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ojd's & wspman's sssdh f2's outdoor 2010.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
looks like they survived the storm just fine UJ,had to go into your album to see the pics,some of the links dont work.

i am enjoying watching this one so far,keep up the good work!
thanx unclefishstick. They made it thru just fine. A few of them were bent over but the stems were not creased and they were raising their cute little heads towards the sun by this afternoon.
Somewhere I read about a technique were you use your forefinger and thumb the "bruise" the stem which is supposed to encourage vegetative growth (above or below) the stem. Anybody know anything about this? Is it bogus?


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
thats called super cropping UJ,you may want to look into low stress training as well,and it does work in both cases,i use both techniques all the time


I second that UJ, super cropping! There was a really good thread on the subject, I'll see if I can find it for ya.
Well today is Thursday just visited my babies. We ended up with four days of clouds wind and rain. Today is the first day of sunshine and tomorrow is supposed to be nice also, but more rain expected this weekend.
Found out the squirrels or racoons have dug up 2 of my plants. I had just added a mixture of blood and bone meal to the pots so I think that was the cause. Got some advice from wspman that "irish spring" would help also my wife said to spread used cat litter around the plants (i think it was a sneaky way to get me to empty the litter box). Anyway I spent the moring lugging 40 pounds of cat litter and 6 bars of irish spring and spreading it around my pots. Whew! the combined smell of that mixture will knock you down from a 1/4 mile away. Mear words fail me here. Hope my pest problem will be solved as long as the EPA does not declare the area as a toxic waste dump.
I think the odor from all the cat waste is suppose to be like a mark of territory. Usually let's other animals know that some thing has claimed the area as theirs.

I remember when I would pee in the yard, my dog would quickly pee right over it when I was younger.
Yea I think that was her idea she said if it smelled like a predator was around then other animals will hesitate to hang around there.


Hey Buddy
Be careful not to get the cat litter too close to your babies. The cat piss can be toxic to your plants and the smaller they are, the more delicate. Your wifey is right, the odor will run off some of your pest, just keep the litter as far away from your plants as possible. Don't worry about the two ya lost, after ya sex um', we can fill in the holes in your garden with some clones.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
UJ, hope you Wwspy susrvived the floods...how was it your way?..sux out my way for sure..
stay safe..
Well today is Wednesday and we just had 3 days of sunshine. Groday yea mine were beat up also but with the sun they have all straightened out. I just missed the worst of the weather it kinda flew over me. Whew! I took a few pics since they were looking so good what do you guys think for 1 month out outside?


Looks great!!!!!!

there is a small tab above that has a landscape on it. (It is visible when you are about to post -Next to the globe and link) Insert the URL in that tab. The pictures will show up in your posts.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
nice garden,looks like a zen garden or something,very nice,has good feng su or whatever that is,like the rocks,good source of minerals! LOL