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Okay, I am legal. Now what?

So I got my forms in the mail from health canada. I took 4 weeks from the day I Mailed it to the day it was issued. (category 1)

Nothing crazy, 2 grams a day/60 a month.

Do I have to make an order through HC ( i don't want to)? Should i keep buying from a "dealer", or actually register with a dispensary ?

Also, the wording on the forms seems fucked to me. As of march 31st I can no longer have any pot on me unless I register with a licensed producer, does that include current dispensaries? Or only people who are going to be issued this new commercial license?

Seems I missed the good times and am just catching the tail end of it. Sucks that I had to be jerked around for 5+ years by doctors refusing to diagnose me with anything before I could barely walk and got the official rheumatoid arthritis diagnoses, but that is a whole new rant.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Happy toking.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
if we were watchn a hockey game , you wouldve tuned in with 2 min left in the 3rd , gov.of canada is winning , doesnt matter the score ,......



if we were watchn a hockey game , you wouldve tuned in with 2 min left in the 3rd , gov.of canada is winning , doesnt matter the score ,......


Yeah, it's a very sad state of affairs.

Under the new regs your doctor has to send your prescription to a supplier, and it has your name, your ailments, your dosage, your blood type, the name of your spouse and children, your SIN number, etc. And all of that gets plastered on the bottle it's dispensed in and probably stored in a database accessible by law enforcement officials.

I don't know if I want to participate in the new program. I jumped through hoops for YEARS just to entertain the stupid laws that we have set in place. I'm a good law abiding citizen and spent years to finally become legal. And now this... I'll just become illegal again. Lord knows I've tried my best to follow these laws but it's more trouble than it's worth.


Active member

you have added your name to the reverse shindlers list for a few months of legal growing
if we were watchn a hockey game , you wouldve tuned in with 2 min left in the 3rd , the corporate interests that pass themselves off as the gov.of canada are winning , doesnt matter the score

sums it up pretty good

no offense Randonuser420 but why even waste your time, energy (and money for some people) on a system that is set up against us, the PTB's have turned medical marijuana into a fiasco and they now are watching everyone with their paperwork dance around like puppets on a string.

No thank you, I'll live my life on my terms.

good luck with everything



OverGrow Refugee
RandomUser420....yea about 5 years too late...and now they know who you are...so not the smartest thing you have done...but that's life


you have added your name to the reverse shindlers list for a few months of legal growing

Not really, the only ones that need to worry are the ones who will keep on dreaming that the lawyers will keep the system going as it is and dont shut their place down after April 1st 2014 and those who let the city and hydro know what they are going.

If you let hydo know what you are doing or told then why you needed more power the city can use the same methods to get your power usage as when we had the 24/48 hours inspections and if your hydro usage is high as when you were growing they'll know what you are doing.


Active member
I'm hoping there won't be enough dispensaries providing meds...If demand is higher than supply then the system will fail...but I doubt it...Seems like nothing but a pipe dream...

Me..I'm going to shut it down....and smoke for free for the next few years on my stockpile...Hopefully all the other people who have been growing have been doing the same thing.

This 10-13 bucks a gram shit is ridiculous

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Let me give you a bit of advise here ... First work on getting your amount increased for DG. Second you need to either say your getting your bud from the shitty Gov or a DG .Our clubs are not legal in Canada and they don't recognize them either.Although you can now go to any club and get your bud. You could try to ask growlegally or designatedgrowers and see what they might be able to do for you and you can go to the boards and ask for growers aswell. Again your amount is very small and lots of growers are looking larger amounts I hope that helps headband 707:biggrin:

The doctor's at least here in Canada really really suck and put this in their hands is the WORST idea I have heard for a long time..!!

So I got my forms in the mail from health canada. I took 4 weeks from the day I Mailed it to the day it was issued. (category 1)

Nothing crazy, 2 grams a day/60 a month.

Do I have to make an order through HC ( i don't want to)? Should i keep buying from a "dealer", or actually register with a dispensary ?

Also, the wording on the forms seems fucked to me. As of march 31st I can no longer have any pot on me unless I register with a licensed producer, does that include current dispensaries? Or only people who are going to be issued this new commercial license?

Seems I missed the good times and am just catching the tail end of it. Sucks that I had to be jerked around for 5+ years by doctors refusing to diagnose me with anything before I could barely walk and got the official rheumatoid arthritis diagnoses, but that is a whole new rant.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Happy toking.
This 10-13 bucks a gram shit is ridiculous

Depends how you look at it. There's never been a proper market for Medical Cannabis and really the only outlets where compassion clubs. Now if you look at the compassion club world its pretty restrictive law/bylaw wise so you really need proper connections to be able to start one. Because its such a gray legal area its too unstable so you don't see many of them which gives them a monopoly to control the price.

No one is going to sell you something and not make money out of it, that's what a business is for after all, to make money and no one cares if you can't afford the medicine.

So you won't see dirt cheap medical weed for a while unless the company has money to lose for a while and keep the price down artificially but this will only last so long and if there's not enough customers the business folds.


Active member
All I know is when my doctor is telling me to expect, $10 then $13 within a yr...From the Licensed "outlets"...it doesn't look good.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i remember in the 90's in manitoba people gobbled up road kill skunk for 15 a g, 2 for 25. in the us, people still pay 100 an eigth for chronic in most parts.

you guys on here are very spoiled canadian princesses lol

i will pronise though to undercut everyone, as i always do (med-man method lol)



i remember in the 90's in manitoba people gobbled up road kill skunk for 15 a g, 2 for 25. in the us, people still pay 100 an eigth for chronic in most parts.

you guys on here are very spoiled canadian princesses lol

i will pronise though to undercut everyone, as i always do (med-man method lol)


And you sure are a narcissistic blowhard. In every post you find a way to slip in a subtle brag. Try a little modesty.
Well, I am no long really physically able to grow my own anyways. I only have a permit to possess. It cost me nothing and my doctor was 100% on board. I don't see how this is a stupid move. It will help me dramatically in upcoming family court process.

Just trying to live life more comfortably.


honey oil addict
And you sure are a narcissistic blowhard. In every post you find a way to slip in a subtle brag. Try a little modesty.

lol get off the dope. the guy has an ego bigger than mt everest, just write him off, and ignore.


lol get off the dope. the guy has an ego bigger than mt everest, just write him off, and ignore.

lol you're right. I've seen him go at it with everyone and know it's a fruitless endeavor to get him to change his attitude. He represents our demographic on a scale we can't reach though, so it kind of sucks.


Genetic Resource Management
What a bunch of self indulgent fools we look, not even able to offer advise to an ACTUAL MED-USER in need, someone who clearly has no intention of capitalizing from our broken medical system. Shameful, I'm embarrassed on behalf of all of you, what a spectacle our 'medical community' has become.


Congrats random, you are finally free to pursue your choice of meds in a country where possession can still lead to negative consequences, as it sounds like you've seen in your family court issues.

Right now, I suggest looking into a dispensary if you have a local one; if not you are stuck with HC as a legal source of cannabis for your immediate needs. If you have a dealer who can provide something better, take that route - your possession license still allows you to obtain from the 'black market', although technically it offers no protection to your supplier.

The intention of the new system is that you will be able to obtain a safe supply from a commercial producer- currently very few (if any) DG's would take on such a small license of 2 g's per day, because they are limited to a max of 4 patients, and the majority want to grow as much as possible to offload the excess outside of the mandate of the MMAR, and a 2 g per day license will only allow the cultivation of 15 plants or so, which is not really enough to fill your needs, and provide enough plants for diversionary activities.

There will be licensed producers coming online within a couple of months, I know of 3 groups personally who have already submitted their applications to become licensed- how fast they can come online is unfortunately up to the HC inspectors, and nobody really knows how long this process will take as it's all new.

If you are able to source cannabis that is high in CBD, I suggest having a try as cannabidiol has shown excellent promise in reducing inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Depending on your local supplier, this may unfortunately not be feasible currently, but surely the responsible licensed producer you are soon able to procure your meds from will have options that will suit your needs.

I hope you can find a reduction in stress with your new found freedom to possess, one shouldn't feel like a criminal to access the medicine that they've found that helps their condition in a free and just society.

Wishing you luck in your quest to find something suitable for your needs until a commercial supplier can fill the void.



Ohh man I meant to hit the other button ..

Could a mod change the rep on the above post I found it helpful indeed but my fat finger slipped on my phone lol

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