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I made some canna oil. I dont find it really potant. I was wondering, can I put that oil back in the crockpot and cook it again with new weed?
It should be better?
will just become shitty?:dance013:

The Dog

i think your stuck with what you have. Use it generously. If you try to cook off the extra oil youll burn off all the good stuff first. That is unles you have a very serious chemical extractor. Which im assuming you dont. Better luck in the future. I make hash with the bubble bags and then cook with that. No real need to make oil heat will cause the activation of the thc.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I made some canna oil. I dont find it really potant. I was wondering, can I put that oil back in the crockpot and cook it again with new weed?
It should be better?
will just become shitty?:dance013:

Yes you can, but it provides diminishing returns.

If you were to rerun the material that you just ran in fresh oil, you would find that it still contains meds. That is because the oil became less efficient as a solvent as it saturated and the remaining resin was less concentrated due to boundary layers.

What I do, is run the material with fresh oil and then again with fresh oil to maximize extraction.

I add fresh material and rerun the first run oil to raise its potency and use the second run for a new fresh material extraction, and so forth.

If you will keep the temperature down to around 180F, the cannabiniods will be molten so as to more easily dissolve, and the THC to CBN cycle will be minimized.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
OK stupid question here. This is oil as in cooking oil that's soaked in cannabis ??? I have made budder is this different??

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
OK stupid question here. This is oil as in cooking oil that's soaked in cannabis ??? I have made budder is this different??

Same idea, but different. I've used many of the vegetable and nut oils like sesame, sunflower, Canola, olive, grape seed, coconut oil, walnut, pecan, avocado, etc.

Most oil or fats will work, including as you just pointed out, butterfat.
three days of cooking is optimal. after that, little improves....unless your material is not a potent strain. i've cooked oils from one to eight days. as i said, noticeable improvement occurs the first three days.

my best to you on your effort. keep us informed. and do fill in a few of the details, like strain, type of oil, cooking temp and time...and in the end strength. am looking forward to your findings!
cooked my old oil for 5 more hours with about 3 oz of trim and leaf matter from my bazooka at about 190 - 200 deg. Didn t try it yet but it is darker but, not burnt


Active member
I always use the below recipe. It is very potent and i've been told nothing but good things.

Did you feel anything at all from your oil?

I took this recipe from another forum.

2.5 ounces of buds. Use the best you can.
One 48 fluid ounce bottle of canola oil or olive oil.
One crockpot with a 'low' setting
Some finely woven cloth (cheesecloth, an old shirt, whatever)

* Put buds in crockpot
* Pour oil over buds
* Turn crockpot to 'low' and cook for 6-12 hours, stirring frequently
* Turn off crockpot and let cool for 30 minutes
* Place finely woven cloth over mouth of glass jar
* Pour oil/bud mixture over cloth, straining out plant matter, so only oil enters jar
* Squeeze as much oil out of cloth as you can, then discard plant matter

You should now have at least 5 cups of amber-tinted cannabis-infused oil, as much as 6 cups if you're diligent about squeezing out the oil. I got 5.5 cups personally, which is enough for 11 family-sized pans of brownies.


Same idea, but different. I've used many of the vegetable and nut oils like sesame, sunflower, Canola, olive, grape seed, coconut oil, walnut, pecan, avocado, etc.

Most oil or fats will work, including as you just pointed out, butterfat.

Which ones do you like to use best? I typically use olive and coconut but was wondering about the others.


How long did you cook it the first time? How much? I pretty much medicate with the caps exclusively so I tend to make large batches. Cook it up in the oven in a mason jar I cook at 220-230 for 8-12 hours.
I cooked it 6 hours in the crockpot on low setting. my crockpot temp on low is between 190-200 degres. filtered in cheesse cloth. thats it. This is my first time I try oil, usally I make canna butter. Im going to have some tomorrow. ill keep u posted
this is good stuff. 1 oz in a V8 last a good 4 hours. With a nice buzz, and a nice finsh, no real down, maybe abit too space out. Taste is just ok. It has a burnt aftertaste.
Dont forget, I dont have much experience with oil.