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OK, I thought I'd give it a go here... err...A guestion about transplanting VEG...

My seedlings are 1-2 weeks old and I've vegged them under 24/7 all day long...

My guestion is... IS IT SAFE TO CHANGE THE CYCLE FROM 24/7 TO 20/4 ?

The reason being... I read somewhere that you should transplant only before nighttime or at bedtime so the seedling wont encounter ''PLANT SHOCK'' '' CYCLE CHANGE SHOCK '' ''PLANT STRESS'' , since... doing this at before bedtime... will give the plant a time to rest and recover from the stress of transplanting...the result being... ''no transplant shock''

BUT !!!!

Since ive vegged them under 24/7 ... i heard that many growers prefer this... rather than 18/6 or 20/4 but since i have vegged 24/7... i dont have the NIGHTTIME...so im considering changing the cycle to 20/4 for future transplanting without shock...

what do you guys think of this??? :p:p:p:p:thank you::thank you::thank you::thank you:

Guest 88950

there is nothing to worry about.

transplant tip: take your existing small container and use it as a plug when you fill your larger pot with soil/coco and when you remove the smaller pot you have a perfect hole to put your girl into w/o much stress, if any.