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OFFICIAL mma discussion TOPIC


Active member
MMA should be replaced with fights to the death by death row inmates.

I personally cant stand the violence (but i can watch scarface and Apocalypse now all day, go figure), but understand why people watch.

You enjoy watching portrayals of violence perpetrated on those that do not wish it to happen?

That seems worse than watching two world class athletes that volunteer for the violence.

I don't think the point of this thread was to debate the worth of mma.

By the way, boxing is much more dangerous than mma and more likely to cause permanent damage.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Gotta go with Jones over Evans. I have seen nothing from any fighter that tells me Jones has any real competition out there. A lucky punch could take him down but other than that he is way above everyone in talent.

I would go with Sonnen beating up Silva again and this time not getting careless and losing.


You enjoy watching portrayals of violence perpetrated on those that do not wish it to happen?

i think the death row fighting should be totally voluntary (I guess i left that out).

Perhaps the winner/reining champion gets his own island, Alcatraz style.

The bereaved might get their 'eye for an eye' justice, and it would sell like hotcakes.

Use the proceeds to fund police work towards violent crime, and free the non violent offenders!

Totally voluntary, title defense every 30 days, no exception, if you want to retire, your spot in the lethal injection/electric chair/firing squad/gas chamber remains unchanged. If your execution date has already passed, your NEXT IN LINE!

MMA is too violent for me. I would never want to watch someone get repeated pummeled in the face, but if thats your thing, i say go for broke. The only people that others want to see die are death row inmates. There is a huge backlog, i see a niche...


Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor


Active member
i think the death row fighting should be totally voluntary (I guess i left that out).

Perhaps the winner/reining champion gets his own island, Alcatraz style.

The bereaved might get their 'eye for an eye' justice, and it would sell like hotcakes.

Use the proceeds to fund police work towards violent crime, and free the non violent offenders!

Totally voluntary, title defense every 30 days, no exception, if you want to retire, your spot in the lethal injection/electric chair/firing squad/gas chamber remains unchanged. If your execution date has already passed, your NEXT IN LINE!

MMA is too violent for me. I would never want to watch someone get repeated pummeled in the face, but if thats your thing, i say go for broke. The only people that others want to see die are death row inmates. There is a huge backlog, i see a niche...


If you want to make a thread about how to be an ignorant jackass I won't post in it, how about you give this thread a rest?


I thought Evans vs Jones was today. But it is still 4 weeks away? lol



Haven't you seen the movie 'Running Man' with Arnold Schwarzenegger?


If you want to make a thread about how to be an ignorant jackass I won't post in it, how about you give this thread a rest?

ohhh burn.

you didnt start this thread, youre not in charge of the interweb, are you always this tough?

Boxing will never see 3 Ali Fraziers again, MMA will suffer the same fate.



it's as staged as 'pro-wrestling', topic discussed.......

I don't think i would go that far.......

..... but as far as staged, i think that the fighters who get to stay or go, or challenge for a title are 'picked' by Dana White and co., rather than using a ranking system, is a bit dodgy.

But, i guess all sports have levels of unfairness, and bias.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Boxing is restrictive (all you can do is punch!) and thus clearly more boring - it is now just a subset of MMA ... MMA on the other hand offers so many more possible scenarios and outcomes (an actual FIGHT, not just a punching gig), and this "homo erotic wrestling" BS excuse of yours is just that - an excuse. There's nothing gay about it, but you as a boxing fan have very limited options when it comes to attacking MMA, so that's what you've stooped to. That speaks volumes - i'd say that's your accidental acknowledgement of MMA being better to watch than boxing, but then the numbers speak for themselves anyway ... :)

Come on though, don't you find it a little boring to watch a fight that's 90% submission holds (and no I'm not saying all MMA fights are like that but many are) until someone taps out? I won't try to insult a sport that many love by trying to frame it as homo erotic but I will say a fight of mostly submission holds is boring as hell. Same is true in boxing, a match where two guys go toe to toe slugging it out is much more interesting then a fight where one fighter is constantly getting wrapped up with his opponant (in order to wear him down). If MMA looked more like a typical fight sequence in a Bruce Lee movie I bet you MMA would have alot more fans then it does now.


Active member
it's as staged as 'pro-wrestling', topic discussed.......
Thats totaly just a kidding kind of comment right>?Theres no one with any kind of sense that could believe that any Fighting that goes on inside the Cage is fake or staged.It just doesnt seem possible that a rational,intelligent person could think its fake in the least.I know people kid and stuff,i know thats a sarcastic statement and not something that someone whos actually watched this Sport,thinks in there own mind as being true.Because,just watching a Fight,any Fight in the History of the UFC,anyone would know theres nothing fake at all about any of it.Then again,some people stil believe in The Tooth Fairy:tiphat:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Thats totaly just a kidding kind of comment right>?Theres no one with any kind of sense that could believe that any Fighting that goes on inside the Cage is fake or staged.It just doesnt seem possible that a rational,intelligent person could think its fake in the least.I know people kid and stuff,i know thats a sarcastic statement and not something that someone whos actually watched this Sport,thinks in there own mind as being true.Because,just watching a Fight,any Fight in the History of the UFC,anyone would know theres nothing fake at all about any of it.Then again,some people stil believe in The Tooth Fairy:tiphat:

I'm not saying MMA is or isn't staged but I am jumping in to this aspect of the topic to point out that a staged fight doesn't necessarily have to mean the action is fake. The kicks, the punches, the holds, the blood and sweat can all be real but if somewhere before the fight someone in a position of authority over the fighters, sat the two fighters down and said okay fighter A you are going to win and fighter B you are going to lose.


I don't think it is staged, but, Anderson Silva vs Forrest Griffin, and Anderson Silva vs Chael Sonnen did make me question it a little.....


Active member
I'm not saying MMA is or isn't staged but I am jumping in to this aspect of the topic to point out that a staged fight doesn't necessarily have to mean the action is fake. The kicks, the punches, the holds, the blood and sweat can all be real but if somewhere before the fight someone in a position of authority over the fighters, sat the two fighters down and said okay fighter A you are going to win and fighter B you are going to lose.
:tiphat:.I was just meaning for anyone that thinks the Fighting that goes on inside the Cage is Fake,must not have watched any Fights or was just kidding if they made that statement.But also now that i read what you wrote,lmfao.Theres not a chance in hell that any Fight is fixed and one Fighter is ever told to Win or lose.These Fights are regulated to the same guidlines as Boxing,and just like in Boxing if a Fight was ever fixed,the FBI becomes involved.Both Sports a regulated by an Athletic Commision,which is a real Governing Body,the same as Boxing,BaseBall etc etc.So not to say there is no chance a Fight could ever be fixed,but what i am saying is that unlike The WWE,anyone caught in that sort of thing is considered a Criminal,and its a Federal Crime which like i already Stated,Brings in the FBI.The same way there brought in if the same thing happens in anyother REAL Sport.So,no,theres never a time where Dana White or anyone else involved in the UFC as far as the Owners or Brass would tell a Fighter to Win or Lose to another.Maybe a shady manager could tell/ask his Fighter to take a dive ,but then boths time as being in this Sport ever again would be non exsistant.


Power Armor rules
I think MMA is great despite what people say about the violence. I've been watching for years, and enjoy seeing the new talent come in and clean house - like Jon Jones. Watching Allistair Overeem make Brock Lesner look like a punching bag was a thing of beauty. If you don't like all the "male on male humping" then go watch K-1 kickboxing. That is also very entertaining. If Floyd Mayweather would fight Manny Pacqiuao then maybe boxing would be worth watching again.

As long as men have balls, testosterone, and adrenal glands we'll continue fighting no matter what.



Game Bred
Come on though, don't you find it a little boring to watch a fight that's 90% submission holds (and no I'm not saying all MMA fights are like that but many are) until someone taps out? I won't try to insult a sport that many love by trying to frame it as homo erotic but I will say a fight of mostly submission holds is boring as hell. Same is true in boxing, a match where two guys go toe to toe slugging it out is much more interesting then a fight where one fighter is constantly getting wrapped up with his opponant (in order to wear him down). If MMA looked more like a typical fight sequence in a Bruce Lee movie I bet you MMA would have alot more fans then it does now.
some folks actually watch BJJ tourneys and even prefer them to MMA matches...

probably in the minority but to me the sub game is the most interesting part