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Official Canna Nutrients thread


New member
what is your guys feed schedule with canna? also is anyone using cal mag in addition? I'm vegging under gavitas and it seems that i need a lot of cal/mag.

i used to run 7.5ml/gal of Canna a+b
plus 1-2ml/gal of calimagic
4ml/ gal of cannazyme
ph 6.0-6.2 ppm 800-850

i have heard others run in veg under hps
5-6ml/gal a+b
3-5ml/gal of cal mag
ph 6.0-6.2 ppm 650-700.

what do you guys run, what seems to work best without doing epsom sprays?

Baron Greenback

Still all over it - Use the Cogr range with Rhizotonic and Cannazyme. As my set up is recirculating, nutrient costs are minimal, so no worries about using the range.
Just started with the 'Zyme so no real ideas about it yet, but my girls look healthy :)
foliar feed with a diluted Rhizotonic mixture and that seems to explode root production.
A little pk boost from about 3 weeks into flower and then a bit more as they get bigger.
I also like to chuck in a bit of seaweed extract during the flowering stretch, they seem to need a little nitrogen then and a bit of bat guano towards the latter stages of flower for a p boost.
There doesn't seem to be much of a cal/mag deficiency going on, but if there is, a bit of the Coco buffer solution soon sorts that out.


I'm still using Canna full line. I also use Advacnced nutrients full grand master line in another room.
- it looks like your ppm is way too low. I use EC only. I would suggest first following exact feeding per bottle instructions/charts. I think it will be closer to ppm Hanna/1250 or EC2.4. Approx.

- I have made sooooo many under and over feeding mistakes that if I were you, go buy an excellent EC meter and learn how to do soil samples and check run off religiously until you are a master at it. You can train and develop a root/plant to go from drinking 750ppm/EC1.5 up to EC OF 3.5/ppm of 1750 in 8 weeks of gradual increases without ever much tip burn. Just make sure that before you feed next that the EC that is left behind since last feeding is going down compare to your feeding EC.
- if you feed at EC3.5 , test your soil and runoff and make sure that the roots are using it all. Don't feed again until EC is down to 2.0-2.5. Otherwise, it will burn your roots and you won't be able to fix it quick enough before damage and loss of bud maturity and yield is less.

Make sure you use boost per canna instructions and pk13/14 for at least 7-14 days or you will never ever get the best results you can. Trust me I've tried canna w/o boost and I used pk13/14 too late in flower before as well.

My veg plants in 16oz solo cups , 18" tall, before topping for cloning get EC2.4 after 4-5 weeks. Starting at EC1.5.
-then I top for clones(mothers), then transplant into 2gal cloth pots and they get EC2.5 for two more weeks of veg and then flower at 2.5-3.5EC 2-4 times per week. Coco or soil mix.

I just keep training them to adapt to more nutes but I absolutely make sure they are using them.

I suggest that if you over feed just once, that you flush with a normal feeding around EC1.5-2.5 with 20-50% runoff. Then wait a few days and do a soil test and make sure the EC is less than what you fed last. If it's not, then lower your EC by 25% and try again until your root system uses more than what you are feeding it:)

I hope this helps man. It's amazing how technical everything is when you try and do it right. I've struggled on and off for 1000's of plants and I still can't be consistent:-(!!!!! Lol

I'm a tester so I keep on testing and learning what NOT to do and what works also:)

The growers on this site have been so much help over the last 4yrs!!!!!!!!! Cheers to all of you that care about others and helping!!!!!


New member
Seeking more information on cannaboost. I'll be using Cx hydroponics head masta for a flower booster and wanted to add on cannaboost as a foliar any advice and suggestion on the matter?


Seeking more information on cannaboost. I'll be using Cx hydroponics head masta for a flower booster and wanted to add on cannaboost as a foliar any advice and suggestion on the matter?

Well are you using the full canna line and are you going terra vega /Flores in a soilmix?

I don't mix and match too often. And since I've grown with and without canna boost I will NEVER EVER go without unless I'm stopping canna all together.

Why isn't there more peeps on this canna threAd?

I thought a lot of people use Canna. I am still testing testing testing as I call it with both canna and advanced nutrients grand master line.

Best thing about every single canna grow so far ------- NEVER KILLED A floating plant and they always were decent up to top shelf (except for some bud rot and WPM) of course. I have never burned any plans with canna either. And yet using advanced nutrients grandmaster lineup, I have completely destroyed over 120 plants total !!!! It's one her percent my fault but it is very very very easy to over feed if you were not a soil expert or watering expert when you mix-and-match nutrients and use high salt content nutrients.


New member
I took a two year break and now want to start up again and was wondering if anyone has ever used old Canna nutes and how bad that might be. Looks like the $ of the whole line went up almost double since I last purchased!


Does anyone also use calmag and silica with the full line or no need?

Yeah you have to use cal mag with canna if you are using RO water especially in veg. I use advanced nutrient cal mag or cal mag Plus or a 4-0-0 and only once per week per directions on bottle in veg and through 2nd veg stage the first 2-3 weeks in flower. Then never again.

The big thing is making sure you don't go over EC 1.6/1.8. Unless you are growing more than 12oz plants. Then I've done EC2.5-3.0 up until day 35. Then down to EC 2.0 for about a week or two. Then EC 1.0-1.25 for the last weeks until flushing which then only takes a few days depending on your method of growing like coco vs soil mix.

I always use Aptus fasilitor especially in veg. Even if I do any type of organic mix even in 4" pots , they go from 6" tall clones to 12-18" tall and bushy teenagers under CFL within 4 weeks. With only using terra vega once per week and cal mag plus once per week and letting them go from wet to dry cycle but without wilting of course.

Then I stop using fasilitor in flower after week 2-3.
Hope this gives some ideas


Seeking more information on cannaboost. I'll be using Cx hydroponics head masta for a flower booster and wanted to add on cannaboost as a foliar any advice and suggestion on the matter?

Maybe since you already have that cx boost ,
You could buy the smallest bottle of canna boost and keep a few plants where you don't feed cx boost and only Foliar feed with canna boost.

I've only Foliar fed 10-15 times and don't have enough control groups to tell if it made a diff or not.

But I've used the full line with and w/o canna boost and I was super disappointed with yield and terpenes of no boost.

I think it cost me about $350 a grow to use the boost and I avg (when I don't kill anything from testing coco ), on my soil mix grows 26-39oz per 42"x48" area with 2-4plamts with DE 1000w ePapillion hoods running co2 around 800-1200ppm and 3-5gal cloth or hard pots with a scrog setup to help support the 48-55" tall plants.

It would be cool to see if another boost was better than canna. I'm a tester so I like trying lots of different products until I get to quit testing lol!!!! Never. But it's also cost me tons of money. I seriously would be out of debt if I would just stick to canna full line and quit testing especially with my advanced nutrient obsession lol.

I've killed 3 full grows so far with the full grand master lineup from
Burning in coco. Really crushed me. So now two grows are canna and only one AN. but now I'm starting to not go over EC 1.8 even with AN. Even though when you call them they tell you over and over and over to use full strength ewvry time which is about EX2.5-3.2 using EC 0.3 water. I just don't know how to feed that high even with some runoff and not burn the plants. So I've argued with them a few times and they still insist it works.

As of this week I gave up on their advice and since I have so many extra nutes I am just sticking with canna guides of EC max of 1.6/1.8 in heavy bloom unless you have monster plants and do soil testing at every feed to assure no over feeding.

Anyway, lots of thoughts. Have fun growing


I'm still using Canna full line. I also use Advacnced nutrients full grand master line in another room.
- it looks like your ppm is way too low. I use EC only. I would suggest first following exact feeding per bottle instructions/charts. I think it will be closer to ppm Hanna/1250 or EC2.4. Approx.

- I have made sooooo many under and over feeding mistakes that if I were you, go buy an excellent EC meter and learn how to do soil samples and check run off religiously until you are a master at it. You can train and develop a root/plant to go from drinking 750ppm/EC1.5 up to EC OF 3.5/ppm of 1750 in 8 weeks of gradual increases without ever much tip burn. Just make sure that before you feed next that the EC that is left behind since last feeding is going down compare to your feeding EC.
- if you feed at EC3.5 , test your soil and runoff and make sure that the roots are using it all. Don't feed again until EC is down to 2.0-2.5. Otherwise, it will burn your roots and you won't be able to fix it quick enough before damage and loss of bud maturity and yield is less.

Make sure you use boost per canna instructions and pk13/14 for at least 7-14 days or you will never ever get the best results you can. Trust me I've tried canna w/o boost and I used pk13/14 too late in flower before as well.

My veg plants in 16oz solo cups , 18" tall, before topping for cloning get EC2.4 after 4-5 weeks. Starting at EC1.5.
-then I top for clones(mothers), then transplant into 2gal cloth pots and they get EC2.5 for two more weeks of veg and then flower at 2.5-3.5EC 2-4 times per week. Coco or soil mix.

I just keep training them to adapt to more nutes but I absolutely make sure they are using them.

I suggest that if you over feed just once, that you flush with a normal feeding around EC1.5-2.5 with 20-50% runoff. Then wait a few days and do a soil test and make sure the EC is less than what you fed last. If it's not, then lower your EC by 25% and try again until your root system uses more than what you are feeding it:)

I hope this helps man. It's amazing how technical everything is when you try and do it right. I've struggled on and off for 1000's of plants and I still can't be consistent:-(!!!!! Lol

I'm a tester so I keep on testing and learning what NOT to do and what works also:)

The growers on this site have been so much help over the last 4yrs!!!!!!!!! Cheers to all of you that care about others and helping!!!!!

Good post. Someone (sounds like through many fuk ups like me) that actually pulls substrate samples and feeds according to whats actually going on in the rhizosphere. Just like a real hot house grower. Not many do that. I dont feed the ec levels anywhere near yours but your post is spot on with what we as hydroponic growers are supposed to be doing.


Does anyone also use calmag and silica with the full line or no need?

I still use a silicate every now and again. Europonic (HDI) to be exact. 2 ml. per gallon of nutrient solution added first before anything else. And let your tanks sit for 20 minutes before adding the rest of your juices. And as far as calmag and coco coir. If your tap or start water isnt 0.3 to 0.4 EC of calcium/magnesium & some chelated iron..make it that way. Then add nutes. Following the Canna light feed to normal feed charts (in between for me for most strains) with the 0.3 - 0.4 EC in the custom start water setting always worked perfectly. I dont necessarily use Canna nutes anymore. I might every crop or 5 as I mainly use Hydroponic Research Veg + Bloom dry powder one part now. Just as good as Canna for Coco but cheaper. The Canna addys are pricey but awesome. Rhizotonic and Cannazym are completely overpriced for my sized graden now a days (4800 watts of Gavita DE) but they work extremely well.


Well-known member
Has anyone used Bio Flores? Just picked some up, I use organics / microbes and some supplemental feeds of synthetics I.E. Flora Nova.

I only have a few bloom nutrients and needed something organic.