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Okay.. So I got some pee.. how to use it?


New member
Hi all, I have to take a piss test tomorrow for a job and a generous (clean) friend of mine has given me some of her pee to use. Now, the question is... how do I actually go about "using it" during the test? Do i fill a condom with pee and stash it in my Bra? Do I tape it to my thigh? Do I stuff it up my vag? {shudder}

It's in the fridge now... do I warm it up in the microwave or keep it against my body?

Will they be suspicious of me fiddling around in the bathroom? Will they be watching me? Etc.. Etc...

Any feedback will be much appreciated! I've never tried to do anything like this before... :confused:

Thank You much!


Hey panacea, I used a condom taped to my leg once. Hand-warmers the kind you open out of the package and shake to activate work pretty well to get the urine sample up to temperature. I always get and take a detox drink from a vitamin store as a back up plan (though once I did get a diluted result from them). Hope this helps!! Good luck.


New member
Thanks Ed. Did you double layer the condom so it wouldn't break? Also... how do you "deploy" the pee when you are at the lab? Don't they watch you? or listen to you? How did you do it without them getting suspicous?

Thanks again!


Nah just one condom tied in a knot, just dont poke it with anything sharp! LOL. Ive been to three diff. labs, they made me empty my pockets, no frisk, then you go to a lav, with blue dye toilet water, and sinks are shut off from the outside. Its always been private for me, no one watching or anything like that, but my tests were all for my job, not parole or anything like that. I just untied the condom dumped it in and peed in the toilet (for the noise). Cant flush the toilet till them come in and check so you gotta hold on to the icky condom until later, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
eclurker said:
Nah just one condom tied in a knot, just dont poke it with anything sharp! LOL. Ive been to three diff. labs, they made me empty my pockets, no frisk, then you go to a lav, with blue dye toilet water, and sinks are shut off from the outside. Its always been private for me, no one watching or anything like that, but my tests were all for my job, not parole or anything like that. I just untied the condom dumped it in and peed in the toilet (for the noise). Cant flush the toilet till them come in and check so you gotta hold on to the icky condom until later, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!

Ive havent had an issue with items in my pocket. I would bring a small safety pin and puncture the condom and squirt away. Afterwards i would wrap it up with some toilet paper, and dispose of it when i leave

The key to using the condom is making sure that the temperature is high enough. I foreone have failed one cause the urine wasnt warm enough (70f):bashhead:


New member
Thanks bunches for the info guys. I'm going in to take the test in an hour, and I've been practicing all morning with water trying to figure out the best place to stash it. I think under my boobs will work. But just to be safe, I'm bringing 2 pee condoms. One for in my bra, and one for in my Kitty.. lol.. the only thing I'm worried about is that the pee seems to be leaking out a little when it's squished . I don't want that contaminating my girly bits... lol... (eeewwww)

I've drank a gallon of water and a pot of coffee this morning as a backup. My pee is as clear as water at this point...

Wish me luck everyone!



New member
Well... that didn't go so well. The pee I had brought with me for the first sample ended up being too cold, so they made me wait there and drink a bunch of water until I could go "again." about 30 min. or so. :cuss:

I peed 3 times before I left for the test, once on the way from where I parked to the building, once during the first test (for sound effect), and then 30 min later for the 2nd test which is the sample they're using.

Anyone want to bet on my chances of passing? I've been a daily smoker for almost 2 years now... oh well... sigh.. :bashhead:



Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Sorry to hear. Your chances of passing are slim to none. I know when i tried i didnt prepare other than the urine i had for the test.Good luck to you
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New member
Thanks Fuzzy... I don't think I passed either. It's going to test postive for THC or it's going to fail for lack of density or whatever it's called when there's not enough mineral content and stuff in the urine. The sample was almost as clear as tap water ...

oh well... it was a crap job anyway...

Gratutious Budshot to end on a positive note...




There's a chance with the amount of liquid you drank your body was just pushing fluid through like whoa. Best case you'll come up diluted. Which might get you another shot to try again. I hope it works out!!! Drug tests suck.

In the future at many drug stores you can purchase home drug tests, about 40 usd around here anyway. Id get some detox, or anything of that nature and pre - test, also the hand warmers i mentioned do work, just keep them against your sample!
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sucks that many jobs require a drug screen as part of the procces of an apllication..
even the shit jobs at gas stations and stores.
you propbaly will fail,unfortunately.
ha-ha,i know...i was on probation last year and i went for my 1 and only test.
i drank a boatfull of water,even one of those detox drinks..failed..barely.
lucky for me i had a cool PO,who just kinda blew it off and passed me.
after that i stoped smoking for 6 months...

maybe you should just jump on the wagon for a few weeks while you search for employment?
a break from smoking is nice once in a while anyways..
even though the first few days are a bitch...but you get over it..no big deal.

but with the bud you have,it would make it difficult..
good luck...:joint:



New member
Wellllll....... holy shit...

Wellllll....... holy shit...

The manager called today and told me I passed the drug test! :confused:

I guess drinking a shitload of water really does work, 'cause I didn't even use one of those pee cleaners. And I usually smoke a couple of spliff's a day - about 1g worth. My last smoke was on Sunday evening around 11PM, and I tested Wed at 11AM.

My metabolism isn't that fast.. I'm 5'7" and 137 lbs with curvy thighs and all that. Lots of fat to store the stuff.

That's too funny.. 'cause now I don't even want the job - retail sucks..

But anyway guys.. thank you so much for the help with this.... I'm going to smoke a big fattie of this stuff tonight, read ICMAG and celebrate... :jump:



Weedman Herb

Good news Indeed! If you don't like that job you'll have a better plan if the next one pees you.


Wonderful news! Glad to see another girl stoner on the boards, we need more of you here!!! Peace and respect! Talk to me anytime! ;)



New member
Thank you so much gentlemen! This has been a real interesting experience to say the least. ..lol.. At least this shows that a $40 pee cleaner is not always necessary.. Just drink tons and tons and tons of water, and that may get ya through.

I can't wait to get my growroom started up again and show ya' all what I do best.. GROW WEED!! (wish I could do that job full time..hehehe.) Had to take a break since May due to my Landlord doing a bunch of repairs on the place, and generally being around all summer long. But by mid-september I should be growing again.. and I can hardly wait... YAY!

Peace & Love


indoor organic

New member
theres a product called urine luck that ive used many times and its always worked for me, i use the synthetic urine and its a little squeeze bottle w/ a heat warmer. i get em for like $20 at my smoke shop, easy to tape to your thigh