice results using a 1k lamp in your cabinet. Hope it helps.


New member
Man this looks good!
I wish I could help but I've never grown, super interested in this strain tho.

Hope all goes well.
I can't wait for the final product!


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Ooh, so glad to sit in on this one! :lurk:

I too have the #13 and will be doing it inside. :wink:

Great idea to do it espalier-style! Always dreamed of doing that onto the deer fencing around my regular garden.

Best wishes! :D:yes: