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OCD and the use of Marijuana


New member
As of recently OCD has become a pretty big part of my life. I suffer from H-OCD and sexual OCD as some like to call it. :fsu: well, anyway, I've been a chronic smoker since the age of 16-17 and I'm 21 now. I've recently stopped smoking because it was causing me horrible anxiety (maybe because the strain i was smoking is sativa? or maybe because marijuana can just amplify anxiety). Well, anyway, I was wondering if anyone around here has OCD or experienced this before.

I think that i have a firm grasp on this because I didn't let it get built up in my brain. Probably a week after it started I instantly told my mom and dad and girlfriend (which has actually made a huge difference in how my anxiety is... barely any). I've read people who keep it in for 5+, 10+, or even their whole lives. To be honest, I think that letting people know how I've been feeling has been a good medicine and my anxiety has since gone away for the most part, though I do have a little bit of depression. This might be due to the fact that I quit smoking cannabis this Sunday... (September, 28)

Today I went to the acupuncturist and felt great relief after an hour session with him. Im going to the doctors tomorrow to see what my options are. Whether it be an SSRI or cognitive therapy, but I was just wondering if anyone here suffers from OCD and how they deal with it. (meds, therapy, or even marijuana)

I've been doing a little research and people say that strains such as White Russian, any blueberry or strawberry strains really help.

If you have something to add but dont feel comfortable posting it on the forum, please feel free to PM me or whatever. It'd be nice chatting with someone who is going through or has gone through what I am.



one in the chamber
Try an indica strain (like Afghani) and keep your doses as small as possible. That keeps the anxiety down for me!

Green Tucan

I feel you on the anxiety bro. I have a anxiety disorder which is so bad my anxiety some times gets so bad I think im having a heart attack. It also gives me insomia... WHen it gets bad I cant sleep for days. Anyways I too once stopped smoking for 5 months due to a bad shroom trip which made my anxiety rlly rlly high. Anyways I then once smoked a heavy indica which healed me of all my worrys and paranoias its was weird but youd be surprised strain has alot to do with it. I can even smoke sativas and I found some sativas cause panic and some dont. DO what I do smoke a full sativa in the morning cuz thats when u have least on ur mind. Then at night smoke a heavy indica to cure anxiety and sleep nice n long. Perfect medication my friend


Hey ownfive THIS IS FUCKED UP SHIT i've been dealing with severe ocd at 13 to 21 years old these are the worst years of my life!I saw a doctor put me on paxil for 4 years..don't ever take that shit it's addictive and make you very depressed!I went to accuponcture, gym 3 times a week,meditation alot of self introspection and that helped me alot!Weed help me to but in little dose.Like glock23 say a nice indica will do the trick! 2 or 3 little hit or a small joint no more.Now I no longer suffer from ocd stay up bro you will win this fight!
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New member
Well I just visited the doctor and he gave me a list of a bunch of Psychologist/Psychiatrists in my area. He thinks that its great that I've come out and told the people that I loved about how I was feeling early instead of letting it manifest for a while. I'm not going to start smoking again, but I think that I will definitely go down the therapy route before I start any medicines or what not. I'm not going to let my OCD or whatever I have ruin my great life. Positive vibes here, even if my thoughts are telling me otherwise!

Thanks guys. Really helped a lot.


New member
Update: I definitely think that totally quitting weed has made an improvement along with the way that I've been thinking about life. If anyone is reading this with the same problem that I have (i dont think its a problem. its just me) just know that holding what you are feeling in doesn't help. Talk to someone. If not your parents, but a girlfriend/boyfriend or even close friend. It is a weight lifted. Slowly day by day things are getting better. I know that this may be a long road but to be honest this has brought me closer to my family and even my girlfriend. Before I had lost all my communication with them, even though I live with them. I now realize how important my family is to me and how much the love that we have for each other is unconditional.
Marijuana will always be a love of mine and she still holds a place in my heart. She does wonders for many people. At this point in my life, she's on a little vacation. Hopefully with time she'll come waltzing back as beautiful as ever. This forum is great. Love it here. ahhhh, i havent felt this good in a while.


That's good to hear. Were you prescribed any medication and if so which one?


New member
I've not been prescribed anything. And my OCD continues. I don't have the compulsions (handwashing, checking) but I have the obsessions. Pure-O is what they call it. I have an appointment with a social worker on Tuesday, but I don't know if he will be able to help with behavior therapy. But, at the end of the month I have an appointment with a Psyciatrist and hopefully he can help me.

I had a minor relapse on Friday. I took a hit of weed. 1 hit. I totally regretted it afterwards and instantly my thinking went from so-so to out of control. This has made me realize that even though I love marijuana I probably will never be able to use her comfortably again.

Watching Dr. Steven Phillipson's video on YouTube has helped me understand how to deal with the obsessions that I have in my head. The thoughts will always be there, but I know that I would never act on them even when they seem like they are so real. I have my ups and downs and this is just the start of a long road. But! I take a walk everyday which helps, im trying to eat better and it helps, and I don't question or ruminate/dwell on these crazy thoughts. Because that's exactly what they are. CRAZY. I let my thoughts be there and it doesn't create as much anxiety and guilt which is almost like fuel for the fire with this disorder.

Hope this helps. Do you experience any of this tex?


A psychiatrist is a good place to start. They will probably want to start you on some meds and refer you to a psychologist for additional treatment. Both are worth a try. SSRIs have helped many similar to you. You can google ssri ocd and read more for yourself. And of course we are always here for you too.


OCD is hell I tell you I have certain things i need to do each day before I can feel like i can leave the house,make my bed, wash my hands probably thirty times a day vacuum the floor once a day not even to mention to bust out the dust buster clean up any little piece on the floor that I see this shit has been ruining my life since I was about sixteen now I am 22.smoking doesn't help but it relieves pain so I use it.