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Ohio says VOTE NO OR ELSE!


Active member
Ohio has had some of THE best possesion laws in the country.

100 grams or less and you GO HOME! Just a ticket..

Ohio grows GREAT dope. Believe it ;)


Active member
issue 2 was passed to keep people from funding bills that only interest the parties invested. yes, i think the bill is written a little loosely however i know that if if makes if to the ballot it will get passed.


Active member
@terpenedream, i always dig some hookah, i've been to quite few shows. i've recently made my way back to start on punching the well and seeing if i can help push the petition for signatures


Well-known member
Premium user
If it is not legalization for the people and it is legalization for $$$$$$$ VOTE NO OR ELSE!

So what happened in Ohio on Tuesday, when voters voted 64% to 36% against a well-funded marijuana-legalization initiative to legalize recreational and medicinal marijuana, handing a high-profile defeat to the burgeoning legalization movement?

The answer is pretty simple, if you ask some marijuana supporters who opposed the measure: The small group of investors who drafted and promoted the initiative blew it by designing the law so that they would be the only commercial growers allowed in the state.

Nice job Ohio!!:tiphat:

This is the exact type of cockamamie bullchit that I am talking about man! Monopoly Bullshit and from the likes of boyband millionaires non the less. What a complete bunch of POOP!

Last thing we need is a bunch of justin beebers running a states MJ Monopoly. Atleast people were smart enough to vote it down. You have to think the group that ran this legislation through obviously was playing ohio voters like they wanted pot so bad they would do anything to vote it legal. Thank goodness for ohioans you will get another chance it seems and hopefully a lot better the next go around.


Right? and can you imagine (if you were a politician) that as a farmer you are ONLY allowed to grow 6-24 plants on your 100 acre farm? really? Now lets talk about the U.S. Government holding a medical cannabis patent and then ALL those politicians running for office will say when asked 'oh medical marijuana is a joke as it holds no medical value and they just really want to get high legally'....


Active member
i guess i am confused why no one can get past the old bill.... it got voted down because it was lame...

there is a new proposed bill that will allow 25 acre grow sites.

this is not funded by bieber or anyone... its a bill to benefit citizens. take a minute and read the link and stop making ridiculous posts about that shitty bill no one cared or cares about


Active member
it only requires getting 1000 signatures and being approved by the attorney general to make it to ballot. the previous bill was pushed by campaign contributions from the few people designated to grow. (and i love that they failed miserably) this new amendment benefits the rural farmer and has been picked up by the farm bureau. I'd say the republican politicians should consider the rural farmers that voted them in and start giving this some publicity.


Active member
Not true, it's far more than 1k signatures.

It's over a hundred thousand signatures and a specific % from each county..or at least half the counties. It's crazy hard to get something on the ballot.


Well-known member
I think it's in the couple of hundred K needed range. To date they only have about 15% of that but it's early.


It is a lot of signatures , which requires money to get people out on the streets, info in their mind and paperwork to be signed. Without $ from investors it will not make the ballot. When investors put their money into something they want something for it. Whats the problem with that? The investors from RO are being asked to donate again and help fund the ballot initiative. And guess what they are saying? "Sure I'll raise money for this, can you guarantee me a license when it passes? No, ok well I'll just save my money. You said you were gonna get it on the ballot so I'll just bid on a license when YOU get it passed."
Not saying RO was the answer, but you gotta pay to play, and the same people are gonna be involved no matter what.


Well-known member
I heard recently that people from RO were on board with a government committee to investigate medical marijuana. Almost sounded like it was something that may be legislated. I’ll have to see if I can find the details.


I think that some of the people realize the greatest tragedy with all of this is that people who should have access still do not, the patients of Ohio.


Active member
Well looks like Ohio should have voted NO!
Oh, well Ohio seems to be screwed now.
Very sad, they sold out to pass legalization.
I guess you reap what you sow.