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Official ICM 420 Growers/Breeders Cup 2011 Info

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Karma Genetics

I am getting out the big papers for this smoke out, get ready for them big cloudzzzzzz.

Going to be a blast, i am looking forward to be smoking with all of you, and having the great morning wake and bakes.

The big Kobe Burgers they do a bigger one now hmmmmmm,

And most important the nice talks and meeting with old friends. See you all soon,

And get that Spirit UP, its going to be a GOOD VIBE happening, for shure.


Well..,to get off the subject of the price of passes etc,
and chill everyone the fuck out:comfort:I`ve a question........
Saying i do send summat over,and as it`s a "blind competition"..
Does that mean i can`t boast,blah,blah what i`ll be entering over on the grow/dried bud/bud pics forums n shit beforehand to give everyone a wee look-see of the finished goods:)?.............Cause if i
let go of 2 weeks smoke,am gonna be wanting to let people see it first and show it off a bit like.

Also,25 euro for somewhere warm and friendly to sit around in Amsterdam City Centre,with snacks/drinks etc in fuckin`April,surrounded by like minded fellows gettn shit faced...Over 3 days,aint that bad..................As long as i can get a big mug o tea,biccies an maybe a hot dog or two I`d be well happy......Awwww Fuck it,,I`ll even bring the tea bags
All the best,

Read Rule #5 in my first post of this thread. :thank you:


Well-known member
Well..,to get off the subject of the price of passes etc,
and chill everyone the fuck out:comfort:

:yeahthats too much negatives vibes around here. please keep it friendly. :)
lastly we all want the same - a big fat smoke :D looking forward to all of u.


For the record, I don't have any issue with the guest fee for guests who aren't entrants.

I've personally simply been trying to establish which judges pass may give most bang for buck.

I also won't be showing up with any negativity, I'm very much looking forward to it.

I'm pleased to see Dutchgrown say that things will be "MUCH more organised" than in last time I was there, though. :dance013:


...don't show up with a negative frame of mine.....we are doing our best to make it fun for all...

...even if you can't hit Mom up to pony up for the 25 euro pass for the whole event...

......I can't believe all the bitching and moaning.....if you can make it happen yourselves.....then DO IT....and stop trying to tear us a new back-end.....


cheesey, all scores will be entered into the computerized data based program (same one that randomly assigns the blind number), and the results of that will be posted. If anyone wishes to xerox their own ballot before handing it in, they are more than welcomed to do that. There has been, at my request, two independent observers retained to be present for ballot entry into the computerized program. The independent observers will not be disclosed in advance for obvious reasons, and will certainly not be anyone who enters. ;)


cheesey, all scores will be entered into the computerized data based program (same one that randomly assigns the blind number), and the results of that will be posted. If anyone wishes to xerox their own ballot before handing it in, they are more than welcomed to do that. There has been, at my request, two independent observers retained to be present for ballot entry into the computerized program. The independent observers will not be disclosed in advance for obvious reasons, and will certainly not be anyone who enters. ;)

so is that a no to photos of the judges score sheets then ? as do u realy think judges will remember to photocopy them lol .
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I'm going to address now the negativity brought up in this thread that some attempted to swamp earlier pages of this thread with, and hope that those with negative viewpoints will become enlightened, and decide to have a more positive outlook. Certain points will be reflected in my edited first post in this thread, shortly after making this post.

This is 2011....and not a previous cup, nor should it be expected to always remain the same, not in current cost nor attendance nor expenses that inflate year after year.

The award cups are extremely expensive....they are each hand made, no two exactly alike except in design theme, and are several hundred dollars each, that although the 420 fund raiser is offered, doesn't cover the cost 100% for just the awards. These awards are very special, as is the one's who are voted to receive one, whether it be a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place. Bravo to those who excel at their skills and are judged accordingly by those with judge passes. :yes:

Mila's place....she has staff, that must change their working hours, along with her own shop hours just to accommodate the cup. There are ashtrays to be emptied, trash to be picked up, bathrooms to be cleaned, and she and her staff are very hospitable. Mila's place has NEVER been free to use....but that is something that (until pressed...rather demanded by some for an answer due to wrong conclusions and statements posted that 'Mila's has always been free'...) has really just been calculated into the overall expenses that attendees have not been privy to. Next some of you are gonna ask how much she charges us...and to that...I'll answer you in advance...there is no financial disclosure required, nor are you going to get one.

I'll be happy to highlight some of the expenses, as I've attempted to do earlier, such as two venue locations, approx 4-5k for both, 7k for the cups (that must be shipped across the world and received unbroken as well, and any that arrive broken require being re-purchased and shipped again), food and drinks purchased for Mila's (this we are including this year and no one with a pass will incur a cost to purchase from her refreshments bar as has been in the past), goodie bags (containing items such as various types of rolling papers, tips, lighters, the laminate itself which runs about 2 sterling ea, SEEDS (some of which per pack are upwards of $75), and various other 420 Cup mementos and promo items, and the cost of the bag that it all goes into as well, being the recipient of all that goes into the 2011 bags is far in excess of the mere 25 euros being charged for a guest pass, which is simply charged to (1. maintain a level of security so that only those with a pass are permitted, (2. assist to offset 'some' of the expenses...I bet you all would like to have a boat to tour the canals and have a private smoke sesh...let's add another 2k for that + fuel costs, or maybe you want us to throw in a complimentary 1 hour sesh in the red light too. I have a distinct feeling that no matter what the inclusions are, there would still be those to complain.

(posted earlier in this thread...The one point that has been raised that I will concur with is ENTRANTS (grower or breeder) will receive 1 free pass....and hope Gypsy does not have a problem with me doing that.'

Update to above paragraph...I have now received confirmation from Gypsy that he is willing to permit me to change the requirement of entrants purchasing a guest pass. Thank you Gypsy. :yes:

There has been, although you all are not aware, many to already make serious enquiries about entering...there are more entries expected this year than any other. There is also a ground team in the dam making arrangements to receive entries....so looks like local entries are going to be quite high this year.

Gypsy decides breeder of the year...that is correct...and it is not based on sales ...if that were the case then Nirvana BV would win hands down each and every year, as there are more packs of Nirvana Seeds sold via Seed Boutique and Seedbay than any other, mainly due to their low pricing and the easiest option for those new to growing. But it's best you all hear it from Gypsy himself as to why he reserves the right to decide this one award himself. I'm sure you'll see him post about this sooner, than later.

I'm going to stop right there....as I feel you all are looking for a reason to criticize the cup, for a multitude of reasons, some of which I see through and know it's just a personal dig...but DG has thick skin, and the most important things to me is that the ICM 420 Cup go off FAIRLY to all entrants, is organized properly to result in an ENJOYABLE time for all attending, and for all those who can do so to come and enjoy a good time with everyone. ;) If 25 euros is too much to come up with, yet spend time on here b*tching about, then please, just stay home....your negativity isn't welcome at the cup.

The negativity in this thread stops now. Time to accentuate the positive. :ying:

On behalf of the ICM 420 Cup Organizational Team, we look forward to seeing you at the cup in April, and showing you all a fantastic time! :party: Do remember that the judge packs will be ready on the 16th of April, although the official events begin on the 18th. :canabis:

:thank you:
If people can afford to fly to/stay in amsterdam, I think they can afford to pay 25 euros lol. I realize there will be people attending that are already close(r) but ya 25 euros is negligible. I have no idea what their costs are or what goes on @ the cup nor am I saying that 25 is either right or wrong. Just saying....

what does last year have to do with this year?

LOL fizzbomb its only 25 friggen euros. it costs money to set these things up the 25 is barely gonna cover their expenses. stop being cheap.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....In total.....over all the years I have put on this 4/20 Growers and Breeders Cup not a red cent has been made as profit..... for a couple of years we came up with a very a few euro's over what it actually costs.....but mostly it has run at a loss...

Last year's event ....mainly due to the Icelandic Volcano grounding flights worldwide I lost 4 grand on the event......and the vast majority of past events also ran at a loss or just broke even....

....The idea of having the 4/20 Growers and Breeders Cup is not to necessarily make a profit..(although that would be nice)....It is a unique celebration and a competition around fine cannabis grown by any grower or breeder that cares to enter and an event where those interested in this can come together in a safe place to consume, compare and savour fine cannabis/hash and enjoy it in a location where you don't need to feel paranoid about it....Amsterdam.

For my efforts I get to choose who I think should be awarded 'Breeder of the Year'....and this is done to recognize various people that I think deserve the prize and recognition from myself....for their work in the grow-room/garden.....'Breeder of the Year' is not voted on by others and I don't judge who it might be based on volume of seed sales or popularity particularly....

This year the main organizers will be Dutchgrown, John Bourne and my own son (who some of you may know from previous cup's).....and I would like it if you could make their jobs easier if you are one of the Judges by making sure you hand your score-cards in on time at the appropriate place that will be made clear to you around cup-time.....and if you are one of the entrants please make sure your entry gets to us before the dead-line and in good condition.....

As DG has specified....there are quite alot of costs, not least the time, travel and accommodation of the organizers who need some reward for their efforts, even if it is just a decent hotel to stay in since none of them live in Amsterdam....and quite a bit of groundwork still has to be done during the next 2 months before we have all the venues/events/seminars e.t.c. arranged....John Bourne will be flying over to the Dam in a few days time to meet up with my son to take care of some of these details in person....

...In closing I wish all of you that attend, enter and/or Judge the competition a merry old time in Amsterdam......may your experience be one that is fondly remembered for many years....

mosca negra

Here, Here! Well said DG and Gypsy-- the IC 420 Cup is the celebration of all we are passionate about! Let's all be real here, putting on a celebration like this has many challenges and costs.

Let's make our focus about the HERB, GOOD FRIENDS FROM AROUND THE WORLD, AND FUN TIMES! If you don't want the good Karma to flo, then stay home and we'll tell you all about the Good Times in front of all of us attending...



stickey fingers

Sorry, for my negateive post i love the IC and its members !
I hope everybody has a incredible time at the 2011 IC cup !

John Bourne

Just my two cents...

Anybody who has done business with ICMAG, Bay or Boo through me, knows I'm a very frank guy when it comes to talking about the numbers and economics of it all...

With that said...from a business standpoint, the Cup is not a profitable endeavour for this company. We do it for the Cannabis community at large, for promoting breeders, growers, and of course most of all, for the ICMAG community...

From a financial standpoint, the mandate Gypsy has given us is to spend every penny generated in sales from the Cup on the Cup... and yet still, we provide great value for your money, and an opportunity to be apart of a tradition and an event linking the ICMAG and Cannabis community worldwide.

As Gypsy said, it hasn't been a profitable endeavour in the past, it's been about the event and the community. I'm not sure where the negativity came from, but I'm not looking at that, I'm looking past that...With that said, I can't wait for the Cup, it's gonna be the best one yet! See you all there.

- John


Im not going, wish I could... Really can't believe all the complaining! Maybe all these people who complain , could organize a better event and put all their money up for it? Give these guys a break, they are doing it for all of you! I'm sure it's a shit ton of work to get it all together too! If you don't like the guest and judges pass prices , think it's a rip off , then don't go ! Just don't give these guys and gals a hard time. Im sure if DG is heading it up it will be a very respectable event . DG always shows a lot of compassion , takes a ton of her time to help anyone and everyone ! Just her:ying: reputation :ying: alone should be enough to negate anyone's doubts!


New member
Hello Everyone !

Sorry for my bad English , I hope to participate in this fair cup , is a dream ...

Just a question , can I purchase a guest pass at the entrance of the cup (Mila's) ??

Thank you very , much and hope to see you at the Cup ...



Thanks chef for your kind words. ;)

defjey: As is usually the case, there are those (especially from neighboring countries to NL) that make a last minute decision to attend, having worked it into their scedule, so yes, there will be guest passes available at Mila's.


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Hi DG,

Firstly many thanks for taking it on to organise this whole thing, much appreciated and sad not to see an entry of yours due to this, hopefully someone will enter some of yours in the Growers cup.

I will be sending in 2 entries for Growers, so I get given Judges packs for Breeder Indica and Breeder Sativa ? How do I go about booking it and making sure I do not miss a pack ?

Finally, the idea mentioned earlier about entrants pre packaging entries came about last year, not only does it save the organisers time, but the entries get to the Judges in perfect condition. Many of us felt they had lost a little something from sitting around getting weighed out or separated. If you sent out the bags to us we could do it, if not I want to send mine in individually and you can repack it. Entrants can easily send in a photo or 3 of the entry themselves whicn would also save you guys and gals time.

All the best
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