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of all the things you've lost... do you miss your mind the most?


St. Elsewhere
to find yourself you have to go out of your mind,

its from now on how you collect yourself together after a breakdown that is gonna make you,

I gotta say, Cork. You can come off as pretty nutty sometimes, but I usually understand where you're coming from, being a little nutty myself and all.

That said, that was some of the best advice I've ever heard, bro.


tomorow will be a solid week of down time... up to 8mg of ativan a day... not doing shit...

Wifes got my keys tucked away somewheres; bengie - we live closer probably not a good suggestion :D Gave the truck some rash just shuffling vehicles in the driveway... lmao


Active member
I'll be more direct as it seems you're confused by my question (meds do that to a brain sometimes) How long was your stay in the Mental Ward?


My signed copy of the growers bible by Jorge Cervantes. It was signed " "TBL420", I love the mary jane from "through the looking glass" Jorge Cervantes " I had another copy that wasnt signed that i would lend out. I have no idea where it is, i would not of lent the signed copy out.


Heff...sorry ya goin' through this stress...

I like to roll a couple of 3 paper spliffs, put on the radio or some mellow tunes and sink into a hot bath...so hot it takes me 10 mins just to GET IN the tub...and I get out beet red...but the spliffs+hot water=relax/slowed mind/thoughts.

or, Heff, you could use a variation of 'the Hoff' problem solver chart...:)


be well.



Active member
Do I miss my mind?

Do I miss my mind?

Heph , I have to say Im with you as well man. Im Bi polar with about 5 things added to the title. Anxiety and depression being the worst parts of it. I know you dont want to hear it but breathing exercises do help greatly . I have found as well that when Im feeling as you do that smoking does not help. It in fact makes things worse for me. Finding things to occupy the mind can be very hard. Listening to music and closing my eyes helps the most but I skip around from one thing to another like crazy . Its cool that you did reach out here and getting some support from people. Well i could ramble on but just want to tell ya to hang in there and try to keep a bright outlook on things. Ohh one moree thing , where we live winter is long and days are short . Going to a tanning bed helps . I know it sounds odd but it truly does help .


Ativan is evil man, I was on that shit every day for a couple of months and I literally don't remember anything that happened the whole time. Whatever it is you're going through isn't worth taking ativan....


dude im in the same boat im trying to find my mind again after 3 weeks of mental hospital in and outs i get discharged tomorrow

not sure if the hash or the built of guilt is to blame

take it a day at a time, im really trying to regain my focus , but shit is hard dealing with your first manic episode

ativan keep me nothing, i dont kno why i even take them just to sleep

sleep is the hardest part

flow charts help me understand, ive seen many and smoked to many cigs, weed does nothing for me anymore, the break from it is a good thing


to the op when i got out of the that place after a week being in with people with 100x the probs i had

my body was shaking like insanely, i have since calmed and trying to regroup talking to people helps and i understand my words took me over i was so high on iso hash or something. dude i feel for you op.

insurance is for this


one more thing

u dont lose your mind complete like i did

dude i had the cops at my house
show them my micro grow
the one that had a top growing from seed leaves

no felony's so im very happy about that

all the weed mission i did

like 2-3 a week carry 1/2-1 oz on me scale driving blunt rides night ninja robbing people

when i checked back in. apologized to like 5 people, lifted the guilt, now i pay my debts ,

because its my debts that got me here:artist:
o and it was all documented over like 5 days on icmag, i went through every subject


I sorta understand what you mean. I deal with sporadic bouts of depression and sometimes I completely lose myself and feel like a main character in a Dostoevsky novel. But lately I've started exercising a lot and it really helps me. When I'm feeling really down I go to the gym and lift and run until I can barely stand anymore. Exercise alone has worked 10000x better than any pill a doctor has prescribed me.


I sorta understand what you mean. I deal with sporadic bouts of depression and sometimes I completely lose myself and feel like a main character in a Dostoevsky novel. But lately I've started exercising a lot and it really helps me. When I'm feeling really down I go to the gym and lift and run until I can barely stand anymore. Exercise alone has worked 10000x better than any pill a doctor has prescribed me.

exercise cures everything.


I suggest a trip back to the psych ward I don't know you but it seems Bi-Polar disorder and maybe borderline personality disorder might be a problem.


LMAO - thanks for the diagnosis :) I'll stick with the headshrinkers diagnosis - seems to make a lot more sense than yours :joint:


Of all the things i've lost I miss my mind the most :)

Luckily growing ain't that hard... Tried some of plant #2 yesterday... Nice smooth smoke, but holy shit it's a creeper; only had half a spliff, thought I was pretty baked and quite proud of my horticultural talents - about 30 mins later I was friggin wasted...

Off the atavan... onto cipralex, clonazepam and seroquel xr now...

Doing ok, stress leave isn't so bad, other than going stir crazy and having no concentration/focus...

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