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old fart-new name


al frey

heya folks...new here, at least this time around...been on the boards for about 13 years, site mod at OG, and then just assimilated with the rest of the oppressed...livin in the swamp as I have been for over a decade...I see the kids are going back to school...posts drop fast this time of year

al frey

I believe all the florida folks died...no posts in a day...been lookin at the windows for flies...they always congregate on the window when a corpse is inside...

al frey

thank you kind sir...seems much slower than I remembered but then again, my memory is for shit...the older I get the more I miss my mind...pretty sure it was from smokin weed way too early in life...nowadays kids fire up at 14 or so, before their brain has a chance to develop...they have little chance of being all they can be...see, I'm rambling again...someone slap me please...