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OGK's Room of Bud Augmentation Round 2 - 66w per sq ft 12 plant NFT 2011


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Hey Everyone :wave:

Heres my growroom which I recently dubbed the room of bud augmentation. Took about 6 months get it together. For those who may be interested in it's inception and construction check out my previous log here

Quick rundown of whats in there

  • 2x 400w cooltubes on 360m3/hr blower works out 66w per sq foot covering the table
  • 250w HPS regular shade for soil plants
  • 12 pot nft system with 50 litre res
  • lightproof mothers & clones area
  • 360m3/hr blower with odorsok and silencer.(replaceing sok with can filter soon)


I recently moved the tube blower to pull instead of push air past the bulbs and the tube air now exhausts into a lung room filled with insulation above the room before going outside. Covered the sound of the tube fan nicely. The nifty duct silencer takes care of the exhaust blower.




Last grow was my first go at hydroponics and I'm really impressed. Can't complain with 13 ounces from 9 plants. From a 400w and 250w.
I let them vege for too long and had to build a screen to keep them up. Will be using the screen again this time but more for support.

The long vege time last time was mainly due to delays getting stuff for my vege room. Had to make sure it was fully lightproof before starting 12/12.

I'm going keep the plants small and flower sooner this time. Want to keep them in the sweet lumen zone. The plants were cool last time but required a lot of training and extra care. The gullies were packed with roots which required regular flushing. Some pics of the previous grow :)




Heres whats going on right now. Got 20 odd nlxshiva clones on day 11 of rooting and quite a few seedlings going. Had a few seeds in an ounce of some really nice piney diesel bud I had awhile back. Soaked them in a little h2o2+superthrive mix for a few hrs and they popped within 12hrs lol the force is strong with them. They also already have the unique smell.
I've ordered one of those Greehouseseeds 5 pack color coded packs from the boo which should be arriving at my safe addy soon. Can't wait for those. Got Indica mix E which contains: Big Bang, El Nino, White Widow, Himalaya Gold, Cheese
Hope they all pop will have 7 strains! :D


The plan is to label and take clones of everything...flower them all out under the 250w taking note of traits and then flower the best of the best under the NFT next run. All the while pumping out some more NlxShiva.


I remember reading awhile back about clones taken from clones that have not reached maturity.... But I can't remember the rules.

If I take a clone from an immature plant from seed will that clone reach maturity on it's own? or... Do only mature plants produce mature cuttings? I hope it's not the latter as I don't have the space then.. I'll have to build another room lol

I'm sure it goes back to some basic principle we learnt in high school maybe someone more educated in the subject can refresh our memories? :p


Looking forwarding to hanging out in this grow diaries forum. I just discovered it lol.. Can spend hours here.

Lets grow some weed!


Active member
Seeds made it through customs! That was fecking quick.. 4 days from the UK to NZ..... Thats service folks! Seed Boutique rocks

Will pick them up next week :dance013:


Active member
well done on getting the seeds through ogk .. ill keep an eye on this one ...

hopefully your GHSC beans do better then my last lot... i had 2x SSH WW HG all popped out a 2-3mm tap root the run out of puff and stopped .... must have been old stock oh well you win some you loose some!


Active member
well done on getting the seeds through ogk .. ill keep an eye on this one ...

hopefully your GHSC beans do better then my last lot... i had 2x SSH WW HG all popped out a 2-3mm tap root the run out of puff and stopped .... must have been old stock oh well you win some you loose some!

Sorry to hear ya lost some WW.
Have heard a few people having germination problems with GHS. Hopefully I have the same luck I had withe the bagseeds I just germinated.

Germinated them in a petri dish sitting on the heatpad. <12 hrs the fasted germ I've had. All germinated apart from one undersized immature one. Will follow the same process this time and keep a close eye on them.


i'm pulling up a chair if you dont mind
last run was pretty sweet
if you can dail it in even better, amen
let the nft REvolution begin
or should i say "continue"


Active member
Upgraded to a can filter. I think the odorsok would better suit a smaller grow. It did what I wanted and got through one grow so I'm happy with the product overall. Negative pressure has improved greatly. The small sock was a real bottleneck.



Labeled all the bagseeds. Called it bag seed diesel :p Planning to flower these out and breed to get the smelliest pheno.




Active member
MileHighGuy, Dugg, Ogenko, Bobblehead, eyes. Thanks for dropping in :) I'll try my best to make it a good show. This really is a dream for me to be doing. For almost 6 years I haven't been in a situation where I could grow. Was painful seeing all the great grow equipment and strains available and not being in a situation where I could sprout some out. All the while spending a small fortune on bud purchased from dodgy characters.

Clones have roots now on day 14 since cutting. This is my 3rd time cloning with rockwool so still need to dial in my technique. I placed the clones deeper in the cubes this time as I had to sit my cubes too low in the pots last time and the cubes were always soaked. Should be able to avoid that this time by planting them higher in the pots. Almost on top of the hydrotron. Haven't really been watering the cubes much probably once or twice since cutting. Just soaking the hydrotron underneath now hinting at the roots to go searching below and get out of that rw cube. Looking like a good survival rate - nothing looking dead yet. Should be putting these babys into the hydro system in a few days.
Did some rearranging in the vege cab. remounted my seedling cfl. Topped the plants in there. Got 2 confirmed female bsd's so far.



Im here. This is gonna be EPIC! Last round was all good cant wait to see what you're gonna pull off this time! Lovin the setup! REAL nice and clean.


Active member
Thanks for the compliments guys heres another update :)

Time to plant these girls. Roots are looking ok.. If I was to do one thing differently I would have kept the cubes less wet. It is difficult with these little cubes though. I eased them out of the dome by wiping the dome every few hours for the last few days. The last 2 days I left some plastic under the lid corners to reduce the humidity further.
I think the combination of incremental RH dropping and super thrive helped as didn't get any transplant shock this time.


Heres the nutes. H&G for the hydro and EJ for the soil plants. Soil mix is 50/50 perlite/vermiculite with a bit of potting mix in there. Really like the H&G so far. They recommend starting off with 1.2EC but I'm running about half that going to work my way up as they take hold.


Made some adjustments to the plumbing. added a flow rate adjuster. and taped up the tubes so I can keep them where I want them.
Got the flow rate on minimum will turn it up as the plants get bigger.

Here we go :) washed the hydrotron and soaked it in 5.8ph water over night. Planted them higher in the pots this time. Started one hps and then the other 4 hours later. Treating the plants more ladylike this time around.


My best looking clones yet. Slightly overwatered but still quite proud of them.


Also picked up my seeds today. Really glad my safe address worked out. Will order more now :D


Looking mint man! This heat is a nuisance at the moment hope all is well down your way!

Clones look really healthy cant wait to see you do your thing


Active member
Looking mint man! This heat is a nuisance at the moment hope all is well down your way!

Clones look really healthy cant wait to see you do your thing

Had to set my 2 400 watters to alternate every 6 hours during the hottest time of the day. was hitting 95F in there. Getting max 90F now :wallbash:


Active member

I've been thinking about snapping up one of these evaporative coolers. Saw them going cheap. Will be plenty more going cheap as the nz summer ends.

I used to have one of them at an old workplace and it really did work. Only down side was I needed to refill it with water a lot.

What if I were to plumb the continuous drain on my dehumidifier to the water intake on the evaporative cooler? The dehumidified water would supply the cooler with fresh grey water. my humidity is 35-40% without the dehumidifier.

I'm really tempted to give it a go.
An Evaporative cooler will get you through the worst of the summer but be aware keep it WELL away from budding plants as it raises humidity hard out (obviously) and dehumidifiers (atleast every one I've ever owned) heat the room so they would just be cancelling each other out.

Why not find a cheap window unit on trademe. I picked one up not so long ago for $120 its mint although I never got a chance to use it as the cops took my CO2 gear when they raided me.
Any Updates? Cant wait this grow's gonna be mega exciting! Especially after your previous effort!

Hope all your family and friends are safe and no ones caught up in the earthquake.

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