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Odd Romulan seedlings


Active member
All right folks, I popped 4 Romulan beans from Federation that I got with my last seedbay order. All 4 germinated and sprouted fine, but at about two weeks old, only 1 looks normal, and the other three are all either mutated or stunted. 3 Mikados from Federation and 4 of my own cross that are the same age all look like the good romulan, so no problems besides the Roms on this round. First up, the one that's right on track, and looks like all my other seedlings:

Next, the most mutated, and second biggest:

Now, kind of an in-betweener, stunted and slightly mutated:

Last, totally stunted and not growing, and probably about to be culled:

Though I guess grower error or disease are both still possibilities, it would seem strange that only the roms are affected. I've seen grower error account for plants like the last one, but not the most mutated one above. Anyway, certainly not bashing Federation, just wanted to chart my experience. I'll start threads soon with my other seedlings for those interested in comparing.

Dr. Katz



I hate to say this but I also ordered some romulan seeds... and fro 70$ which is way too much IMO... I REALLY hope you just got a bunch of duds... I am not sure I even want to send this MO off anymore...


are you sure you're not heat stressing/overwatering/incorrect ph'ing/feeding them? they can all still make it, but you cant make any more mistakes on that third one! better hurry though! :Bolt:


Active member
You prolly got a hot soil mix what kinda soil are you using?I seen foxfarm do that to seedlings I use pro mix now no more problems. I hope the 1 at the top is a girl :D g'luck


I have 4 Mikado going, I saw your other thread. I also got the packs from Fed. They were a little burned by the FFOFX Ligt warrior mix I used. Next time it will be a less hot starter mix...


Active member
I use a very light soil mix, with lots of perlite and peat moss, so I seriously doubt that they got burned. If it's nute burn, then Romulan is by far the most sensitive strain I've ever grown. I think that it's most likely the seeds themselves, second most likely some kind of disease. Here are pictures of my other seedlings started at the same time, in the same soil, same conditions all around:


Sour Bubble BX3 x Sour Diesel IBL

As you can see, they all look like the good Romulan, with no signs of nute burn anywhere. So out of 11 seedlings, 3 out of 3 Mikados look great, 4 out of 4 sb x sd's look great, and 1 out of 4 Romulans look great, and at least 1 Romulan is a mutant (which isn't necessarily bad, just never heard of nute-burn-mutation). Anyway, lots of people should be popping some Romulan seeds soon, so we should have more info.


Active member
Time2Unite said:
i want the most mutated and second biggest one.
Have you had some good luck with mutants? I've definitely seen some interesting things in the past, but my only other extreme mutant (a True Blueberry from DJ) turned out to be male, and I wasn't interested in males at that point so he got the chop.


Active member
I'm having the same problems.
No one is really commenting on it though, I think they are all too dear to federation.

Honestly I think these might be some BS seeds, not bred right or they're old as hell or something...

I now have 3 seeds out of 10 left and only 2 weren't mutants and actually sprouted.
Most of them would germinate fine, then not sprout out of the soil. I dug a few up and they had deformed cotyledons coming in. One came out deformed, but then took off ok, another grew perfectly fine and the others either a.) didn't germinate, b.) were deformed, or c.) didn't sprout.

I'm very disappointed. Hopefully I will get one good female out of the two seeds that made it though which will pay off the 70 bucks for seeds...

Good luck man, I don't think the plants are your fault. Mine looked the same also and I had other seeds going in the exact same soil mix that came out fine.


I had a really skinny and mutated Romulan cut I got from a club a year ago or so. It was really finicky and the yield was low, but the buds were super compact and very tastey. I don't have any pics..I have to add I have no idea even if they were Romulan or from Federation initially as they came from a club..
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dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
hey ive always had this problem with romulan crosses. pure rom was a real healthy strong plant, but it wouldnt cross to shit without herm or mutation. the ones that did pull through were really good though especially the expansive phenos.


Awsome guys I thank you so much for starting this thread before I sent off my money order.
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That is very odd dr. katz.. i have seen you pop i don't know how many seeds, and at least 90% of them that germ are nice and healthy... your conditions are great.

Is that some webbing i see on the healthy one?

very nice show, as always, i hope you get something very sticky from the good one.


Active member
These were next up on my germ list geez I aint havin much luck with seeds this year I just got over growwing a 165$ pack of all males I might blow a gasket if these are the same waste of time and money
I am half tempted to germ these a few weeks early just to make sure there ok that way I will have time to germ something else


Active member
All right, time for an update. I killed off the yellow one that wasn't growing, but decided I'd see what happens with the others. First up, the one that was looking pretty normal, and is still looking good:

Next, we have the second biggest, and originally the most mutated (but maybe not anymore). It's starting to grow out of it, but it's still kind of weird:

Last, we have the one that was kind of halfway between stunted and mutated, still small, but now a full-on mutant:

So those are my roms at the moment. If the last one doesn't start rolling pretty soon, it might get culled as well, but I'm still curious for now. Anyone else growing Romulan, feel free to post your pics as well.

Dr. Katz


These must be some of the same Federation Romulan seeds that you got. We must have ordered from the same batch because of the time frame. When I popped them in I was cramped for space in my veg cab. The bigger plants in the rear are 5th generation K2 clones. The K2's were bogarting all the light and the Romulans were light starved and did not thrive. So now I'm playing catch up. These were taken on the 16 th of Dec, I'll post some more current ones soon.



I'm thinking you just got a bad batch of seeds, since you have not had problems in the past and have your methods down. Maybe they were stored somewhere too hot at some point in time (before they got there)...that could be just enough to hurt them, but not kill them. I also noticed that some of these designer strains love HIGH PH. in upwards of 7-8 even! of which I really don't like nor recommend, it is a bit odd, but some just like it. I don't know if that is the case here...but in these seed ops, quantity and quality have to be balanced. However, I would still prefer just quality :) But the first place I would think about is either the way the seeds were stored before arrival, or the way the plant was grown that the seed came from, because you obviously know that it was nothing you have done. These things happen, but I don't see it too much with the higher class strains. And germination is supposed to be one of the easiest parts :( only bad thing is since they don't get a great start, they will take a bit to bounce back. Keep them growing and hope for some good females.
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There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Katz: We spoke in chat, and I should be starting my Roms soon. I'll seek you posted :D


Active member
Update: I decided to cull the small mutant, since it was no more than 2 inches tall and 2 inches wide after all this time. This leaves the original mutant, still trying to grow out of it and not completely making it. And the best one from the beginning is still looking real nice, and is one of the best of all my seedlings at the moment. I'll post some pics in the next few days.