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oh why


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Pack A Bowl said:
why is it so hard to find a nice little hippie lady of my own :confused:

Because they are all in there garden growing some great weed. :joint:


Moose eater hit the nail on the head, it might not be a hippie chick that is your perfect mate. In some ways my g/f and I are as different as night and day but I wouldn't change a thing about her. Look past the obvious and see what's in a woman's heart, don't limit yourself to any one type of woman and open your own heart up to possibilities.


Active member
Moose Eater hit the bullseye. Perfectly said...!!

But to answer the poster's question directly, I dunno about the US, but here, if I wanted a hippy chic, I would first look into a family/ community of herb cultivators or charas makers.

In the USA, if I had a unquenchable thirst for a hippie chic, I would consider resettling in places like Humbolt etc... .. .I don't prefer cosmopolitan chics myself (just a personal choice), so trying to find a rural type in a big, modern city won't be very result yielding, if you know what I mean... .. .
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Active member
Pack A Bowl said:
wrong places, haha

you'd be surprised what the 'right places' can be...

i met my beloved girlfriend/fiance in a bar, went home with her that night, and we've lived together since... quite literally, we've lived together from the first day we met...

dumb luck though i guess...


yes i had this happen...come to find a year and a broken heart later she was a cheating lying whore...but im not bitter...just have come to the relization that a bar is not the best place to pick up a chick...especially a titty bar...lol peace :wave:

GoodbyeBlueSky said:
you'd be surprised what the 'right places' can be...

i met my beloved girlfriend/fiance in a bar, went home with her that night, and we've lived together since... quite literally, we've lived together from the first day we met...

dumb luck though i guess...


Dont focus on it bro..

Just get yourself situated..

Take time and get comfortable with yourself..

If you feel overweight, work out..

The way you percieve yourself others will likely see through to it too..

You wont be ready until you're completely confident in yourself and are at a point in your life when you can dedicate your time and energy to another person.

Looking too hard can make you fall too easy.. You dont want to settle.. You want to be happy..

Just keep putting out positive energy and keep up the Good Karma and be healthy in your body, mind and spirit and I promise you that you'll find what you're looking for.

I hate sounding like a preacher but if you have a moment check this out..


They have a ton of free downloadable books and such..

Best of luck to everyone
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i always find some nice hippie chicks at the 4 july rainbow gathering.


I have had a hard time trying to meet someone that I feel safe to take to my house bc of my garden. They think its just weird that after I meet someone and know them a bit, but never want to hang out at my house. Its like I'm homeless or so poor that I am asshamed of my home. I just dont want anyone thats not medical or doesnt have a set-up of there own to see it, just too much liability. I would love to meet a girl who was medical and had a garden of their own. If things didnt work, neither of use would have the incentive to talk. It sucks, I love my baby, but I love my "babies" too. I am torn between two women. I have just stopped trying to meet women bc of this until I have two locations. Whats a guy to do.
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stealth it up.........uuuuummm I'm not sure that is possible. I would have to tell them that my garage and backyard are 100% off limits, and cover all windows and blinds facing back too. that might take some creative explaining. I dont even bring most of my guy friends over, let alone women I am interested in. If they aren't medical and dont cultivate themselves, they just aren't allowed over. shitty situation.


go to any grow shop in nor cal (they are everywhere), nothing but stoner, hippie, slacker type guys there. even the employees
Hey you dont always need a hippy girlfriend...I have a girlfriend/fiance...that doesnt smoke at all...and all is good...I grow..and she doesnt mind at all..yea i mean we get in fights and all that bullshit..but i swear to you that she would never say anything about me growing/smoking..I think you are looking for love in all the wrong places..Ive looked for a hippy type girl but never found one to suite my needs..so i went with one that didnt smoke or never hear about growing your own..and she still loves me and supports what i stand for...So dont limit your search for someone who smokes or know how to grow...I mean you never know what you will get...Good luck and a happy relationship..PEACE..


New member
it's when you stop loooking for a lover. thaaats when the coolest person you'll ever meet will walk into your life, maybe even offering you greens :D

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