I BUMPED MY HEAD< now i must troll! How ironic that miro scumbergers CHOICE to bring this clown up from NYC has led our town into a militarized scumbag force of scared kids20-30 yr olds whhod rather pull a service weapon and shoot then find out whats going on. clownshoes in action
The police chief of Burlington VT created an anonymous twitter account and harassed a local resident who openly voices their concern. Then later deleted it and a reporter found out and he tried to deny it.
This shows manipulation by authorities. That is harassment, stalking, threats, a whole laundry list of charges for you or I, at least I think that is what would happen. If he did not get caught we are left wondering whether the citizen may be harmed by the police chief or arrested, a disastrous scenario.
Instead this scum bag practices crime at his desk and he is called police chief
this clues us in to the systemic oppression happening in our country
that state is not even so "conservative" like new york or the south, but the same shit seems to happen all over..
reminds me of a cop who hauled me away from my own rental house for "drunk in public"
that's right i have a night in the drunk tank because some cop came to our loud college party, and i mentioned they give no noise warnings all they do is write tickets that's it
and he arrested me
now years later what recourse do i have? all of them the lawyer the judge and the police force broke the law by arresting me they are all shit with no morals or legal grounds in my rightful opinion
edit: i don't want to say the lawyer because she may have been genuinely scared for her safety, things complicated
davis california
same city that always has problems with racial profiling arresting minority students
and scam for money the college chancellor is corrupt the loan system is corrupt
and there are no jobs to be had for anyone anyway
think about this for a minute how are you supposed to have a college town and you arrest students all the time? where is your budget going? it doesn't make any sense at all it is just a freaking shit show running a place like that shame on the admins
crooked police force, crooked educational institution, constant non stop racial tension from bigot ignorant racists
The fancy pants kids always are the ones to receive a free education at some prestigious place, all the way up until the day you realize that some cl0wn the same age as you has a plaque with their name on it hanging from the ceiling because they went to school in pennsylvania and you went to school in california
and we are in california when this is happening it's always some east coast or foreign european rich fuck
like norwegians have a cultural thing with african populations it is not ok or healthy it's fucked needs serious reform for real
then some norwegians will be in california pretending like it's ok to behave like they do in the netherlands or whatever
they deserve worse than they have that's what i think
fuck that nonsense i am tearing your fucking plaque down loser, that shit was not earned this is fraud
i'm not working for some kid who got assigned as boss
they are weaker in every category, and that goes hand in hand with the fact i would not work for that boss anyway
everyone wants you to be a shill for some greater fucked up cause
its inviting a big protest to tear all those fucking buildings down seriously
and then if you paid to go to a state school you are treated like a savage hoodlum
stigma one university as rich kids on scholarships
stigma the rest at wild savage hooligans
there's your elite class right there folks, with trained goomba security and false adverts
the whole entire gross domestic product is tied up in bull shit like the medical industry which is why we are in such a recession. all the fat lazy people who drink booze and eat pills are not that productive on average. compared to a sober person with goals in life to make things better
i try to ask things like "how much does your budget spend on water?" for a million dollar medical lab
and they don't have an answer because it is excuse on top of excuse they sell plastic bags of water that's where the money is
it'll be like oh we received a federal grant so i started a water company with my brother, nothing to do with my medical research
then they aren't doing a fucking thing except making water and putting it in bags and scamming tax money
for real
seeing your avatar reminds me of how much smurfs played a role in my vermont upbringing, those and paw paw bears lmao! my my my have things changed sincve i went to bread and puppet with my family to help make bread.