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Official ICM 420 Growers/Breeders Cup 2011 Info

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Yes but when all these judges have to pay 150 euros just to be a judge why does their vote not count towards the final vote of breeder of the year? Why let just 1 person decide that, as opposed to many people who've spent a lot of money just to be a judge?

i mean ... Gypsy might like vegetarian pizza, but that doesn't mean I do! Only a large number of judges can surely decide which is best, as decided by a majority, as opposed to a 1-man-minority.



hi m8, I think it might come down to seed sales and its only gypsy that will know who has sold the most seeds for that year if that what it comes down to, or maybe its something else but its only gypsy that will know this and thats why he makes the final decision on who is the breeder of the year only, nothing else, if i was to vote for breeder of the year it would just be my own personal choice on who i favor over other breeders, now that would not be fair, but with gypsy deciding only he will know who has sold the most seeds, not even sure if that is how he decides but it was just an example, but that is why gypsy decides m8 on breeder of the year. it dont affect the overall results with the weed and hash entries.


but that is why gypsy decides m8 on breeder of the year. it dont affect the overall results with the weed and hash entries.
Yes, I'm quite aware that it doesn't affect the voting of the individual categories, but it still ends up with 1 person deciding the breeder of the year, as opposed to a MAJORITY of people deciding it ... (and they've even paid 150 euros for the privilege! Yet their vote counts for nothing)

Lets just break this down ... who would you rather be the breeder of the year ...
A) the breeder that was chosen by 1 person?
B) the breeder that was chosen by the vast majority?


I hear what your saying PhenoMenal I really do, i would go for B personally but that is not my choice to make and never has been, my issue is the charging of the 25 euro for a guest pass, and this is the point i ws trying to make as well, maybe not a lot of people will be willing to pay 25 euro to attend the pollinator company when you can sit around the corner for free, the cup has always been about every1 showing up from everywhere to have fun and meet up and get a smoke, but this year dont bother if your not willing to pay 25 euro for a guest pass, you can only hang out with us if you pay 25 euro for a guest pass, well i think im gonna have to pass, if it was 5 euro you were charging I would be saying the same, you should be welcoming people to show up, not drive them away before its even started by charging for a guest pass, and its not about the 25 euro or even 5 euro, its the principal behind it, you guys dont need to be charging for a guest pass, its like your trying to squeeze every last penny out of us you can, thats what i dont agree with, shit man you got me started again PhenoMenal lol, no more from me, going for a joint :)


mrhaze, so do I but when it boils down to 1 individual choosing that (as opposed to dozens of people, ie the vast majority) i'm not so sure how much credence can be given.

I have a lot of respect for Gypsy, most of my seeds I've gotten off of him, but he runs icmag, seedbay, and seedboutique, so it'd be crazy to think that his final decision had nothing to do with his business, especially when he is the single person voting!

But thats just my personal opinion...

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Yes, I'm quite aware that it doesn't affect the voting of the individual categories, but it still ends up with 1 person deciding the breeder of the year, as opposed to a MAJORITY of people deciding it ... (and they've even paid 150 euros for the privilege! Yet their vote counts for nothing)

Lets just break this down ... who would you rather be the breeder of the year ...
A) the breeder that was chosen by 1 person?
B) the breeder that was chosen by the vast majority?



mrhaze, so do I but when it boils down to 1 individual choosing that (as opposed to dozens of people, ie the vast majority) i'm not so sure how much credence can be given.

I have a lot of respect for Gypsy, most of my seeds I've gotten off of him, but he runs icmag, seedbay, and seedboutique, so it'd be crazy to think that his final decision had nothing to do with his business, especially when he is the single person voting!

But thats just my personal opinion...


its a very valid opinion in my opinion ,,let the people decide ..


my issue is the charging of the 25 euro for a guest pass, and this is the point i ws trying to make as well, maybe not a lot of people will be willing to pay 25 euro to attend the pollinator company when you can sit around the corner for free, :)

By around the corner, do you mean another coffeeshop? In most coffeeshops consumption is expected (if not necessary), so buying just a few drinks a day could amount to 25 eur easily.

In the High Times cup a daily pass is 30 eur...

I'd say you are being quite cheap, the cup is once a year. Would you want to miss meeting up with fellow ICMaggers, because you have 'principle' of not paying?
If you don't have $$$, I'd recommend visiting Amsterdam at winter time, the low season is generally much cheaper with hotels etc.

There will be other events besides the award ceremony and smoking up at Milas, right?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

...don't show up with a negative frame of mind.....we are doing our best to make it fun for all...

...even if you can't hit Mom up to pony up for the 25 euro pass for the whole event...

......I can't believe all the bitching and moaning.....if you can make it happen yourselves.....then DO IT....and stop trying to tear us a new back-end.....
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...don't show up with a negative frame of mine.....we are doing our best to make it fun for all...

...even if you can't hit Mom up to pony up for the 25 euro pass for the whole event...

......I can't believe all the bitching and moaning.....if you can make it happen yourselves.....then DO IT....and stop trying to tear us a new back-end.....

Sounds like this 420 is going to be a fun puff puff party guys:dance013:

My good friend karma is helping out and i know he isnt going have sum boring 420 cup, we going to party:party::hotbounce:trampoline::headbange:rtfo:


your entitled to your opinion and i respect that, not sure if you have read all the thread as you just seem to pick up on 1 point i made, if you think im being quite cheap then how would you describe the money that is being made from the cup???, it should not be about how much money can be made, or to try and squeeze every last penny you can from YOUR members, if they did not charge anything for the guest pass then i would not have been saying shit, the bud that is being entered is being handed in for free, but the sales from the judge's passes are just under 20,000 euro if they were to sell them all, so do you honestly think for a second that the overheads will be anything near 20,000 for a 3 days event??, if so then i would like to hear it, so why then do they need to be charging for a guest pass, they should be wanting as many people to attend as possible, but now its every1 is welcome but you gotta pay 25 euro when the guest's have never had to pay a thing but now they do, i was a judge for the last 3 years as well so its not like i would have been buying a guest pass anyway, if im going it will be to judge, so its not like im complaining because i have to buy a guest pass, i just dont agree with it thats all, just stating my opinion which im entitled to do, if your happy paying then thats up to you, your choice, just like i chose not to pay, my choice, dont make me cheap lol. but ty for your reply anyway ;)


Sounds like this 420 is going to be a fun puff puff party guys:dance013:

My good friend karma is helping out and i know he isnt going have sum boring 420 cup, we going to party:party::hotbounce:trampoline::headbange:rtfo:

Yes, Karma and Moppel both have volunteered to assist in some of the foot work involved. :yes: We also have John Bourne and Gypsy's son (that some of you have met last year) involved in contractual negotiations with prospective venues for awards night as well as other tasks in the dam to bring this cup to high standards.

This cup will be MUCH more organized than in the previous couple of years and have many inclusions...some yet to be disclosed until solidified, but you have to be there to enjoy them.

Fizz...I'll reply to all your points later on, and others, and I'm inclined to agree with you that if someone enters, they get a free pass....but will not be able to officially do this until I hear back from Gypsy with his approval. So let's hold tight on that one, ok?

stickey fingers



smokeing bowls with the IC crew, at a cannabis cup where the world best cannabis
is being smoked would be priceless !!!! Fuck all you cheap ass trools bitching over pennys,
if youre that fucking cheap and tacky and ingnorant to bitch over the cup, you dont deserve to go!!!!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
smokeing bowls with the IC crew, at a cannabis cup where the world best cannabis
is being smoked would be priceless !!!! Fuck all you cheap ass trools bitching over pennys,
if youre that fucking cheap and tacky and ingnorant to bitch over the cup, you dont deserve to go!!!!

AAWWW BOO HOO HOO ON US.. us cheap tacky ENTRANTS we don't deserve to enter... err then there wouldnt be a cup.. good thinking feller.. lucky we have your input to guide us

Dutch Aln

Well..,to get off the subject of the price of passes etc,
and chill everyone the fuck out:comfort:I`ve a question........
Saying i do send summat over,and as it`s a "blind competition"..
Does that mean i can`t boast,blah,blah what i`ll be entering over on the grow/dried bud/bud pics forums n shit beforehand to give everyone a wee look-see of the finished goods:)?.............Cause if i
let go of 2 weeks smoke,am gonna be wanting to let people see it first and show it off a bit like.

Also,25 euro for somewhere warm and friendly to sit around in Amsterdam City Centre,with snacks/drinks etc in fuckin`April,surrounded by like minded fellows gettn shit faced...Over 3 days,aint that bad..................As long as i can get a big mug o tea,biccies an maybe a hot dog or two I`d be well happy......Awwww Fuck it,,I`ll even bring the tea bags
All the best,


:I`ve a question........
Saying i do send summat over,and as it`s a "blind competition"..
Does that mean i can`t boast,blah,blah what i`ll be entering over on the grow/dried bud/bud pics forums n shit beforehand to give everyone a wee look-see of the finished goods:)?.............Cause if i
let go of 2 weeks smoke,am gonna be wanting to let people see it first and show it off a bit like.

from what i uderstand thats a NO u can not say or show what u are entering ..... as its a blind comp
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