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Old School's Sanctuary

Yo OldSchool! Been super busy lately... out of town for work and now moving. Everything looks great in here. :tiphat:

ay testy.... WHAT UP! I hope your move goes smooth and work is going well. Can't wait to watch you set up again.

Nice OS. Stones rock!.... gimme enough cardboard and duct tape and I will recreate the works of DaVinci!

Haha, AMEN! It really works well if done right

Cardboard and Gorilla tape rule !!!!!!!!!!!!!

They sure do, haha!

Exactly. Strain, company/breeder are good starting points. Ill be looking more into buying f2s or something I think has potential as f2s to find higher numbers of varied phenos. I think you get a greater chance of finding something special. A lot higher than buying a single fem seed anyway. How can 1 seed really tell us what a strain/cross has to offer?

The potential is there or it isn't. A smooth, proactive grow makes it just that much easier to decide if something deserves a 2nd run - Im having to run just about everything twice.

Nice simple box OSG. How light tight is it?

Makes sense what you're saying. Gem hunting, woohoo. The baffle box has absolutely no light leaking. I turned all the lights off in the room on a bright, sunny day, and shoved my face up to the exit hole of the box and it was pitch black. Really happy about it, thought it might need tweaking. The rest of the window needs a tad more work now.

-Old School


Began the transplants... did 8 tonight and will do 8 in the morning. The roots looked great on the clones, it was time.




-Old School
Some photos!

Some photos!

Going to flower when the sours get a bit taller and the seed plants recover from their topping. I took clones of all my seed plants so I won't lose any gems. One of the Cheese n Chazes eats a lot more than the rest. They've been getting Soil A and B, 8 ml of each as well as some SuperThrive and a feeding of Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed.


Chemmy Jones #1



The other Chemmy Jones..


And here are the Sours


Here is Cheese n Chaze #2



Cheese n Chaze #3


Cheese n Chaze #4


All of the seed plants cloned...


How has everyone been? I've really busy trying to make money.

-Old School
Nice OldSchool!
Coming along. That short, bushy Cheese n' Chaze looks proper.

Thanks Overgrow!! Yeah she (fingers crossed) is my favorite.

So I figured out what was up with some strange residue on the topside of the leaves of my babies. I believe I didn't use enough dish soap as a wetting agent when I sprayed with Neem. So I think it's just some Neem Oil residue. Seem realistic? I'm almost positive it is what happened.

-Old School


$$ ALONE $$
Ya. It seems realistic. It happens to me sometimes. I would get Dutch Master Saturator for a wetting agent if you foilar feed often.
How about some more advice from my ICMAG buddies?!

So I've got a sort of mini Sea of Green going and was wondering if you guys think I should top the plants, or just throw a stake for each one to be trained to. The plants are about 8 inches tall and pretty stretchy.



-Old School
Got the second table built today, and cleaned the room like crazy after the minor construction. Room is spotless and I am happy. Lately I've been getting a bit discouraged on the forums because I see guys having really really top notch, dialed in set ups. I'm trying to just do my absolute best with this. I like my grow room. It's my sanctuary.


Also bought myself a fire extinguisher for safety. My next task is to find an electrician who can a run a wire from my main panel to my room. I need to be able to run over 3,000 watts safely. This will be expensive but hopefully not too tricky. Any tips for electrical work?


-Old School


Don't sweat it man. The dialing comes in a year or three. I am with you though. I got my new setup and I see all the stuff people are doing and I feel quite humbled. It is also hard to be patient since you have to wait a while to see if whatever you are trying actually works. I am starting to let go of the obsessing a little bit though. Just let it happen. Keep good notes. Keep it all clean. It will work...

Hey looks like you put panda plastic on the floor? I did this to and I am very unhappy with it. After harvest I will replace it with linoleum.


Astronaut Status
If you can do some research and do the electrical yourself, you would be much better off. 3000 watts isn't that much to run. Really all you need is 2, 110, 20 amp breakers and some 12 gauge wire. there's a bunch of info on this site on how to run it yourself. Maybe even message rives as he's the resident electrician (sorry rives, your the best guy to go to in my book). Basic electrical work is actually easy, it's all color coded.


, The Ghost of
If you can do some research and do the electrical yourself, you would be much better off. 3000 watts isn't that much to run. Really all you need is 2, 110, 20 amp breakers and some 12 gauge wire. there's a bunch of info on this site on how to run it yourself. Maybe even message rives as he's the resident electrician (sorry rives, your the best guy to go to in my book). Basic electrical work is actually easy, it's all color coded.

Rives is THE go-to guy. Ive pestered him a few times for myself and have asked him to check someone elses thread before they ended up setting something on fire.

I just ran a 220 line into my room. Did everything up to the panel myself and an electrician buddy hooked it up for a small 'fee'.

Definitely like those little bushes OSG. Id top that table. Those girls are still small and if you've got the time to veg em youll be rewarded.

Just keep your head in your grow bro. I think we'd all like a warehouse/greenhouse/etc and if that's in your future than that's where youll be. Stay in the now and youll grow the best plants you can in the spacer you've got - that's all any of us can ask for.

Keep up the good work!


Basic wiring is just that, basic. That being said you should know your level of DIY talent. It is easy to run wire, it is also easy to make dumb mistakes. Common mistakes to be aware of if you do it yourself are running encased wire (romex) inside conduit, stapling wire too infrequently or too tight (dont pinch wire), piercing wire with staples, bending wire too severely, undersize wire (14 gauge for 20 amp), too many wires through one hole. At the box mistakes include not properly securing wire as it enters box, too little wire in box, using quick connects on receptacles (I know they are there to be used but I still use the screws on the sides ALWAYS I also wrap the rececptacle w/ electricians tape to cover the set screws), improperly sized receptacles, GFCI with shared neutral (don't work), forcing the wire into the box when setting the receptacle and causing extra stress on the connection. Sorry if this is all dumb stuff to mention to you, if it is... Well then probably o.k. to DIY. If this list makes you sweat, find some help. Just make sure you never work hot! Triple check you have turned off all possible power to your work area especially at Breaker Box.
Thanks for the responses

Thanks for the responses

Love how helpful everyone is.

sahdgrower thanks for the good vibes, I hear everything you're saying. Big time. And yes, that is panda liner on the floor...and yes, it is the worst. Haha I will see if I can cope with just using these large wooden planks I have all around the floor of my work space. If it becomes a hassle I will be using linoleum as well.

Thanks for the write up on the wiring. I'm not very confident in my abilities which sucks but it is what it is. Even after some serious reading I don't know if I'd be up for it. I will most likely need some assistance. That's okay though.

frankenstein2 thanks for your words! Encourages me to try more DIY things. With the right research. Rives sounds like an amazing source.

Overgrow what uuup! JUST topped the sours. Uploading pictures soon and maybe I can get some more advice on when to lay down the SCROG.

wildgrow How's it going? Rives has some pretty damn good rep I guess ha! Your words also encourage me to do more things myself. Glad that running that 220 wire into your room went well! Thanks for the comment on my ladies! The table of Sours got topped today.

I hear you about "staying in the now" I'm not at all unappreciative or ungrateful for the space I have been blessed with. I am SO happy to have an extra room. Just want to do this right and seeing other grows is kind of overwhelming.


-Old School


Hey if you have the patience and the desire I am sure I could walk you through the wiring if you take enough pictures. I check IC almost everyday.
Hey if you have the patience and the desire I am sure I could walk you through the wiring if you take enough pictures. I check IC almost everyday.

Wow, thanks so much for offering help. I might just do that. Going to talk to a buddy today who is more electrical savvy and see what he thinks. If it's considerably cheaper than I'm all over that man. And I could take a BUNCH of pictures. I'll get back to you!

Thanks again!

-Old School