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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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weed fiend
Interesting and well thought out response....

Because it actually had something to do with your beef? How's the blister, Rosy?

So the messiah did deal a crushing blow on behalf of his corporate masters yes?
Apparently your curiosity of why never materialized.

Did you notice the crushing blow he dealt women's reproductive rights?

the crushing blows to state medical marijuana rights?
Neither has anything to do with the article, only your desire to argue... anything.

this guy is into crushing blows and you're still crushing on him and ready to blow....
I did happen to find out the why part that you appear to ignore.

You need to wake up. Then read the constitution....
If you wish to be relevant, show us where the Constitution says anything about overruling agency proposals.

Id suggest a book but you would read curious george and thinkit was reference material...
Oh, will that reference constitutionality? Anything to do with the subject at all? Obviously no.

what president created the dea?
bonus points:
how did the aforementioned president do so?
Clue - Make a trivia thread that misses the OP. Wait, you're already doing that here. Never mind.


Game Bred
Didnt see the thread......
figured anyone who cared would be watching this thred didn't want to start a new one.
Feel free to move the post. Ohhh wait that's right you only think you are the arbiter of relevance..


Active member
This man triggered Tunisia revolution & the Arab Spring &
in turn,
the OWS movement.


Tunisia: One-Year Anniversary of Mohamed Bouazizi’s Self-Immolation Passes

Saturday marked the one-year anniversary of Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation in Tunisia. The dramatic display is considered by many to have been the catalyst for the Arab Spring protests. Bouazizi ran an unlicensed fruit stand to make ends meet. After a particularly degrading crackdown by local officials and police on December 17, 2010, the 26-year-old chose to set himself on fire in protest of his treatment. The act led to protests across the country, which eventually brought about the ouster of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and inspired activists around the world.


Game Bred
Beautiful idea ogd!!!!

methinks simultaneous immolations in DC and NYC would spark a spring here.
Maybe you in dc and DB in NYC?


weed fiend
I've got an idea. Why don't you bring relevant information of the protest opposition? Or, relevant information of the occupy movement.

There's nothing wrong with satirizing the ideas you happen to disagree. Overdone sarcasm is boring. Despite your most astute inclinations, we're not here to ring your bell.

The funny thing is you have a plethora of opportunity yet yer stuck on troll.


Game Bred
I thought they revoked your arbiter status?
i called the guild they said your seal was no longer valid....

Here is a tidbit.
I could give two shits what a cheerleader for the status quo thinks is relevant.
using the word "relevant" as a tactic from the most irrelevant turbo posting partisan hack on the board is almost as trite as your "context" period a few months back.


Game Bred
Still think DB and OGD could spark an american spring.

But alas their conviction is lacking...

Maybe a drum circle will be as effective.

Hey DB remember when you said no one was making the OWS/arab spring comparisons?
i think you went on for like 3 pages telling me i was wrong...


weed fiend
Yeah, I think you were fear mongering the violent reactions by the military, suggesting we'd get smashed if protests weren't ended. And it didn't take three pages to point out that miliatry reprisal is unlikely here. If you don't like the reaction, you more than anyone knows how to dag, er drag the scenario to infinity.

I'm in the other thread atm. But you're welcome to troll me there.


Game Bred
You posted in this thread from some other thread?
I'd think that is a server side issue?
maybe let a mod know.

Otherwise how is your post relevant to ows?


weed fiend
... using the word "relevant" as a tactic from the most irrelevant turbo posting partisan hack on the board is almost as trite as your "context" period a few months back.


Definition of TRITE

not fresh or original - boring

gawd dayum!:yoinks: Thatta boy, Mr original. You wouldn't have anything to engage without your echo chamber.


Well-known member
Hey DB remember when you said no one was making the OWS/arab spring comparisons?

For the most part, the only peeps making the comparison are the OWS's themselves.


Because they are Arab Spring wannabees

.... but really, yer talking apples and oranges - there isn't that much to compare.

Arab Spring was a legitimate, spontaneous uprising while OWS is just a copy cat - monkey see, monkey do, that is not supported by the majority of Americans even though they may agree with OWS's gripes.


weed fiend
Not to understate the Arab Spring protests, Americans actually protested the G8 summit in the late 1990s, only to succumb to violence, vandalism and mass arrest. Decades, even centuries of American protests have affected legislation.


Populist Movement

· [FONT=&quot]Links to Documents on Populism[/FONT]
· Excerpts from Populist Speeches and Documents
· Mary Lease, speech : good for how women carved out a role in the Populist Movement
· Populist My Country ‘Tis of These Cain and Abel Revisited.htm
· Excerpt from Richard Iton, Solidarity Blues on racism and the Populist Movement[FONT=&quot][/FONT]
· [FONT=&quot] The Progressive Populist is a modern organization, which seeks to revive a populist campaign, minus the racial prejudice that was embedded in some of populism; there are numerous interesting links[/FONT]
· [FONT=&quot]An organization that inherits the populist economic critique: Programs on Corporations, Law and Democracy:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]o [/FONT]--see articles section on this website for interesting perspective, for example: We Gave Our Sovereignty to Big Biz
· The World Trade Organization and Globaloney Jim Hightower is probably one of the best speakers who uses the original populist style and critique, but on modern issues. Here’s an example of one of his populist style speeches on the WTO
· Money: A Populist Perspective --Lawrence Goodwyn and William Greider
[FONT=&quot]o [/FONT]Remarks that suggest the populist movement is still relevant to the future of democracy

[FONT=&quot]o [/FONT]==remarks presented on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Populist Sub-Treasury Plan for financial reform, Dec. 9, 1989 from the Populist-Progressive website


· Excerpt from Mary Jo Buhle, Women in American Socialism
· Mahlon Barnes, Trade Unions’ Role in Socialism
· Quotations from Eugene Debs
· Speech by Eugene Debs
· Socialist Party Platform
· How I became a socialist agitator – Kate Richards O’Hare
· Class Ceiling by Scott Nearing: death vs. class mobility
· The Socialist and the Suffragist by Gilman
· Black Radical A. Philip Randolph
· Mother Jones letter to Mrs. Potter Palmer
· War of the Classes--how I became a socialist—by Jack London (the famous author of Call of the Wild and White Fang)
· The Question of the Maximum by Jack London–questions of how much development the world can sustain
· The Autobiography of Mother Jones
· Excerpt from Eugene V. Debs, Citizen and Socialist
· Selected Photographs of Eugene V. Debs as orator, including one from a Chicago speech

· 19 documents from the IWW
· Jim Crutchfield’s IWW page – links to documents, other material

· Joe Hill, IWW’s troubadour—see selected songs on the website
· Trial of Big Bill Haywood
· Why I am A Member of the IWW
· Preamble to the IWW, 1905
· The Autobiography of Mother Jones
· The IWW home page including IWW Reading Room and Library
· Bisbee Deportation of 1917
· Publications of the IWW used in the Bisbee Deportation case of 1917
· Lucy Parsons, Knights of Labor activist and anarchist, became a member of the IWW
· Memories of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, the “Rebel Girl” (speaking at Northern Illinois University in 1962)
· http://fletcher.iww.org/history.html A treasure-trove of documents and links. Site currently down, but might be back on line soon
· T-Bone Slim Pens “The Lumberjack’s Prayer”
· The Paterson Strike Pageant Program

Postwar Red Scare:
· Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer Makes “The Case against the Reds”
· Red Scare (images and documents-vast collection)
· “I Glanced Up—The Statue of Liberty!”: Emma Goldman Describes Her Deportation in the Era of the Red Scare
· Going to Jail for Saying Lenin was smart
· “The Making of a Red” –satire on how easy it was to label someone as unpatriotic
· Red Scare- major set of photographs from the Literary Digest, a mainstream publication, depicting the great fear of subversion
Sacco/Vanzetti Case

· The Sacco and Vanzetti case- a summary and links
· Felix Frankfurter on Sacco and Vanzetti-essay from The Nation (1927) with links about the nature of the judicial system and why this case was remembered by legal scholars and historians and activists through the 1990s
· “They Are Dead Now”: Eulogy for Sacco and Vanzetti
· “Save Sacco and Vanzetti”: The Defense Committee’s Plea
· “March On, O Dago Christs”: Sacco and Vanzetti Memorialized
· “We Stand Defeated America”: Sacco and Vanzetti in John Dos Passos’ U.S.A.
· Ballad for Sacco and Vanzetti Joan Baez’ ballad
· The Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti
· The Sacco and Vanzetti case- a summary and links

· Harlan: Working under the Gun Harlan Coal Strike of 1931—harbinger of 1930s labor strife
· Which Side Are You On? (legendary song from the Harlan County Miners Strike)
· 40 Documents and lesson plan on the Bonus March
· FBI file on the Bonus Expeditionary Force http://foia.fbi.gov/bonmarch.htm
· One of many, many files—see the long list on this Freedom of Information site-- either of groups or famous persons, that historians and activists have forced the FBI to release in the wake of the Freedom of information Act of the 1970s. These files indicate the continued FBI repression against protest movements. The Bonus March, as the chapter indicates, was a group of veterans who were determined to get aid during the Depression. Yet the army was used to repress their movement. Many of the documents from the 1930s shows the enormous courage people took, despite repression, to express their rights.
· Unemployed Organizing in the Great Depression –oral history
· Unemployed Councils of the 1930s –oral history
· “Like a Thick Wall”: Blocking Farm Auctions in Iowa
· Prelude to “Bloody Thursday” in the 1934 San Francisco Strike
· Congress Investigates the 1934 San Francisco Strike -- stunning stories of the degree of class warfare, the ammunition harbored by employers, and the determination of working class to fight back
The popular solution to the Great Depression was the 30 hour work week, which passed the Senate in 1933, and seemed the destiny of the nation…What happened.? Site has polemical commentary, but cites historical research.

The Great Mass Organizing Drives of the era
· Student Activism in the 1930s Students in the Peace Movement of the 1930s, Reform by student movements
· Excerpt from Robin D.G. Kelley, “Comrades, Praise Gawd for Lenin and Them!”
· Flint Sit-Down audio Gallery—excerpts from Oral History
· “Right After That They Walked Out”: Alice Wolfson Recalls the Origins of the CIO
· “We Are Americans!”: The Homestead Workers Issue a Declaration of Independence in 1936
· “I Was Able to Make My Voice Really Ring Out”: The Women’s Emergency Brigade in the Flint Sit-Down Strike
· “That Broke Down the Ethnic Barriers”: A Steelworker Describes the Decline of Ethnic Hostility in the 1930s
· "The Wagner Bill is behind you!"
· “Right After That They Walked Out”: Alice Wolfson Recalls the Origins of the CIO
· “We Are Americans!”: The Homestead Workers Issue a Declaration of Independence in 1936
· “That Broke Down the Ethnic Barriers”: A Steelworker Describes the Decline of Ethnic Hostility in the 1930s
· “This Is the Pressure That They Used”: Genora Dollinger Recalls the Flint Sit-Down Strike
· “I Was Able to Make My Voice Really Ring Out”: The Women’s Emergency Brigade in the Flint Sit-Down Strike
· “Hello, Mama. We’re makin’ history.” Cartoon on the sit-downs
· “Susie Steno”: A Union’s View of Clerical Workers
· Margaret Darin-- Union Pioneer in Westinghouse Electric
· “The Man . . . Died on My Lap”: One Women Recalls the Memorial Day Massacre of 1937
· 1938 Pecan Shellers Strike (Texas—women at the bottom of the system strike –great primary documents
· The Indispensable Ally: Black Workers and the Formation of the CIO—perspective by Bill Fletcher
· Teacher Lesson Plan: Using Oral History: This lesson presents social history content and topics through the voices of ordinary people. It draws on primary sources from the American Memory Collection, American Life Histories, 1936-1940.
· Cartoonists on the Picket Line: The Walt Disney Studio Strike
· How did we really get the 40 hour work week? http://www.timesizing.com/404040.htm
· Fair Labor Standards Act—the statuteThe Fair Labor Standards Act and Migratory Agricultural Workers The effects of leaving out migratory workers from the child labor and hours provisions of the New Deal (see 1940s dates for more on FLSA and exclusions)

Radicals and repression of the “McCarthy” period
· Hollywood Blacklist- a summary
· List of 200 organizations on the Attorney General’s Subversive List, 1950
· Enemies from Within: McCarthy and Truman Exchange Views – on the paranoia of the era
· Prosecuting and Defending Communists == trials of Communists in 1950s
· Hollywood: Red Nightmare and He Must Be a Communist http://carmen.artsci.washington.edu/propaganda/video/index.html
· Anti-Communist Hollywood propaganda
· “A Damaging Impression of Hollywood Has Spread”: Hollywood mogul testifies before HUAC
· Friendly Witnesses explain WWII pro-Stalin movies
· Material on Joseph McCarthy: http://webcorp.com/mccarthy/mccarthypage.htm
· Hear Senator McCarthy: http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~mcnicholas/E309-Spring98/assign2/military/mcarthy.html
· The American 1950s: Excellent site on the literature and culture of the Cold War. Loaded with material
· Howard Zinn on the history of the FBI: http://mediafilter.escape.com/MFF/FBI.html
· The McCarthy Witchhunt connects homosexuality and subversion of government
· They Want to Muzzle Opinion – John Lawson on HUAC
· You are the Un-Americans; Paul Robeson’s testimony before HUAC
· Lilian Hellman refuses to cooperate with HUAC
· Pete Seeger refuses to “sing” for McCarthy
· Bill Mandel Confronts HUAC in 1960 –by 1960, Mandel’s courage to confront HUAC left him in contempt, but he was contemptuous of the whole proceeding; see it also on film
FBI’s COINTELPRO operation: (it’s operation to neutralize dissenting voices) http://www.derechos.net/paulwolf/cointelpro/cointel.htm
FBI files: see the secret police spying on dissenters, 1000s of files http://www.newstrench.com/01secret/01secret.htm

· Howl by Alan Ginsberg --beatnik poem on the Mad, Mad world of repression; at the time, this poem was censored

Movement Music

· Two songs that show why railroad robber/outlaw Jesse James was a folk hero
· (Woody Guthrie tribute to James) Irwin Silber’s folk song
· “Music Can Make You Feel Like You’re Not Quite So Helpless:” Pete Seeger on People’s Music
· Songs of Woody Guthrie Songs of the Dust Bowl, labor struggles, unemployment.
· This Land is Your Land, original lyrics (including those you won’t sing in grade school)
· Pretty Boy Floyd (comparing bankers to robbers)
· Tom Joad (Ode to famous protagonist in The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck)
· Sixteen Tons
· Hispano Music and Culture of the Northern Rio Grande
· Songs from the Great Depression 100s of songs, including:
· I Don’t Want Your Millions Mister by Jim Garland
· I Hate the Company Bosses Sarah Ogun Gunning – a different type of “country” music
· Northern California Folk Songs from the 1930s

GI Forum: Organizing Mexican Americans

"Our People Were Dedicated": Organizing with the American G.I. Forum
"Our First Poll Tax Drive": The American G.I. Forum Fights Disenfranchisement of Mexican Americans in Texas
"All We Are Seeking Here Is Equal Opportunity": The American G.I. Forum Desegregates a Texas Community's Schools
Fighting Discrimination in Mexican American Education
"To Have Our Own Lawyers Fight Our Own Cases": The Origins of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
"Judged by Your Peers": Fighting Discrimination in Texas Court Rooms

American Indian Movement

“Self Determination of Free Peoples”: Founding Documents of the American Indian Movement (AIM)


· History of Feminist Movements in the U.S.
· Women and Social Movements in the U.S. Lots of primary documents from women’s history; has a teacher’s corner on how to use these in the classroom as a unit. Materials on politics, work, strikes, race and sexuality; terrific photos and documents from the Lawrence Massachusetts strike of 1912 and the Shirtwaist strike of 1909-1910.
· Votes for Women, an on-line exhibit (background) and Exhibit
· Starving for Women’s Suffrage: “I Am Not Strong after These Weeks”
· Jailed for Freedom: woman suffragist remembers prison
· Why Women Should Vote By Jane Adams
· What It Would be Like if Women Won by Gloria Steinem

---see my 1960s page for more
Student Movement

· Bill Mandel’s testimony before HUAC in Berkeley Mandel testified while five-thousand Berkeley students demonstrated outside --
· Free Speech Movement Archives
· Berkeley Free Speech Movement Archives
· Mario Savio’s speech and “End to History
· Berkeley free speech movement reflections
· Personal Narratives from the 1960s
· Port Huron Statement—full version
· Port Huron Statement-short version
· SNCC as part of the student movement
· SNCC position paper on VW
· Diggers Archives
· Summer of Love Archives
· Yippie Manifesto
· Yippie Writings and Yippie advocates
· Jerry Rubin speech to the Yippie Convention (real player)
· Chicago 7 conspiracy trial, with lots of other artifacts, including posters, photos and the surreal trial transcript—also has great links
· Another Chicago 7 website Under construction, but good material, good links, though many not functional
· “It Was Like A Weed:” Carl Oglesby on The 1960s Student Movement
· “Let’s Have a Meeting:” Cathy Wilkerson on SDS Organizing
· “Bigger Than Anything We Understood:” Cathy Wilkerson On The Political Culture of SDS
· “It Was All Men Talking:” Cathy Wilkerson on 1960s Campus OrganizingFree Speech Movement Digital Archive
· Social Protest in the Sixties – by Jo Freeman
· The Berkeley Free Speech Movement and the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission
· The Berkeley Free Speech Movement and the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission
· Chicago Seven Trial
· Declassified Documents on the American Indian Movement
· Conspiracy to Oppose the War in Vietnam by Benjamin Spock Excerpt from It Did Happen Here by Schulz and Schulz (see Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority as companion piece to this
· A Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority

American Indian Movement

· American Indian Movement with link to documents
· Declassified Documents on the American Indian Movement
· “Self Determination of Free Peoples”: Founding Documents of the American Indian Movement (AIM)


WTO History Project “Our unique collection of interviews with protest organizers and participants sheds light on the behind-the-scenes cooperative (and sometimes contentious) relationships among social movement organizations involved in the protests. While many additional materials may be physically examined at MSCUA, we have selected for electronic access from the collection some materials which are most illustrative of the diversity of the protests and which most represent the intense mobilization that made the events so dramatic. Our collection, donated by a great number of generous individuals, seeks to be representative of the diversity of interests that participated in the protests while paying special attention to the role played by organized Labor in these historic events. “

History of General strikes around the world, including U.S.

· Excerpts from COINTELPRO and Perspectives on COINTELPRO and domestic spying/disruption of protest movements—this is a terrific site, searchable for specifics (see bottom of opening page), divided into topics, easy to navigate—for example, section on targeting of King, or targeting of the American Indian Movement, excerpts from the actual FBI files; also CIA domestic spying; Excerpts from books, with dozens of links. For any citizen interest in the fallout from imperial presidency, this is it!
Excerpts from the Church Committee on Cointelpro (1000 pages of the 4000 pages of the Committee evidence)
· Cointelpro and the Black Panther Party –Church Committee’s findings on methods by which the FBI disrupted the Black Panther Party—stunning; just one example of many files that are linked from the site above
· COINTELPRO: The Untold American Story
September 1, 2001. Presented to U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights at the World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa
· How COINTELPRO was established and operated—origins from early 20th Century
· How COINTELPRO worked in the 1960s Excerpt from the Book War At Home by Brian Glick
· COINTELPRO in the 1970s Also from Glick’s War at Home; targeting Black Panthers, American Indian Movement; targeted by Church Committee in 70s, supposedly ended
· COINTELPRO in the 1980s – while not as powerful as in the 1960s, the COINTELPRO operation reemerged as Reagan administration targeted foreign policy dissenters, like the Committee In Support of the People of El Salvador
· Nothing Vague About FBI Abuse: Here Are the Dossiers -article summarizing how FBI surveillance led to violence

General Social Movements by Jo Freeman



Active member
Self immolation of Buddhist priests in the Vietnam war were important symbols then of antiwar sentiment .

Unfortunately I saw an Egyptian protestor today that says Mubarak is still calling the shots in Egypt.

He's in the video of todays headlines here:


Clashes in Egypt Leave 14 Dead

At least 14 people have died in Egypt in four days of protests against military rule. Police and soldiers have used batons, water

cannons and tear gas to push protesters from Cairo’s Tahrir Square. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the "excessive" force used against the protesters.

I remember that guy. I wonder if Bouazizi anticipated his unselfish act would spawn the deposition of Mubarak?


weed fiend
John Boehner: Senate Payroll Tax Cut Will Fail In the House Tonight

First Posted: 12/19/11 11:49 AM ET Updated: 12/19/11 12:34 PM ET

WASHINGTON -- Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he expects House Republicans to reject a Senate-passed payroll tax cut package later Monday and then head into an eleventh-hour conference to hammer out a new, longer-term deal.

During brief remarks to reporters, Boehner said Americans are "tired of Washington's short-term fixes and gimmicks" and that the two-month deal passed by the Senate, and backed by the White House, would not last long enough.

"We oppose the Senate bill because doing the two-month extension instead of a full year extension causes uncertainty for job creators," Boehner said. "I expect that the House will disagree with the Senate amendment and instead vote to formally go to conference. ... And I expect the House to take up legislation that reinforces the need to extend the payroll tax relief for a full year rather than just two months."

By rejecting a two-month extension, Boehner is making a potentially costly political bet that Senate Democratic leadership can and will be brought back to the negotiating table. Congress is running out of time to extend the payroll tax cut, among a handful of other provisions, before they expire at the end of the year. If Congress doesn't act in the next 12 days, a $1,500 middle-class tax hike will kick in, some unemployment benefits will run out and doctors' Medicare reimbursement rates will be slashed.

It stands to reason that Boehner would take much of the blame for this happening. But the pressures coming from within his caucus are equally immense. Members either believe they can get deeper cuts in exchange for a longer extension or they simply don't want to re-litigate the payroll tax cut battle in two months' time.

The early response to Boehner from top Democratic aides was akin to shoulder shrugging. Lawmakers would not return to Washington either to merge the respective bills of each chamber or vote on the House version, one aide said. On Monday morning, meanwhile, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer called it "inconceivable" that House Republicans couldn't simply whip the 40 votes needed to pass the Senate's version, especially after 39 Senate Republicans voted for it on Saturday.

Boehner dismissed the idea he was ever on board with a two-month extension, despite Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) saying Sunday Boehner told him last week to cut a deal with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), at which point Boehner would build support for it in the House.

"We expressed our reservations about what the Senate was doing," Boehner said of his talks with Senate leaders. "I made perfectly clear to Sen. Reid and Sen. McConnell sometime mid-last week that I would not enter into negotiations with them until the Senate produced a bill. The Senate produced a bill; we expressed our reservations."

Top House GOP aides, meanwhile, suggested that even if they tried to get the 40 votes needed for the two month extension, they wouldn't succeed.

"Why would we ask members to do something that is bad policy that we do not agree with?" said one top GOP leadership aide.

"Why settle for bad legislation when there is an alternative? The stated goal for the president, for Harry Reid and for House Republicans is a year-long extension. There is no excuse to be on vacation for 2 weeks until we exhaust every option to achieve that goal."

Hoping to frame his move as a normal turn in legislation-crafting, Boehner said on Monday that he didn't think the House and Senate were too far apart to craft a deal. The House previously passed a yearlong payroll tax cut plan and Boehner called that plan "a reasonable bill" that should be discussed in conference.

But that bill passed the House along party lines and is loaded with "poison pills" that virtually ensure no Democratic support, specifically regarding how it would be paid for. Indeed, the reason Senate leaders signed off on a two-month extension in the first place was because they couldn't find ways to cover the cost of a bill that went longer.


Poison Pills In The GOP Payroll Tax Extension Bill:

Blocks Environmental Review of Keystone Pipeline

Requires Mandatory Drug Testing

Requires GED/Training Programs for Unemployed

Deregulates Incinerators and Boilers

Strips Preventive Health Care Fund

Closes The 'Strip Club Loophole'

Requires Children's Social Security Numbers

Slashes Unemployment Benefits

I think the writer missed one of the riders. There's something about deregulation of open-pit mining for ASBESTOS and coal.

This is just a bunch of shit that wouldn't pass on it's own so they load up THE preeminent bill of the moment.


Active member
you may be on to something DAG.

If the entire Entire Executive branch would self immolate on national TV; we could hold brand new elections &

just start over........including a new Constitution; since the old one's in shreds.

Still think DB and OGD could spark an american spring.

But alas their conviction is lacking...

Maybe a drum circle will be as effective.

Hey DB remember when you said no one was making the OWS/arab spring comparisons?
i think you went on for like 3 pages telling me i was wrong...
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