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Odor control


Just finishing my first grow and I feel one of my primary concerns from this round was odor control. I'm using a 6" carbon filter->6" cool tube->6" fan->out. Now I know that order isn't 'the best' because of the negative pressure between the fan and the filter, but I've got it taped up well enough that I'm confident leaks aren't a problem. I originally vented the exhaust to another room, and later I changed it to outside. I was surprised with how much odor still existed after the filtering. The grow isn't huge, it's cabinet with a 2' x 4' floor size that's about 6' tall, built in a closet. There are 3 plants total, standing between 3-4' each. When it was originally exhausted inside to another room, sometimes when you would enter the house you could smell it upstairs (grow is in basement). Now that it's vented outside you can occasionally get a slight odor even with the open environment.

I have elected that before I expand any further (such as to a 4x4 tent) I need to get the odor control issue under control. Is it possible to achieve zero or close to zero odor? I've heard about Ona gel, how well does it work? I've also though about increasing the number of filters. Possibly add a filter->fan->filter setup somewhere in the room to constantly filter the air?


As in the outside of the fan to prevent leaks? I've got the standard green 6" hydrofarm fan, are leaks a problem with them that it needs taped, or just all centrifugal fans?


Active member
Watch u dont blow your fan sucking hot air past it from cooltube when lights on sure that will lower the life span of the fan. My friends who use cooltube go filter>fan>cooltube>exit. Check cooltube for leaks think that can be the problem most of the time sucking in un filtered air from leaks and them passing them stright out make the filter useless. Good luck with the smell problem


1. Make sure your fan cfm matches your filter.
2. Add a second larger filter/fan and seperate your exhaust from your lights
3. Add an ozone generator to your exhaust. This will absolutely kill the odor going outside
4. Add a larger filter/fan to the room and let it recirculate in the room. This will help cleanse the air prior to it being exhausted.
5. You can add a fan controller to your existing setup. Slowing the fan down and allowing more contact time with the carbon may help

Lastly look at the age and brand of your filter. Ev 3-4 cycles you may have to replace your filter. Also everyone gets different results from diff brands. Find the one that work for you. I can only vouch for phresh and can. Good luck

Walt Jabsco

yeah all fans i have seen you need to tape the seams.
the smell is getting in before the filter obviously or it wouldn't be stinky.

Mud Boy

How big is your filter? It may be too small for the space or perhaps your fan speed is too high. How old is your filter? It might need to be replaced, they don't last forever. Ona will help with minor odors (I have an Ona block near my exhaust just in case) but it smells like a urinal cake.


It's a 20" filter that was matched for the CFM rating. This is the first run through with it, so it's new. This is my first grow so I don't really know if I'm just supposed to expect smell, but I want to be completely stealth as far as scent. I've looked into ozone generation a bit since that was mentioned. Anyone ever used that? Any thoughts on if it would work to eliminate odor?


Ozone is great, but only use it in your exhaust duct. It's not good for humans or plants. As far as smell, you'll never get rid of all of it in the room, especially after week 5, but you can eliminate most if not all from your exhaust, which is the main goal. A combo of the right filter and ozone will completely eliminate any traces from you exhaust. Again, it's important to match the ozone generator with the cfm of your fan. My weapon of choice is the Big Blue brand. Double down on odor control. It's probably the number one thing that will put you on the radar...


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
You really want to have the fan directly after the filter, this way any leaks in ducting hoods etc leak back into the flower room to be re-scrubbed.

Also as mentioned, a speed controller would help by slowing the air and giving more contact time as it passed thru the carbon.


Active member
you need a second filter scrubbing all the air in the room., or a vaportek if you wanna mask the smell outside the grow room


Active member
Good shout about the fan controls lads i noticed abit more of a smell this run than normal just thought it was due to running a different strain so went to turn it down abit and found it on full blast (normally run at about 75%) must of knocked it sometime and not noticed. Il keep a eye on it over the next couple of days see how i get on


High humidity and heat can also effect how well the filter is cleansing. I would also put your exhaust fan OUTSIDE the grow if possible to eliminate leaks.

Just a filter will not eliminate ALL of the smell.. even in BEST conditions it will leak a little. The only way to get it 100% is to exhaust the fan into a box with a ozone gen to mix the filter air around first, then exhaust it outside. Just be careful with ozone because it also can potentially leak weird smell.


I already have a fan speed controller on it, currently set on medium. Also for ozone, do you really need a lung box or room to mix it before exhausting it? There's not some sort of inline solution? Also it was mentioned that ozone isn't great for humans and plants, how serious of an issue is this?
I was just thinking about throwing one of the CAP ozone generators in my exhaust duct after the lights. I hope that would work out. I will report back to let you know.


Carbon filter all the way...but we keep ona blocks by entryways...just in case. The Onas are strong smelling initially, but the smell disipates as the block works.



I already have a fan speed controller on it, currently set on medium. Also for ozone, do you really need a lung box or room to mix it before exhausting it? There's not some sort of inline solution? Also it was mentioned that ozone isn't great for humans and plants, how serious of an issue is this?

Yes, to setup the ozone properly you need a lung room (or box). If not, there isn't enough time for it to kill the smell and lose the weird ozone smell. Just a box will do, nothing fancy.

Having ozone smell is almost as bad as bud smell. People think its a weird chem leak and they will call someone in case its a leak of some kind.


Active member
I was surprised with how much odor still existed after the filtering. The grow isn't huge, it's cabinet with a 2' x 4' floor size that's about 6' tall, built in a closet. There are 3 plants total, standing between 3-4' each.

Very surprising. :)

I had 2 ECSD plants going that were only 2' tall. You could smell my place 300 yards away. LOL

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Well-known member
I'm using vinegar, at about a liter a week. Just pour it in open containers (dishes, tuppers) to ease evaporation. It kills smell in a similar way to Ozone, but not that corrosive. It really works, but you have to add some more every day or every other day.

I had a carbon filter but I hated its design, it was impossible to replace the carbon filling so I dumped it after it finished its lifetime.

Vinegar rules.


Active member
Whats the smell of vinegar like does it not stick the place out? Im not knocking it just dont like the smell of vinegar

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