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old hydro grower w/new org soil question

G Noam

Think my long term hydro exp is throwing me a longer than expected learning curve since recently switching to all organic soil. Mixed my own from wally world garden compost, composted chicken manure, black earthworm castings from a grow shop and perlite along with dolomite lime. Grew w/organic soil years ago and thought I had it in the bag. The only slight problem is just beginning to show in plants at mid bloom (not sure of strain) but I just can't get a read on it. What's happening is the mid and lower leaf stems are turning slightly red and the leaves pailing slightly. It's not bad, but until this they were plush emerald green. I read w/organics PH isn't a real issue and our water is slightly alkaline anyway to assist the lime. With hydro I could get a quick read and almost immediate results after correction, but the delay with soil is tougher to dial in on like I'm used to. Only have pic files on my phone and haven't figured out how to select 'em from my gallery. Any help on that would be appreciated.

G Noam




That time it worked. These are the healthy set to give a datum go-by. Will go take some shots of the set 2 weeks behind these that have the slight problem.

G Noam

Lol. My lights flipped off just as I was about to hit the shutter icon. So it's tough to see the color difference being only slight. Any suggestions on what the strain may be? Rec'd 25 seeds from a friend and all came out female, so motto likely bagseed. Heavy yielder with almost no odor except a chem/vegetable smell. Scarcely smells like cannabis even when handled, but serious potency. IMAG0038.jpg



Active member
Sounds like your girls are gobbling up all the delicious food.

They would probably like some tea to wash it all down with! ;)

How old are the plants in those pictures? They look pretty happy.

G Noam

Should clarify. The first pics show very healthy development at 7 weeks on an almost 10 week strain. No problems with these at all. Instead of tea supplements I've been cheating (God forbid) with left over Pure Blend hydro formula from last grow. Being almost organic I thought I could get away with late sips of Botanicare to make the stretch home.
The issue is with the next set right behind those healthy ladies. With identical conditions they are showing slightly pale mid and bottom fan leaves with red leaf stems and a slighty unhealthy look that's showed up in just the last week or so. With hydro I could get a correct read on problems within 24-48 hrs, but either boosting the Pure Blend or going straight water hasn't seemed to make a difference. I know it's the time delay and I'm not being patient enuf to get a good read. You organics folks might be able to give me a heads up on whether I've got a nute buildup issue or not.
Thanx for the kudos. I'm really happy with this strange strain otherwise.

G Noam

Just noticed your location. I'm just down the road in Moses Lake. And my name happens to be Steve as well.

G Noam

Have it solved. Sorry for the pointless thread and waste of others time. Will keep the keyboard quiet and read before asking dumb questions.

G Noam

Saw the answer when I read one of my last posts. It had to be a nute buildup that was starting to show.
Doused 'em with water heavy last night and saw noticeable improvement the next morning like I thought. The soil has me a little intimidated and just needed to rely on what I knew. Got caught up in trying to push nutes when I knew better and the delayed effect snuck up on me.


Depending on the quality of your various soil components, you may wish to incorporate a product intended to prevent excess salts from building up in the soil to nip this problem in the bud in the future, Drip Clean is a good example, but there are tons, some used weekly, some with every feeding, the effect is the same.

G Noam

That second set is twice the size of the first in just 1 gal pots, and I was concerned about them running thru nitro like crazy.
Dang, the select files tab isn't working on my phone again to load pics of the huge ladies. They really are bigger than I thought cannabis could get in those small pots.

G Noam

Thanx, Sooper Smurph. That was an issue for me with organics years back. Always had the white buildup of salts develop over time and it drove me nuts, never could figure out what I was doing wrong and had to super flush my pots in the bathtub. With 8ft+ Mendocino Red Hair plants indoor that was no walk in the park. Hydro seemed to solve all my soil problems and never went back for almost 30 years. Now I haven had the same problems and no white salts are around the surface, but the Botanicare supplements were sneaking up on me. I feel I can conquer soil at last and prefer the flexibility and low labor intensive growing compared to mix changes weekly with 50 gal reservoirs, a real pain in the ... for my age.
The synthetic fertilizers are strong oxidisers, many of their ingredients include potassium hydroxide, phosphates, EDTA and ammonium, they can react with minerals like dolomite in the soil so that could be one explanation for what you observed. Also, if you we're seeing a bit of a slow in growth, could it be that your initial soil was laking in diversity or key ingredients or. Anything? Could t be a bit of over watering? Anyw ay,, your crop looks dank. Hope you have a nice a trouble free harvest

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