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Off gassing?


Hey guys I'm running 2 strains in my room atm and one is showing signs of what look just like off gassing. Now I have 6 plants 3 Strawberry Cough 3 Ultimate Blueberry. Only the Blueberry are showing signs of off gassing. The construction of my Scrog Net includes PVC for the housing but atm is below the canopy and is not being hit with direct light.

What STRAIN are you growing?
Strawberry Cough & Ultimate Blueberry

What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?)

What is the age of your plants?
30 Days veg + 1 Week Flower

What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?
8/9 Days 12/12

What Technique are you using?

What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.)
Sunshine #4 (Peat Moss + Perlite + Dolomite Lime)

What is the Nutrient temperature?
I hand Water

What Nutrient's are you using?
General Organics Full Line (Except Diamond Back) + Hygrozyme

What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using?
Inert cannot record

What is the pH of the "Tank"?
No Tank

Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment?

When was your last watering?
Last Night

When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional)
Last Night

What size bulb are you using?
600w HPS

What is the distance to the canopy?
12 Inches

What is your RH Factor?

What is the canopy temperature?
Never above 80F

What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range)

What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
8" Hydrofarm Inline Fan Exhaust / Box Fan under plants/ Quantum Breeze Over Canopy all on Full.

Is the fan blowing directly at plants?

Is your water HARD or SOFT?
RO Water

Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched
I cleared up the bottom maybe 5 days ago

Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When?
Exel LG Fungicide Foliar. Few Days ago

Are plant's infected with pest's






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Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
What are the symptoms of off-gassing?

I think that the plants are getting more water than they need. That medium does a great job of retaining water.

Also, how much nutrients are you putting in your water? Are you feeding at every watering?

Blueberry is probably one of the harder plants to grow. Blueberry does not need as much nutrients as other strains. Try cutting your feeding by 1/2 to 3/4 of what you are currently giving her.

Don't panic.

I hope this helps.

R. Fortune


I water every 3-4 days there a little droopy because I let the pots dry out watered and took these pictures.
I'm following the GO schedule I only put in additives every other water but I'm doing a

Feed Base + Additives / Feed Base / Water / Feed Base +Additives


Ultimate Blueberry is
Dj Short Blueberry x Seedism Blueberry coming from his work with Dutch Passion.
She is a fast growing and I thought was a heavy eater do you think this could be a overnute lockout situation?


"easy growing type"
Hi PTone,
Plain water after every feed. Never double up on feeds before watering bro. It gets toxic. At this point try and flush the plant. While flushing try and catch the first rush of run-off. Once you catch it just test it for EC and pH. Please let us know the result if possible. Good Luck..

PS. Did you recently drop the light to 12"? 12" is pretty strong. I usually keep mine at 2 feet or more away for better light coverage but try getting that light to 2.5 t 3 feet away till they recover.. At this point you need her to heal.


24" away for a 600w? I'll try raising it bit but like I said my Strawberry Cough couldn't look any better. Blueberry isn't completely happy. I'll give it a good watering maybe with some drip clean to clear those salts out of there.


Looks like iron def. What's your pH?
Iron Deficiency due to PH would really only occur in a PH of 7<
besides my PH is sitting nicely between 6 - 6.5
Also my soilless has Dolomite as well as my nutrients are PH buffered and I use RO water.

i highly doubt its offgassing

What makes you say that? Care to explain further?

I do have schedule 40 PVC surrounding my plants on all sides. Which is why I was leaning toward off gassing.



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weed fiend
Try bumping your pH up a bit. I usually shoot for 6.5 to 6.8 and never see new growth defs.

IMO, doesn't look like off gassing. I bet there are a few off gassing pics around here for comparison. Have you tried the search?


You say 6.5 - 6.8 are you running soil? Because I'm running a Peat based soilless mix in which you run the PH closer to a hydroponic range.

Also this is a picture from the offgassing sticky.
It looks just like my blueberry for the most part.


weed fiend
yep, peat based soil less

Barring anomalies like poor mix or poor water, (which you already have in check) it's usually EC or pH. Judging by the healthy green of the mid and lower growth, it isn't due to low EC. That pretty much leaves pH to tweak. Opening up the range (either higher or lower) should correct whatever you're seeing. IMO, looks like iron def but there's another micro def that starts at the axial and moves toward the tip. That's a pretty good sign that tweaking pH in the right direction will fix the problem. Best wishes.


"easy growing type"
What is good brother PTone,
Let's try and cover some bases here.. Do you own an EC or pH pen/meter? Can you get access to one if not? To me it sounds like you have done extensive homework and/or this isn't your first rodeo. You're knowledgeable about your substrate and you've come to a sound conclusion of what the problem may be...

I've used ProMixBX for many years and I love the stuff. I'm not saying you use this brand but that it too is a soilless mix. It has all the good shit too dolomite lime etc. Though still if left unchecked my environment became acidic. Could your issue be indeed offgassing? Offgassing as SupermanLives suggested will more than likely not be biased with respect to which plants it'll kill bro. By the way I'm sorry for rambling I just toked some bud and I'm feeling chatty :). Let's try and use the process of elimination as effectively as possible and rule out your medium by getting those numbers bro. Flush the plants and collect the runoff. Don't worry if the runoff is mixed with peat and whatnot. Just funnel it through a clean paper towel to get those first numbers. As you flush the water will become clearer and we'll take another reading a few minutes later to check for differences and so on..

You want your plants to heal hence raise your lights. Sick plants will not make use of lights so close. You'll just be beating them when they are down in my opinion.. Well lets try and get your medium checked and move from there.. What do you think bro? Good luck and we're here to help.


What is good brother PTone,
Let's try and cover some bases here.. Do you own an EC or pH pen/meter? Can you get access to one if not? To me it sounds like you have done extensive homework and/or this isn't your first rodeo. You're knowledgeable about your substrate and you've come to a sound conclusion of what the problem may be...

I've used ProMixBX for many years and I love the stuff. I'm not saying you use this brand but that it too is a soilless mix. It has all the good shit too dolomite lime etc. Though still if left unchecked my environment became acidic. Could your issue be indeed offgassing? Offgassing as SupermanLives suggested will more than likely not be biased with respect to which plants it'll kill bro. By the way I'm sorry for rambling I just toked some bud and I'm feeling chatty :). Let's try and use the process of elimination as effectively as possible and rule out your medium by getting those numbers bro. Flush the plants and collect the runoff. Don't worry if the runoff is mixed with peat and whatnot. Just funnel it through a clean paper towel to get those first numbers. As you flush the water will become clearer and we'll take another reading a few minutes later to check for differences and so on..

You want your plants to heal hence raise your lights. Sick plants will not make use of lights so close. You'll just be beating them when they are down in my opinion.. Well lets try and get your medium checked and move from there.. What do you think bro? Good luck and we're here to help.

I think you're right I see an emerging Mag def.. Is my PH to low or to high? and how would i fix it??



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"easy growing type"
I think you're right I see an emerging Mag def.. Is my PH to low or to high? and how would i fix it??

What is good brother PTone.. Ah I see it there. Since you've been double feeding between watering I'm compelled to assume your pH is too low.

Fixing it is simple but in your case it may prove to be a challenge. You will need to remove the screen for a moment bro. We'll need to get each plant one by one into your bath tub. The bath tub in my case is the simplest way unless you have an open area that can accept the amount of runoff that a flush will produce.

What I personally do is take a bucket (smaller) than the with of the buckets I'm using for the grow and place it in the tub. Then I sit the planter on top of that as to NEVER make contact with the bath tub. I'm sure yours is clean and mine it too but it's still a tub ;). The reason for this is so that you have enough space to position a small cup on the side of one of the drain holes of your planter pot. It is imperative that you capture the very first runoff or you can wait a few seconds till the peat gets washed out before catching the runoff but that first runoff is what holds the answer to your problem.

The general rule is to use three time the volume of water as your pots can hold but I simply keep adding water slowly till the EC and pH stabilize. Remember one important thing. "Don't smash the potting mix" as in add the water moderately as to not weight the mix down but you want the water to enter evenly around the whole top of the planter. As the water disappears go ahead and repeat the process until you see a drip coming out the bottom. Start the collection process when the drip becomes a nice stream of water.

At this point you'll more than likely find low pH and high EC. Now brother you are forewarned when I say this is an extremely laborious process. More like a tiring challenge because when I had to do this each pot took 40 minutes to an hour until it was PERFECT :).

There's a little trick I use to determine when it's done.. As you continue to add water and taking water samples at different intervals you'll notice the pH rising and the EC lowering. There comes a point where the pH levels out and starts to drop again. It doesn't drop below 6 but you'll notice that once you hit 6.6ish it'll start going down again. This is the dolomite lime acting as a buffer. Once you see this happening I can guess you EC is now around 1 or a 500 or lower PPM on a .5 conversion. At this point stop and let the plant recover. Your pot now weighs a ton and you will not feed again until your pots dry up (not overly dry but you get the idea) just let the pots become light in weight. The time it takes for the pots to dry up is about to weeks with Promix BX and about 7 to 9 days with Promix HP.

I like three flushes in my plants life cycle. 1 at the end of veg. Another in mid flower. The last on the pre-cut but again that is me brother. Good luck and I hope this information is useful to you.

PS. Calibrate your gear before testing.. Also let the water drain out thoroughly before placing back in your flowering room. I now remember this is why each took 40+ minutes. If not they'll slowly drain out on the floor of the flowering room causing unnecessary humidity to rise..
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Ok so basically I need to leach the soil of all salts? taking off the screen isn't an option at this point in the grow. Do you think I could water with FloraKleen or something similar maybe twice, then resume feeding?


"easy growing type"
Ok so basically I need to leach the soil of all salts? taking off the screen isn't an option at this point in the grow. Do you think I could water with FloraKleen or something similar maybe twice, then resume feeding?
What is good PTone. This isn't so much of a problem if you can indeed redirect the runoff as I mentioned before. Some people seem to think that using a clearing agent means wetting the soil and its flushed. (Not saying you don't know how to use it brother). Unfortunately you still need to physically see the runoff escaping the planter bro. So even if using a clearing agent you will need to follow that by again dumping massive amounts of water in proportion to the container size to remove toxicity. Everyday you wait to do this will bring you one step closer to failure brother so please try and save the ones that are affected most. I wish you the best of luck and I highly recommend you remove the screen and simply replace it when you are done bro. I'm sure you'll figure it out brother nonetheless the instructions were posted in detail for you. :).