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old leaves curling under. New growth yellow tips


New member
Please help. Fifth week veg. Barely fed any nutes. Fed once at quarter strength on 3 rd week. One foliar feed just before that very weak strength. Plagron alga grow.


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New member
Just ask if more more information is needed. I won't write every thing just yet. I think it's a ph issue. I'm using plagron grow mix soil. 11 litre pots. I drench when I water until pots feel light but not drooping. The pictures are just after a misting with water so a little droopy on there. Colours seem different on photos as well. Bottom leaves are quite dark. Top leaves are very light. I have topped and fimmed a lot. Last week I did some super cropping. I always do this, so don't think it's that? Just like all my buds at the same same height. No dominant buds. All dominant. Growth seems to have slowed down. Although I have been pruning. I use yeast and sugar for co2. Lights are around 30 inches away. I'm thinking I could be under feeding them? But don't want to misdiagnose before I get some feed back. It might be lock out? Please just ask if you need to know anything else. I am not a new grower but am having a bit of a hard time with this issue. I have an oscillating fan blowing just under the light. 600 watt. Air cooled.


New member
I should clarify. I drench when I water. But I don't water until they are nice and dry. Doesn't sound right how I've written it. And the strain is green house cheese. Thought I'd give the green house company another go after I got some poor seeds off them last year. To be honest, up until now they have been fine. I have 5 going and all are slightly different phenos. Great seeing the difference in the same strain. One of the reasons I like growing from seed. I see no one has commented on my issue? I could do with a hand. Thought I'd give this site a fo, seemed more sophisticated than the others.


New member
Plagron alga grow. Ph is at about 6.5. Haven't tested the run off. I'm thinking the soil is going too high and and locking out. The soil is plagron grow mix. Says it's got enough nutes for 3 weeks. They are now nearly 5 weeks old. Been in the same pot for 3 weeks. Grown from seed. I'm sure it's a deficiency, but I'm thinking it's due to lock out as my lower leaves are dark. Do you know if it is possible to over feed with bio nutrients?


Where are you located? I ask because to me it looks like broad mites, and if you are in cali they are apparently all over the darn place!

Your plants look a lot like mine did and they had broad mites. At first I thought I had over-fert, then nutrient lockout, and then finally I found out I had broad mites. Unfortunately you will need a scope that magnifies 100x to find out for sure, but fortunately there is an easy solution: Heat treatment. Thanks to a person on this site, RetroGrow, broad mites (which are resistant to almost every type of pesticide) can be killed by getting your room up to 120 degrees for over an hour.

Hopefully you have something simple like a nut def, but if not try this.


Active member
eish i would hate to cook my plants LOL but yea the plants look like there might be pests cant see very clearly though. but there are white areas in between some of the leaf veins that might indicate some kind of pest. can we have a close up on that?


Active member
after looking a bit harder at the other pics it might just have been a reflection i was seeing in the second pic.


New member
I'm in the uk. Pretty sure I've got no mites or anything like that. But will certainly have a closer look. I always look for pests. Never heard of the broad mite before though. The pictures do not represent the look of the plants a lot. I just tried to get the yellow tips. And the marks on the leaves may be dried up foliar feed you are seeing? The only real problems I have are older fan leaves curling under, not a massive amount but enough to be concerned with, and new growth showing yellow tips. Older growth seems quite dark.


New member
I hope these are better. They have been in the dark for several hours. Just pulled them out to get pictures. The pictures yesterday were just after a good soaking with water.


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New member
I know it looks like nutrient burn on those pictures. But the new growth is just real pale green to yellow. Not looking like burn to me. The pictures do look different. I have fed once at quarter strength bio feed. Plagron alga grow. I'm sure it's a lock out of some sort. My night temps are getting quite low. About 15. Day temps go up to about 30. But with co2 enrichment so I keep it at 30. Apparently needs to be hotter with enrichment.


Active member
cheese can usually take quite a beating with high EC. is it the greenhouse one? or the clone only?

how much airflow is there in that room? i have had issues like this before with yellowing tops when my plants did not get enough fresh air. combined with excessive heat during the day that can happen. whats the moisture level on average?


New member
I don't know the humidity if that's what you mean by moisture? I left an operation with several others and unfortunately lost a lot of gear. So no humidity meter at the minute. Nice and moist most of the time. I leave water in a bucket in the corner and mist once every couple of days.
And yes, it's cheese from green house from seed.
I haven't got any airflow going for the same reason as humidity. I was planning on getting it hooked up as soon as I put on flower, but if this is the problem I may have to hook up now. I do possess an extraction fan I bought just a few days ago. I thought maybe because I'm supplementing co2 I could get away with it until flower.
So you think it is probably the air flow? I'm wanting to switch within a week but want to resolve this first.


Active member
I hope these are better. They have been in the dark for several hours. Just pulled them out to get pictures. The pictures yesterday were just after a good soaking with water.

The second set of pix look totally different than the first. Looks like you have been foliar feeding. I would lay off that. I think you are overdoing it a bit. Try flushing the darkest one with RO water, 3 gallons for every gallon of pot, and see if it looks better. I think it will. If so, follow up with the others. Other than that, I think they will outgrow it. If you had broad mites, you can't see them without a 100X scope, in which case you can see the eggs under the leaves, but I don't think that is the problem here. Just look overfed.


New member
I've hardly fed them. I foliar fed at 3 weeks in the soil at such a low dilution it was hardly worth doing. Then watered. Then fed at quarter strength. I will flush through on the next water. I haven't had problems with feed for years. I usually use chemical feeds but thought I'd go organic this time. And yes, the plants do look different on both photos. One was at night with flash on phone. The newest were in the daytime with flash. And the old ones were after a misting. No feed. I'm confused as to how I've over fed? I've hardly used any nutes and they are organic. But I can't argue because my first thought was a slight nitrogen overdose which then proceeded to lock out some other nutes. But wanted to be sure first. I will give a flush and put the pictures up with the results. Thanks for all the advice. I have said I am not a new grower in the least, but always more to learn. Most of my growing has been hydro which I must say I find a whole lot easier. Some say soil is forgiving, I beg to differ. Thanks for all the comments.
If anyone else has something to add let me know. I will be flushing within 2 days.


New member
One more thing retro grow. How do I flush 7 plants in 11 litre pots? By the logic of 3 times the water to pot size, I would need well over 200 litres. How do I dechlorinate and ph the water? The water in my area is terrible. Comes out about 8.5 and stinks of chlorine. Just don't know how I can do it?


Active member
One more thing retro grow. How do I flush 7 plants in 11 litre pots? By the logic of 3 times the water to pot size, I would need well over 200 litres. How do I dechlorinate and ph the water? The water in my area is terrible. Comes out about 8.5 and stinks of chlorine. Just don't know how I can do it?

You dechlorinate water by drawing it 24 hours in advance. The chlorine evaporates. Chlorine is not harmful to plants, but it will kill beneficial bacteria. Flush one pot first, and see if there is an improvement. If so, follow up with the others, or just lay off the nutrients for awhile. Use RO water to flush. PH is imperative. You must know and adjust your PH, either with a PH pen, or drops which are cheaper but not as accurate, but they work. Buy in any garden shop.
8.5 is way too high. Should be about 6.4-6.5 in soil.

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