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Old Worm Castings


Active member
I found an old bag of EWC and it has a fine lair of mold on it. Is it still safe to use? If so, does this mean if I use it in a tea I would get a more fungal tea? Thanks everybody. I do have 2 full bags of fresh EWC, any reason to still use the old stuff?


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
My soil bins get a layer of mold on top from time to time. Most likely just came from moisture in the bag. I just skim the mold off and toss it. It doesn't bother the soil.


Active member
I was going to say I'd put my old worm castings up against young worm castings any day, but it just didn't sound right for some reason.


If it's a white fuzzy layer on your worm castings I wouldn't worry about it too much. Green, blue, black etc. probably better to get rid of them.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
as long as they don't smell rancid i wouldn't worry too much about it. you could always add it to your worm bin or compost pile and let it get re-digested.


Active member
What color mold?

Great answers everybody, lots of stuff I didn't consider. First off the color is white, and powdery. Also, the castings smell like castings to me. Nothing foul about it. There is probably only a couple gallons left, so if I scrapped it off it would be almost gone. I do have a compost bin that is composting atm.