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OldOne's 3rd cab run - almost same as 2nd, but better :)


I found that defecation bit interesting as well. It kinda confirms what I saw in my first ppk run when I got those wild ph/ec swings. And it does make sense; anything that eats, shits.

"i got some on my finger so i wiped it on the wall."...always a class act...hmmmm finger painting when bored, not a bad idea really.

What the hell is shinola?


No Jive Productions
it's a real shame so many aspiring young artists are dissuaded from exploring their creative side when their mommies scold them for expressing themselves with the only medium available from the limited scope of their cribs.

shinola is not shit!


Fuck Entropy.
"Shit from shinola."

The common use exemplifies the difference.

It's Fucking Obvious people.

Give that a minute, and it'll pop up as an online abbriviation...



IFOP: PPK ftw!


Fuck Entropy.
PPK threads are going down the shitter.

Put a hole in a bucket. Stick a tube through it. Put in some coco, then a plant. Put it in another bucket with Jacks.

Fuck off for 100 days.

Start another thread about putting a hole in a bucket...

This is bullshit.


Then it degrades to bored people expressing their unused creativity and talents by... well, see above...


Fuck Entropy.
This is why my next grow will be about unicorns and rainbows, and the PPK and FLO will be playing supporting rolls. And they should be grateful to be in that company... and I don't even want to hear any bullshit about collective bargaining.


Hey, why is my post count going up so fast?
too much caffeine maybe?

And I still dont know what shinola is...so I looked it up. Shoe polish, brown no doubt.

IF, you are too right about the ppk threads dieing. Its all d9's fault. A grow method so simple it kills our favorite topic of conversation. Its the journey thats the fun part and we have all arrived at our destination.

OK so how about books? My favorite one is Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. His Snow Crash and Zodiac are great ones too. Also anything by James Clavell; Noble House, Shogun et al. Oh and LOTR...

See how bored I am?


No Jive Productions
call a fuckin' waaaambulance! i almost feel guilty!

had to look up "shinola", huh? you are disgustingly young!

remember in the "Jerk", with steve martin, he's about to leave home and his black father takes him outside, points to something on the ground, and says, "that is not shinola"?

the term is often used with a derisive tone as part of a phrase to describe someone whose intellect you have little respect for.

as in "he doesn't know shit from shinola"!

not that i don't have respect for your intellect, but in your case you really didn't know shit from shinola!


Nah, just disgustingly Canadian you hoser.

I dont think they sell that shit shinola up here, at least I've never seen any on the canoe.

And we dont beat around the bush when naming those bereft of brains. We call them "fucking idiots" who cant walk and chew gum at the same time. I've met a few of those...

Ah youth, I wish. Been breathing since 1959...oldone indeed!

see ya,


No Jive Productions
"I dont think they sell that shit shinola up here, at least I've never seen any on the canoe."

that's right, they don't use it on fur leggings!

Darth Fader


Sorry that I haven't been pulling my (passive bucket) weight. Can't decide if I'm too busy or lazy. In either case, I have a nice PPK story for you all. I visited a good friend in CO recently and he's got a nice big 10k room set up growing in .... wait for it .... 18g totes. That's right, plain old plastic totes sitting on a cement floor - no air holes, no res, no wick. Just dumps a bucket of nutes into them when they start getting dry. There's really no excuse for this - LOL. Anyway, he was explaining the disappointments of summer - 5-6 ft lolli-popped plants with good sized colas that were only putting out 5-6 oz ea. His conservative estimate had been 8oz ea before build out. So I told him all about the PPK thread & D9's journey from a 9-ish avg to over 1lb per. That got his attention. We talked about a lot of the concepts that weekend and I just kept telling him to read the thread. By the time he was taking me back to the airport, he said he'd read the whole thing. I figured it was in one ear and out the other, and lazy stoners don't generally read threads that long, but two days later he said he'd read the thread and already built one - and damn if he didn't text me a pic of it! After 6 wks veg and 2-4 wks flower he reports that it's been hands off all the way and that his friend has put together a 7-bucket PPK as well. Cool, eh?

As for me, I find dealing with pics & taking the time to do a decent journal quite tedious and difficult to prioritize. I am continually lurking though, so I'll try to re-purpose some of that time into a new thread. I do know that my not documenting, good and bad, is doing me no favors. D_Fader learned a bunch of lessons in his SOG attempt and is currently venturing in vert scrog. The Fader bucket is evolving into it's own thing and there are many more changes planned for the next run as well. L8R gents.


Hi Darth

Nice to hear from you. Its been a while. Yep the ppk disease is spreading. If it goes too far none of us will have anything to talk about.

How about posting that pic your buddy sent you? And let us know when your thread goes up.

see ya,


No Jive Productions
hey, darth! good to hear from you!

great story! please tell your friends that they have an open invitation to post their builds and experiences on my thread, if they like.

when are we going to get pics from you?

later on, d9

Darth Fader

Hi Darth

Nice to hear from you. Its been a while. Yep the ppk disease is spreading. If it goes too far none of us will have anything to talk about.

How about posting that pic your buddy sent you? And let us know when your thread goes up.

see ya,

Ask and you shall recieve!


Well, that's not so exciting, is it? I did start my thread finally - see sig link. Or we could start a list of clever things to say during your TSA pat-down to make your screener really uncomfortable. I'll go first.

1.(smile & shrug) "I've been working out."
2. "Oh yeah .... yeah, that's it."


Thanks for saying that Scrub. Its partially your fault though. Your help with the cab's design and ventilation is/was key in getting it right the first time.

Have you ever thought about using a wick system?

Peace and Respect,


day 23 flower

day 23 flower

And things are going well. All I've had to do in the last 3 plus weeks is top up the rez, snip leaves and lst branches.

I dont want to be redundant by using the word boring all the time so lets just say I have lots more time on my hands at this stage of the grow than I should have.

she looks great...
____day 2 flower________day10 flower________day13 flower________day19 flower________day23 flower

I have been doing a better job controlling her height using defoliation and bending stems.

In my second run I lamented the fact that she's stuck in there and I have a hard time reaching the back. It turns out that all I have to do is pull the ppk unit out about 12"...she holds on to the screen quite nicely.

In the next few days I'm going to do an experiment. I'll unhook the pulse hose and use it to extract 1-2 liters of nutes. This I plan to poor straight through the ppk. Wait a while then check EC. If all is well the EC should remain stable. If not...

Seasons Greetings everyone,

PS; any naming suggestions? The Bitch is fondly remembered and gave me quite a battle, but the daughter?...not so much


New member

She looks great! How about Medusa. It sort of looks like she has a bunch of snakes coming from her head and in the in you will be removing them all.



Medusa...great idea, but what about the turning to stone thing?

That would be kinda hard to explain to the boss...

welcome aboard Soorc,

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