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Old skunk seeds (1960 - 1980)


High Class Grass
Im Danish, and i know that the HA didnt produce much of the weed back then, or now for that matter. It highly likely that you homies dad and some of his HA brethren have had some projects going, and the genetics you mention are typical for Danish outdoor farmers.
As for the skunk, thats the one that might be interesting. Being from the 70´s its likely to originate with the great RKS that everybodys talkin bout. But my general take on Danish outdoors product is that its weak. The climate here simply wont allow the potency to really take off. And back then, growing weed in Denmark was at a very low level of insight and actually mostly was until like 5 years ago. But still its a fun project and i wish you all the best with it..let us know how it works out for ya.

Stay Safe


The Hell's Angels MC Denmark didn't even exist back then...

In the autumn 1979, Copenhagen was accepted as prospect*charter to Hells Angels MC
Europe. 30 men had the bottom rocker "MC Denmark" sewn on their vest.
1981 Copenhagen was voted in as the fortieth HA* charter of the world.

And skunk outdoor in Denmark? Well, I leave it to our Danish friends to judge that statement...


The Hell's Angels MC Denmark didn't even exist back then...


And skunk outdoor in Denmark? Well, I leave it to our Danish friends to judge that statement...

i didnt ask from what time he was in the hells angels, not every single seed would have been obtained while he was in the hells angels. and if it wasstarted in 1979, doesnt that give it 2 years from the lastest date ive been given?

the date btw is from when the seeds came from, he has seperate cups in his fridge which he keeps seeds in, so the skunks would have gone into this cup, so im looking at ALOT of different skunks being sent.


Considering that Skunk#1 breeding started in 1969 and seeds weren't available in Europe before 1982... What does that mean?


Considering that Skunk#1 breeding started in 1969 and seeds weren't available in Europe before 1982... What does that mean?

Well it means im going to be sent some seeds which may be skunk or may not be, im going to grow them out like usual, do what i was first intending to do, while shrugging off your comments.

this is what his son grew from one of the skunk seeds;



ok, you've peaked my interest.
Please let us know how the germ rates go for you!


Pull my finger
Yeah that. Shake em off and plant em. regardeless of the true lineage, there is a possibility of finding long lost gems in those old seeds. hell if they are even ten years old, chances are you might find a beauty.



Paint Your DreamStrain
Whether or not they're skunk, "old" marijuana seeds sound exciting. Keep the faith, you never know what gems can be locked in those microcapsules.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That looks like the stuff from High school. How many are you getting. 100 seeds is a min to get some nice lady's and from those pick the best female. Take clones and cross with very resinous dad.(deep chunk or Ca goo would be my choice)


New member
gosh, even i'm excited, i am a breeder of sorts, and when gems like this come out i salivate like an open tap... this is as good as when they found the stash in china full of seeds... imagine if one came through... wow... you are one lucky guy for getting those mate
Iv got Skunk seeds Iv been growing since 1986.They where old when I got them.Keep them in the freezer and get 90% germ rate.They came second hand from an old califorina grower.They smell anywhere from fruity to skunk.Its awsome smoke to.


so, what happened?

getting them soonish now, sorta lost abit of contact with my guy but hes been online alittle more recently, shes a stoner too and well.. hes abit lazy:mad:

Im waiting just as much as you guys:wallbash:
Could sprout, might not be quick ...

Could sprout, might not be quick ...

The original one-stalk Afgani Indica / skunk plants that reached these shores back in the mid-70's had very large, very hard seeds. They had to be soaked first, and then sprouted, and would take weeks to do it even when kept warm. Sometimes, they would get slightly moldy, but when washed off and returned to dark & damp, they would sprout eventually ... or not.

Properly stored, seeds can last for decades. Whether they are worth using ... that's another matter. Might be a glorified bag-seed hunt, but anyone's home-grown is far better than smoking pressed Mexican schwag.

I believe that in cases like this, old seeds of questionable provenance, the phase of the Moon has a significant role to play in sprouting. Check it out.

Keep in mind that though the genotype hasn't changed, the phenotype of these strains certainly has. The expression of the genes near sea level is quite different from conditions in it's home range, where its' grown several thousand feet higher, with more UV, colder nights, and a shorter season.

That's why so many "skunk" strains look so "Sativa" in their structure, and the seeds themselves have become smaller.
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ok so im apparantly going to be sent the seeds the first of next month,

i got him to cracksome open and tell me what the insides were like, out of 2 he said one was brown and one was white, so that could mean some of these seeds are still viable.

apparantly hes not entirely sure if theyre skunks allthough he said theyre some of the best outdoor strains in denmark from his dad being in the hells angels, collecting the seeds as he smoked.

im going to make seeds from all plants that sprout out, appart from any who have what id call a retardation compared to the other plants. (going to try and select plants and breed ones that look more alike, i assume theres going to be afew different strains in these)

just have to hope some will crack.

anyway good things come to those who wait hopefully.