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Official tell putin to f*** off thread.


Well-known member
saying that Taiwan is a "festering problem" for China that needs sorting out is ludicrous. Taiwan is nothing more than an embarrassment because they won't just give up independence to one of the least independent countries on the planet...and who could blame them? why go back into slavery? i guess the statement by Patrick Henry "Give me liberty or give me death" was not mentioned in the school he went to...should the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan et al allow Great Britain primacy once again? lol...fuck off. 😃🖕


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Li They see in the only country NOT absorbed by NATO, Ukraine, a government installed by Americans with a crooked election, that is abusing the ethnic Russians. Those people found themselves no longer living in Russia, after the Russia head dude gave the Ukraine away along with 18 other territories (which joined NATO). Remember the CIS? Minsk was supposed to protect those people in the Donbass.

You do realize that the so called American installed government in Ukraine happened during the Trump administration don't you? You would think if it were the Trump administration that installed him as President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy would have been more then willing to give Trump the dirt he wanted on Biden? Except maybe that dirt didn't exist and Volodymyr Zelenskyy was installed by a free and fair election held by the Ukrainian people.


Well-known member
Liberal simpletons, probably getting their wisdom and opinions from late night tee vee comedy. My job in the military was to be a operational part of nuking Russia. I didn't really take the mission seriously, cause we weren't gonna just all of a sudden nuke them. It was a suicide mission too, now that I look back. Wasn't my choice at all, I wanted to get them in a more manly manner, but back in the late 70's and early 80's Russia was coming! A man did what he could (in exchange for free college). Then get out, and make MIC moolahs.

We killers would get to thinking while waiting around to kill them, that they were probably were just like us. I was over in the orient. They shot down an airliner thinking it was a spy plane. Controller maybe drunk. A Russian pilot named Belinko defected with a Foxbat to Japan, and it turns out they were just like us. The Vietnamese bar girls supposedly described the Russian military men that followed after America split VN as "Americans without money". They like to drink, they have beautiful women (when young), and probably like shoot pool.

Their country has been the brunt of dim BS, sanctions, lies, and lately have had to put up with a military buildup on their border, in the very countries that used to part of Russia, by a MIC that is desperate to boost the economy with a war (plus hide a lot of election theft, covid and vaccine crime, and corruption). They see in the only country NOT absorbed by NATO, Ukraine, a government installed by Americans with a crooked election, that is abusing the ethnic Russians. Those people found themselves no longer living in Russia, after the Russia head dude gave the Ukraine away along with 18 other territories (which joined NATO). Remember the CIS? Minsk was supposed to protect those people in the Donbass.

I agreed with Trump when he said "Wouldn't it be nice if we got along with Russia?" That would bad for the MIC bidness though. The ME wars have kinda played out. I have no beef with the Chinese people either, just the chicoms in charge. And they own America's current government. Wait for xi to decide Taiwan will no longer be a festering problem for China, like Putin did with Ukraine. Ole joe is gonna be stretched pretty thin.

Enjoy your $130 oil and all that brings. At least oil is still sold in dollars. Wait until these foolish sanctions changes that faster than you can realize it, and make adjustments. A pot barter system would be OK with me.

You have no problems with Russians. No problems with Chinese.

Lots of problems with Americans, though.


Three Berries

Active member
What about the US BioLabs. And the CI A set up Ukraine long before Trump. It's a US politicians and Globalist money laundering casino.

Gonna hurt to see evidence of massive US/Ukraine corruption truth come from Russia.


Well-known member
What about the US BioLabs. And the CI A set up Ukraine long before Trump. It's a US politicians and Globalist money laundering casino.

Gonna hurt to see evidence of massive US/Ukraine corruption truth come from Russia.

Are you saying this somehow justifies killing thousands of civilians?

Why does possible corruption make killing people ok to you?



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
You do realize that the so called American installed government in Ukraine happened during the Trump administration don't you? You would think if it were the Trump administration that installed him as President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy would have been more then willing to give Trump the dirt he wanted on Biden? Except maybe that dirt didn't exist and Volodymyr Zelenskyy was installed by a free and fair election held by the Ukrainian people.

Trump was President in 2014? You blaming the orange revolution on Trump? Liberals are inflicted with a disease called stoopitidy.


Well-known member
Trump was President in 2014? You blaming the orange revolution on Trump? Liberals are inflicted with a disease called stoopitidy.

I guess if I had to choose stupid and supporting peace or deranged and supporting the murder of thousands of innocent, the choice is as easy as picking between good and evil.


Active member
I guess if I had to choose stupid and supporting peace or deranged and supporting the murder of thousands of innocent, the choice is as easy as picking between good and evil.

Starting ww3 is supporting peace? Supporting peace would be to support no nato no nukes no biolabs in Ukraine.


Active member


Well-known member
Unfinished business, as in corrupt business deals. This is probably why Biden is so weak against Russia, they might have damaging information they are holding over his head.


To the extent that American foreign policy encouraged Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine, more registered voters blame President Joe Biden than they do his predecessor, Donald Trump — and they're ready to punish Democrats for it in November, according to a new poll.

The data, from a HarrisX poll shared exclusively with Newsweek, concludes that while 42 percent of voters say that Trump's policies are "more to blame about the Russian invasion of Ukraine," 58 percent blame Biden. The poll results largely break down along party lines; among independents, 66 percent blame Biden and 34 percent blame Trump.

When asked whether "Russia's attack on Ukraine makes you more or less likely to vote for one party or another in the 2022 mid-term elections," 36 percent say they're more likely to vote Republican and 24 percent say they're more likely to vote Democrat, while 31 percent say it will not impact their vote. Among independents, 31 percent say they are more likely to vote Republican because of Biden's handling of Ukraine while 13 percent say they're now more likely to vote Democrat.

"Voters believe that Biden has projected weakness to Putin with the slow rollout of economic sanctions," said Dritan Nesho, the chief pollster and CEO of HarrisX. "If the Ukraine crisis drags on and is top of mind leading to the midterms, it looks like voters — especially independents — will punish Democratic leaders for slow and tepid actions."


Well-known member
Unfinished business, as in corrupt business deals. This is probably why Biden is so weak against Russia, they might have damaging information they are holding over his head.

From what I can see the only thing being held over anyone's head is nuclear war. I believe the only reason we have not erased Putin's military is because they do not want Putin to start a nuclear war.
