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Odor control ????


New member
Hi, ive been growing for long over 3years now in an aparment i lived in as a child. I am moving soon to a much bigger 2 family house, i will be living alone. I need to to know with absolute certanty that iwill be able to nullify the odor/smell coming from my graden especailly during FLOWERING & DRYING/CURING.

I will not be able to simply exahust smelly air outside, as my neighbors will be suspicous.

Simply put, Can these carbon filters & other odor control machines really nullfy the smell of my garden during flowering?????


Active member
Always size your carbon filter much larger than you "need" (From the manufacturer's specs on CFM), and never over-draw a filter with too large of a fan.

My real world example:
I ran a Can 66, with a Stanley blower (Likely flowing about 200CFM, tops), in a room 6x8x7' high.
I had it routed out of the room, and into the cold air return of my HVAC system.
I believe I had 1200 watts running in the room, at the time.
The last two weeks of bloom was always a matter of brewing coffee, spraying febreeze, and generally sweating, whenever someone would come over.
I now use a Can 75 in the room, and a plenum box on the outside, with a Can 100.
A vortex 8"HO fan pulls through the whole mess, and vents into the HVAC return, as before.
Now I have zero smell. Nothing. Only a cop, or another grower MIGHT detect the smell of the carbon itself, but that's a long shot.
I keep a gallon of Ona gel around, just in case, but haven't needed it in a long time.
I have teenagers at home, and my room is top secret, plus.
Oh, and I have two cops living within 500' of my house. (No sweat at all, right??)
One last suggestion. Pick up a deep cycle battery, and an inverter large enough to power your extraction fan. Fully charged, depending on the battery, and fan draw, it should give you several hours of backup power, if the power fails.
I have one hooked up in my garage, with a dedicated extension cord ready to rock. I haven't needed it yet, but it worked great when tested.
Best of luck!


Active member
One of the worst strains for smell, that taught me most of what I know about odor control (Necessity is a mothufugga) was Nirvana Aurora Indica.
That one was a carbon tester. The last two weeks were tense, to say the least.
Since I've upgraded the filtration, I wouldn't sweat it now, but at them time.... Yikes!
Hope things work out well for you.

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