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Off grid grow

My original diary pictures disappeared so I'll finish this grow here. Here's what the plants looked like yesterday with 60-67 days veg and now at day 9 in bud mode.


WidoW top


This Hash has super dense foliage and tightly spaced bud sites.


Using a Honda 2000 watt genset. Costs me 5 gallons of fuel per day. Generator stays on all night on economy mode running 8 inch fan and a set of t5.


8 inch fan 750cfm,and large carbon filter(watts?). Ducted air out the chimney stack. Running 600 watts on a gavita and 600 watts on a vertical HPS bulb. 16" osculating fan top canopy air moving (watts ?). Also running some 4 foot t5 bulbs (225 watts) under the other plants for clones and seedlings. This is how the plants looked 7 days ago:


Just topped this handful of widows so it bushes out more. It's the only thing in the greenhouse now. In a 20 gallon pot I can water heavy and leave it unattended for a few days at a time.


gorilla ganja

Well-known member
Great set up. I was hoping it was totally on Sun or wind power, But impressive set up none the less.
Plants look nice and healthy.

Really nice colors in the pipe flower.:biggrin:

Best of luck and may all your Buds be Huge

Peace GG
Thanks GG, I have a wind generator 2500watt invertor/charger and 6 volt deep cell battery bank, but I haven't hooked it up yet. Most of these plants grew up in the greenhouse on a gravity drip. 5 of the plants vegged under 650 watts t5 for 48 days and the rest of the time in the greenhouse with the others. This is 3 weeks before I moved all but the widows to the bud room.



Widows here were just transplanted 10 days old and the yellow ones in 5 gallon buckets 2 weeks old. The yellow plants suffered extreme low and high Temps, but recovered and turned green again.

Thanks Gry, This is what i got going on today. This batch of widows all in a 20 gallon pot are getting big quick, so i topped them a few days ago the same time I lollipop, and now im getting ready to veg them under my scrog net. Once im happy with the folliage density on top of the net i'll flip them into bud and zip up the tent. Reason I set up the tent in the greenhouse is because the plant is too big to move without damage.

Pulled them down with wire and lowered the net down. They were 4 feet tall now they are half that height and 7 feet across. LWill veg another week or two tucking canapoy under the net with tent doors open to sun.


Packer420, ExoticProphet thanks!

I had to move a few plants around today to make sure lights hit as many bud sites as possible. I know i'd have a better yeild if they were'nt so squished together so i've been pulling braches up with small solid core wire on the more airy sativa plants to let light hit more of the bushy indica plants.

Hash: Kinda lime green more than dark green but one of the nicest looking plants i've ever grown.


I flipped on a 200 watt led today in the greenhouse to combat overcast skies. Tonight after the budders go to sleep i'll throw 1200 watts at the greenhouse again for a few hours until the sun decides to come out again. They have perked up really nice since first tuck.

19 days into bud and i havnt fukt anything up too bad. Did some really minor popcorning which may have stunted some a bit, and the lime hash plant is turning darker green with a top dressing of worm poop. The plants in the bud room have just had Lst and some popcorning next to the stalk but otherwise left to grow naturally, but the plants in the greenhouse have been heavily defoliated and popcorned under the net, bent over and scrgged.

Here is a beautiful widow in only 2 gallons of soil standing 4 feet tall with the most advanced bud and pistil formation out of the lot.


This is the top of the widow:


Here is how the canopy looks 79 days into veg on the widows in the greenhouse. Second scrog net will be going in soon.


Inner canopy of the Hash popcorned heavy. Send the power to the top!

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Day 26 Took some big fan leaves off the top and a few lower that were shadding bud sites. Tucked the rest of the fan leaves to bring light lower.

This picture is with the full 2000 watts which raised the temp too high 84 degrees. At 1800 watts now 43% humidity 81 degrees f. I'm starting to realize the limitations of my grow space without adding air conditioners co2 dehumidifiers etc.


Dr Seuss looking plant

When I got my backup genset that also powers my leds in the greenhouse I threw a few more watts into the bud room a total of 1800 watts. The room got too hot...in the lower 80's so I lowered the wattage to 1400 and was much happier seeing temps at 50-60 at night and 70 to 80 degrees f with lights on during the day. This winter; with lower air temps being pulled in from outside I should be able to boost the wattage quite a bit. Ive been without data for a couple weeks so im going to upload a bunch of update pictures. Im extreemly happy with how this grow has gone for me; especially because my last attempt was a failure by my standards. This round is different... lower yeilding plants then I'm use to, but the highest quality bud I've grown so far. In the past ive had a plant or two per harvest that was on par with terpenes, nug density, tricomb density and size, potency etc, but each plant this round is just coated in crystals. Looks like im going to average 3oz per plant of the dankiest dank I've ever produced. Pics...
I started cutting plants down ealier then I ever have before. This THC strain yeilded 2 oz. I chopped it a little early at day 45 because I was too poor to go buy an oz of the local bunk weed. Im happy with that decision. My canopy is too thick and the lower branches aren't producing anything on most of the plants over 4 feet tall. The shorter plants have been raised up so the top colas are all at the same height. When looking at the tricombs under the microsope on this plant the average progression on tricombs was 1 to 5% amber 55% cloudy 45% clear. The hairs are 50% orange on the top bud sites. I chopped this one down to make room for the other plants, get my own supply, and to pay some bills by trading bud. Luckily the quality is so high this round its really easy to barter. As a heavy mj consumer myself I hate to see some of my best go out the door, but i just love hearing smoke reports back from my friends. The results this round are inspiring me to continue to up my gardening game each grow.

